HCG Reconstitution Question...


HCG reconstitution question...
So today was the first time I've ever reconstituted HCG. I forgot to draw out air from the HCG powder vial before I added the water to it. It was very hard to press all of the water in the vial because of the pressure. When I drew out the mixed HCG for my first injection, I didn't have to draw because of the pressure. It was pushing out on the syringe. I actually had to fight the plunger back down to to my dose of 200iu's. I guess my question is about the pressure within the vial. I was able to mix the HCG effectively with the proper amount of water. Will the high pressure state of the vial damage the HCG? Thanks
stick the tip of the needle in the vial and start drawing out air, I do this after I add my water. Ill draw out 2 or 3 mL of air. What used to happen before was I'd load my HCG dose and when I'd pull the needle from the vial, the pressure inside was so great that I'd get a little spray as the rubber stopper closed up behind the needle. Drawing out the air stopped that from happening.
Avoid building pressure in the vial in the first place.
Using a 10 ml syringe slowly and gently drip a few ml of diluent in to the vial. Pull back the plunger to allow the air to bubble up through the diluent in the syringe. Repeat until all diluent is transferred. When done either pull the plunger back to evacuate air and cause a slight vacuum in the vial or pull the plunger out to equalize so that there is neither vacuum nor pressure. When uptaking a dose always inject a volume of air equal to the volume you intend to withdraw.
There is very slight risk of contamination by air, but this works for me any time there is either positive or negative pressure within a vial. Take your smallest needle/syringe and pull the plunger out of the body. Stick it into the vial in an upright position so the needle is not down in the solution and let it vent/equalize.

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