HCG Questions

Some clarifications on this: The estradiol is a result of aromatase—"Leydig cells have a high capacity for aromatization and ... hCG can acutely stimulate aromatization independently of stimulating testosterone synthesis in vitro."[1] The reason this estradiol production is resistant to AIs is due to the high concentration of intratesticular testosterone relative to serum levels, ~40 times greater.[2] My assumption is that it's not practical to make intratesticular AI concentrations high enough to counteract this.
Excellent, thanks @Cataceous
So this week I started HCG. Monday the doc gave me the first shot in the office to show me how its done. 25 units. This doctor actually carried HCG (compounded pharmacy I assume). I will be injecting 25units 2X weekly, Mondays and Thursdays. I did feel a little weird after the shot, like I had too much coffee. But it quickly passed. That evening I felt a strange sensation in my testicles, almost like a mild case of blue balls. I wonder if it could be working so soon.
The powder in the vial is all stuck in the bottom. When I shake the vial it doesn't move at all. Is this normal?
This doesn't sound right. I get my HCG from EMPower and I have to mix the powder with Bacteriostatic water. You should not see powder on the bottom of the vial after mixing.
This doesn't sound right. I get my HCG from EMPower and I have to mix the powder with Bacteriostatic water. You should not see powder on the bottom of the vial after mixing.

It’s just a matter of waiting an extra day for it all to dissolve. I use Empower as well. I had the box of HCG and bacteriostatic water in the fridge for a few days before reconstituting. I then reconstituted it, and there was white powder stuck to the bottom. I let it sit in the fridge for a day or two before using, and all the white powdery was dissolved.
So this week I started HCG. Monday the doc gave me the first shot in the office to show me how its done. 25 units. This doctor actually carried HCG (compounded pharmacy I assume). I will be injecting 25units 2X weekly, Mondays and Thursdays. I did feel a little weird after the shot, like I had too much coffee. But it quickly passed. That evening I felt a strange sensation in my testicles, almost like a mild case of blue balls. I wonder if it could be working so soon.
The powder in the vial is all stuck in the bottom. When I shake the vial it doesn't move at all. Is this normal?
I've never heard of that low of dose before. I wouldn't expect much from 25iu twice a week.
This doesn't sound right. I get my HCG from EMPower and I have to mix the powder with Bacteriostatic water. You should not see powder on the bottom of the vial after mixing.
No I haven't mixed it yet. I will be doing it tonight. What I meant was, the powder looks like its caked on the bottom. It doesn't move around when I shake the vial. BTW it appears that this is also from empower
When I mix my HCG with my BAC water. I just fill the vial with the BAC water and let it sit. I usually mix it a few days ahead of time, I let the powder and water mix on its own.
When I mix my HCG with my BAC water. I just fill the vial with the BAC water and let it sit. I usually mix it a few days ahead of time, I let the powder and water mix on its own.

Exactly what I do, and it eventually all dissolves. Shaking it will destroy the HCG. I try not to even roll it too much. A good rule of thumb is, if you make any bubbles by shaking or rolling it, it’s destroying the HCG molecules. You never want to see bubbles.
I've also just today bought 25000IU of Pregnyl so it's definitely not been discontinued.

You guys are getting me excited lol. I really hope they are still making it, as I would like to eventually go back on it if it’s availability becomes consistent again. My local pharmacy would be able to get it, then they wouldn’t for a month or two, then they would, etc. Are you guys sure that these aren’t bottles that were made a while back? I can still get Pregnyl from a compounding pharmacy around me, but they are the same bottles they’ve had for a while now. I heard that the manufacturer of Pregnyl stopped production, but I really hope that’s not the case.
HCG/Pregnyl discontinued?

I obviously hope they’re still making it. I think it was at least discontinued at some point though, because GoodRX had coupons for Pregnyl for $113 at CVS forever, and then it jumped up to literally over $1000, no lie. Now it’s back down to what it was before. So maybe they discontinued it, and decided to start making it again. That’s at least what I’m hoping.
Does not appear to be discontinued?
I was told quite a while go it was discontinued as well..... but I think that means 'we no longer carry it and we want you to use our alternative rather than look for it elsewhere'

Those slick motherfckrs! Lol. I think you’re probably right. I think CVS was tired of me special ordering it or something, as they don’t usually stock it. Or maybe Merck fell behind in production for a while or something. It even says that it is still “backordered”. Either way, looks like they are definitely still manufacturing it. So thank you very much for that! I didn’t realize you could just look it up on their website like that. I obviously feel stupid for not thinking of that lol.
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