Hcg on trt for testicle size


New Member
Thanks for replying lads
Hcg I am usein is from a source
Not from a pharmacist
It is 5000iu pregnyl blue and white box
First lot I mixed it with 5ml of water for injections... used it 2 shots a week 500iu and my nuts were like very small grapes.. never hung down..
Then I opened up new bottle
Mixed it with 2.5 ml of sodium chloride water..
and I'm doin the same dose.. in my shoulders. My sack is always tight
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I been kind of wondering the same. Ive tried a 200ui EOD low dose schedule, the 500ui e3.5d schedule, but they seem to be about grape sized. Only for the first 3 injections or so of a new bottle does it feel like it is doing anything. other than that it may as well be water.
hard to believe 500iu 2x is doing nothing but i guess anything is possible. where are you obtaining your hcg? and what brand? potency can vary. maybe mixed too much water by mistake??
I have had many bad vials of HCG before... it's like it does nothing, as suggested above might as well be water. However I buy mine from online offshore pharmacies. So I suspect the quality and or storage of these generic meds is not the same as you would get if it's Rx'd to you in North America. There is another thread on not all hcg is equal somewhere here.
Having the same issue. Tried compounding pharmacy hcg first at 500IU x2 week. Nada.

Then got a prescription for Novarel, 1000IU x2 week. Nada.
I always felt I had low testosterone levels as I use to cycle on and off for years on 8 week cycles and never done a full ptc properly.. totally stupid I no..
Since then my levels were super low..
I got blood work and my levels said they were 0.6 range they should be in was ( 0.8 - 28). So I went on hcg 500iu e.o.d for 1 month
Then ran clomid and nolvadex
And I see my nuts come back and hanging down great feeling as years since I seen them😂 I waited 3-4 weeks then got more bloods and my levels were now (10.2) but I could not put even a small bit of muscle on..
so I went on trt.. I am finished with taking steroids I just want a normal life now and normal test levels..
I am 36 now
So do you think I should take 3 shots a week of 500iu..

Agreed with Vince. I've had great results with eod protocol. There was a time when I was using 2000IU a week broken up into 4 shots to maintain. Now I do 300IU eod and that works better than waiting more than 2 days between shots. EOD or every day IMO. Lower doses but more frequent injections seem to be a good rule.
I wonder if it has anything to do with whether you're primary or secondary. I've never noticed anything different happening with my nuts using hCG. No increase or decrease in size. No increased sense of well-being some guys talk about.
I wonder if it has anything to do with whether you're primary or secondary. I've never noticed anything different happening with my nuts using hCG. No increase or decrease in size. No increased sense of well-being some guys talk about.

Hey been awhile since I wrote back..
I got more blood work
Test 8.8 nmol (8.6-29.0) ranges
LH 1.7 (2-9)
Fsh 2.3 (2-12)
SHBG 22.0. (16.5-55.9)
GF1 220 (109-324)
Cortisol 319.
Total prolactin 274 (86-324)
HbA1c 28 (20-42)
I went to see a doctor who sent me for mri of the pituitary gland see if there’s tumor
All clear results... he rang to say..
I’m booked in with Endo doctor ‍⚕️ what would you think they will do for me... iv still no real sex drive and testes are still very small... and I get bad anxiety we’re I feel sick and can’t breathe..

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