I am going to try and get hold of the lab when I can. Thanks for the info.
I have spoken to my Dr. Well, he gave me a call but unfortunately I missed it but he left a message. He suggests I either increase my
HCG dosage (Becuase I haven't spoken to him he doesn't know about my sides from HCG) to 1500 ius a week. Obviously not going to do that! Or add in Sustanon 250 every two weeks and keep on a low dose of HCG to prevent testicular atrophy.
He also mentioned I could split the dose of Sustanon 250 if I wanted to, so half of it a week. Now I don't really know much about Sustanon, all I read about is Testosterone Ethanate injectable wise.
Can someone please advise me what to do? I would rather stick to the protocol that most do, (a couple of injections a week) to avoid a hormonal rollercoaster.
He is expecting me to ring back and let him know what I would like to do. He is a good guy and a caring Dr. The amount of times I ring him and he gets straight back to me! Does not charge me for phone calls etc and isn't just trying to lure me into the office so he can charge me.
I really want to feel well so just trying to get over this confusing Sustanon hurdle.
Thanks again for for all of your help and guidance.