Has anyone experienced a reduction of their blood pressure after discontinuing HCG? Ive been using 500iu HCG SQ q3 days, and eI've been having pretty consistent high blood pressure. Before getting on meds, I want to attempt to d/c the HCG first after reading from some other users about their anxiety/flushing symptoms. Im an otherwise healthy male, 180lbs 5'10, been on TRT for well over 5 years but I've really just began to take my blood pressure pretty seriously. I use 20mg trt everyday for a total of 140/week sq and i take kyolic garlic, Hawthorne berry, Magnesium, and some extra potassium to help the blood pressure just for some at home remedies, but nothings been helping. My BP on my at home monitor averages usually 140s/90s (sometimes lower, I've never been lower than 130/80s). Total T measures 700-800 and estradiol usually in the 30s, H&H is on the higher side but never more than 50 HCT