New Member
I lowered my dose from 120mg (was on for over a year) slowly down to 90mg a week over a few months, just recently (2 weeks ago) split it into 3 times a week MWF 30 mgs per. SInce then I feel more emotional, depressed, anxious, my nipples are really sore, I am more TIRED and ACHY all over, Libido is still good, strength is good, but after I workout I have to lay down for a bit, Take 2 naps a day, getting 7hrs of sleep a night....Have any of you been through this? I am hoping it will balance out...Not sure how long it takes?? Lowered dose due to not feeling well, tired, achy, ran blood and test was over 1100 day before shot, high HCT and HGB have always been a problem and donating crashes my iron... Please help???
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