Has anyone had success in restoring fertility with FSH?


New Member
Bit of backstory:

I've been on TRT for about 5 years. Before starting TRT, we were able to become pregnant, however we lost that child. With that said, I know I didn't have any underlying issues before TRT. I'm 36 and wife just turned 37.

In early 2022, I started taking blackmarket HMG from a trusted source in an attempt to restore fertility, however after 7 months went by with nothing to show. I started to wonder if it was fake. I then obtained a prescription for Gonal-F and have been taking that for about 70 days. I'm thinking about getting a prescription for HCG, but FSH is already pretty expensive.

I'm still taking a small amount of Test(100mg) each week. I tried the enclomid, but had a nasty side effect of ED. Certainly in beneficial for our goals. I'm tempted to try it again, but it felt like it took forever for the ED to go away last time.

Anything additional I can do? Obviously, time is somewhat of the essence due to age. We don't smoke, drink, take vitiamins, COQ10, etc and otherwise live pretty health lifestyles.
Bit of backstory:

I've been on TRT for about 5 years. Before starting TRT, we were able to become pregnant, however we lost that child. With that said, I know I didn't have any underlying issues before TRT. I'm 36 and wife just turned 37.

In early 2022, I started taking blackmarket HMG from a trusted source in an attempt to restore fertility, however after 7 months went by with nothing to show. I started to wonder if it was fake. I then obtained a prescription for Gonal-F and have been taking that for about 70 days. I'm thinking about getting a prescription for HCG, but FSH is already pretty expensive.

I'm still taking a small amount of Test(100mg) each week. I tried the enclomid, but had a nasty side effect of ED. Certainly in beneficial for our goals. I'm tempted to try it again, but it felt like it took forever for the ED to go away last time.

Anything additional I can do? Obviously, time is somewhat of the essence due to age. We don't smoke, drink, take vitiamins, COQ10, etc and otherwise live pretty health lifestyles.

Have you ever seen a fertility specialist or had an SA done?

Would take hCG any day over FSH or hMG.

Forget FSH solo let alone hMG.

You need hCG and combining it with FSH would be better!

*The findings suggest that normal qualitative and quantitative sperm production is best maintained in the presence of both FSH- and LH-induced testosterone secretion. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in conjunction with FSH is a common regimen for inducing spermatogenesis

*Although hMG has both FSH and LH activity, FSH activity predominates, and LH activity is so low that fertility requires a combination of hCG and hMG

Look over post #3

Post #5 (numerous threads to rip through!)
Bit of backstory:

I've been on TRT for about 5 years. Before starting TRT, we were able to become pregnant, however we lost that child. With that said, I know I didn't have any underlying issues before TRT. I'm 36 and wife just turned 37.

In early 2022, I started taking blackmarket HMG from a trusted source in an attempt to restore fertility, however after 7 months went by with nothing to show. I started to wonder if it was fake. I then obtained a prescription for Gonal-F and have been taking that for about 70 days. I'm thinking about getting a prescription for HCG, but FSH is already pretty expensive.

I'm still taking a small amount of Test(100mg) each week. I tried the enclomid, but had a nasty side effect of ED. Certainly in beneficial for our goals. I'm tempted to try it again, but it felt like it took forever for the ED to go away last time.

Anything additional I can do? Obviously, time is somewhat of the essence due to age. We don't smoke, drink, take vitiamins, COQ10, etc and otherwise live pretty health lifestyles.

Many do not know this!

*Human menopausal gonadotropin contains both LH- and FSH-activity. However, a dose that provides adequate FSH activity does not maintain Leydig cell function because the LH-activity is low. Thus a combination with hCG is required to achieve fertility
I’ve posted my experience a few times here but was on TRT for over 2.5 years and was struggling to get my wife pregnant and self tested myself to be infertile using a home test kit.

I read some research on here that we pretty conclusive about the use of hcg and FSH or hmg. I could get hmg at the time from China from what looked like a reputable supplier and bought 5 months supply and took 75mg dose EOD alongside hcg 500iu every other day tapering down from a higher dose in the first few weeks.

TRT continued during this time and after 3 months wife was pregnant and our daughter is now over 2 and doing great.
I’ve posted my experience a few times here but was on TRT for over 2.5 years and was struggling to get my wife pregnant and self tested myself to be infertile using a home test kit.

I read some research on here that we pretty conclusive about the use of hcg and FSH or hmg. I could get hmg at the time from China from what looked like a reputable supplier and bought 5 months supply and took 75mg dose EOD alongside hcg 500iu every other day tapering down from a higher dose in the first few weeks.

TRT continued during this time and after 3 months wife was pregnant and our daughter is now over 2 and doing great.
so you neever got off? when you were on tRT were you using HCG as well?

congrats by the way

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