44 when I started injections. Called it a fog, but it was a headache for 18 months.
I was always healthy, ate healthy, got plenty of rest. Biggest stress was self employed and wife. I did triathlons, ultramarathons, hiking.
I was always tired, could barely workout and mow my lawn and clean garage in the same day without recovering for a day. I use to be the energizer bunny. Could not figure out why workouts were getting worse and gaining wait unless I did 24 hour fasts at least 2x/week.
Read, read, read and read some more. Looked at this site, peakt, allthingsmale. Took me 6 months to finally decide to get blood work.
TT 365, everything else was good. Although 365 was within normal limits the Dr. said a little low.
She wanted to do pellets, but reading and learning I knew I was on my own unless I got on
Defy which I didn't want to spend. I asked for injections and she was ok with it.
I was scared out of my mind when my nipples started hurting like hell. She said normal.
Now: My workouts actually work. I am muscular and usually 2 weeks out from a full six pack. Libido is great, when before it was only so/so.
My biggest suggestions. Eat right, get the right amount of sleep. Exercise like your life depended on it. I have experimented with it over 1 1/2 years and what has caused good times and bad. The bad: bad eating habits, lack of sleep. The good: exercise has helped regulate E2 with high intensity workouts like tabata, no rest between lifts, sprints, airdyne.
If I get a good nights sleep my wood is strong in the morning and my libido is good. When I drink alcohol too much I start feeling shitty and I might as well tape calories on my belly.
I do not regret it at all except shrunken nuts that tuck up. My wife said she didn't notice, but I do.