Your fears regarding "underdosed" bottles can be at ease due to the fact that no pharmacy, 503A or 503B, can dispense any sterile injectable without first passing third party analytical testing to confirm sterility, potency, and endotoxins. The test must pass FDA standards before being released from the lab. There might be cases of "underfilled" bottles due to loss of medication during transfer into the injecting syringe, there is a post covering this issue on EM. Empower and APS overfill their bottles by 1ml to compensate for this loss although its not a requirement. All US compounders obtain their raw materials from an FDA approved supplier, same as the commercial manufacturer. Where the differences remain are with customer service, dosage form quality, presentation (packaging), and in-active ingredients used. For example, some pharmacies do not adjust Ph to make the injection less reactive. Others use cheaper carriers, such as cottonseed oil, which can be thicker and more difficult to work with. Dont forget, you can request a copy of your batches analytical report at any time- every pharmacy has to provide this to doctors/patients upon request.
I personally use testosterone from Empower, APS, and Hallandale and never had issues with either. In addition, hundreds of patients who monitor labs at least twice per year are using one of those three pharmacies so any batch anomalies would be detected as they wouldnt be isolated to a single person (everything is made in large batches).
With that being said, I am co-directing operations at
Empower Pharmacy and am working hard to build a full service catalog that will serve our field and clinics like
Defy and Prime Body. In roughly 2 months our catalog should be complete to include injectable nutrients and many of the ancillary/adjunctive medications we use. If you are a
Defy patient and would like to request a specific pharmacy just let the staff know upon checkout. Empower is licensed in all 50 states so there should be no limitation due to location.