Greetings from India


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I am a 33 year old male from India. Here’s my history:

I’ve been thin all my life (and was severely underweight) till 2003. It had to do with the highly stressed environment I grew up in (threatening, filled with shame and guilt), poor diet (no non-vegetarian food till I was 17 years old, some pretty serious psychological problems from my childhood (and early 20s) such as abandonment issues, chronic social anxiety, very low self-esteem, shame, etc.) I am sharing this because we know chronic stress screws the whole body, and especially the endocrine system.

1999 (18 years old): I moved away from home for good. I also joined a gym in the new city. I was underweight (the girl I was dating was 48 kgs and I was 45 kgs). It was not funny back then.

2002 (21 years old): My blood reports showed that I had low testosterone – LH, FSH, Prolactin, SHBG…were all normal. I was Hypothyroid (subclinical hypothyroidism). The doctor (Endo) looked at my testicles and said everything was normal. He did a brain MRI and that was normal as well. I had gone to the Endo due to fatigue, low self-esteem, and inability to gain muscle. I researched T and went back to him asking for T replacement, but he refused, even after diagnosing me with secondary hypogonadism.

Between 2002-2003: I went to 3 different Endos and all of them said no to T replacement (I was young, the T levels were within range, the MRI was normal, etc.). Blood reports from 2 separate labs showed low testosterone (always below 350 ng/dl).

2003 (22 years old): I was suicidal (it used to come and go) and went for psychotherapy. That made me feel much worse. The same year, through sheer luck, I came across a guy who had been prescribed 50 mg of Deca Durabolin (weekly) for weight gain by his doctor (a GP). I researched the drug and found a truckload of info. I was hooked.

In 2003, I did a 6 week cycle of Deca (200 mg) and Sustanon (250 mg) (easily available here). I gained weight dramatically – and it was, without a doubt, one of the best periods of my life. It wasn’t just the weight gain – my mood and my self-esteem went through the roof. I wasn’t suicidal anymore. I continued with the psychotherapy and I improved a fair bit.

(I had planned an 8 week cycle, but the gains in 6 weeks were so profound, that I stopped at the 6 week mark.)

However, I was poorly informed about aromatization, diet, exercise, etc. While I gained significant muscle from all the weight lifting, I also gained belly fat from all the rice, fried foods, and beer that I guzzled.

2010 (29 years old): Severely depressed due to the global recession and the way it impacted my work. Went to a new Endo. He did a comprehensive blood test and the results were the same (low T, low thyroid, LH & FSH normal, high cortisol). I went for a brain MRI again and the report said everything is normal.

2012 (31 years old): In late 2012, I decided to resume psychotherapy. Partly because my social life was a mess, and partly because my work was affected. The new therapist was phenomenal; I stayed in therapy for 1 year and improved dramatically. The blood test results in early 2013 were similar to the results in 2010.

2014 (33 years old):
Mentally, I’m in a much better place now. I believe in self-help and I am no longer depressed (except for the rare episodes which depression-prone people go through). I have almost zero anxiety and I practice mindfulness and meditation. My income is good, I have a decent social circle, and I have moved on from all the childhood stuff.

My current health issues:
I was myopic and underwent Lasik surgery in 2005. In 2010, the eye doc said I am a Glaucoma suspect. Over the last 3 years, I have been to the eye doc 6 times (semi-annual visits). All reports are normal. The aberration in the optic disc is common to myopics (I have extensively researched Glaucoma, vascular disorders, neurological disorders -- since they're related). I still need to visit him routinely, though.

Family history: My younger brother had an episode of retinal vasculitis with vitreous haemorrhage in 2011 (excessive alcohol, lack of exercise, lots of smoking, and financial stress). My mother has episodic migraines which resolve with fasting. These are the only health issues in the family. My brother is completely cured now. I worked with him on his diet and he fasted 2 days a week, and he was OK within 3 months. There's no been recurrence.

As for me, I still fatigue easily – even though I rest well, eat clean (for most part), and stay away from alcohol and smoking. My libido is OK (I have morning erections now and then), but I have noticed that my risk taking abilities (launching new projects) has declined. Sometimes I needlessly worry about my health, and I am sure that aggravates my stress.

I am interested in T research for several reasons:

1. Mitochondrial disorders
2. Vascular disorders
3. Neurological disorders
4. Rheumatoid / Autoimmune disorders

Current stats:

Weight: 67 kgs (28% BF; 28 BMI; 13% visceral fat; body age = 47; from a step-on Body fat monitor)

Waist: 36 inches (it should be 30-31 inches considering my height and frame…..have to lose 5 inches)

Height: 5’10”

I went for a blood test early this week:

Total T: 335 ng/dl (241-827)
Cortisol: 22.88 ug/dl (22.40)
Estradiol: 34.47 pg/ml (<39.80)

Liver and Kidney panels were normal, except for elevated Urea (49 mg/dl (17-43)). I believe it has to do with dehydration in my case (it’s hot here and I drink about a litre of water a day, plus I drink 3 cups of coffee a day).

Over the last 10 years, I must have had 8-10 blood tests for T -- every time, hoping that there is an increase. It has been below 350 ng/dl every single time.


After this week’s reports came out, I started searching for info on T and came across this site. Without a doubt, this is one of the best forums on improving T levels ( is another), and on improving health in general. The folks here are very well informed and I believe if one is looking to discover good health, it can be found here on Nelson, Chris, and I am sure there are other geniuses, are better informed (and more progressive in their thinking) than several Endocrinologists.

It’s a long post, but you know what they say…until your doctor knows what he needs to know, he can’t help you. In the last 6-7 years, this is the longest single post I've written. ;) I will complete the other blood tests in the next week and present my reports here.

I am very pleased to be a part of this forum. I know what T can do, having experienced its magic once. I know the importance of hormones and why fat loss and muscle gain is impossible without them. I also know I have come to the right place to learn more about the human body. Many thanks to Nelson and the other brilliant minds who keep this forum running.

P.S. I want to purchase Nelson’s ebook on T (A man’s guide), but Amazon isn’t selling the ebook any more. The hard copy will take a month to arrive, so if any of you can guide me to a seller (ebook), I’ll be very grateful.
Mocha, thanks for joining, we're pleased you found us! Before I forget, here's the link Nelson provided to get his book ..
Check it out and see if you can purchase it there.

Man, that's some story! We appreciate you sharing it with us. I know you have produced a lot of labs as of late, and you're taking more. With the latest set of labs did your physician talk about getting you on some sort of treatment for testosterone? If you can post some of these labs it would be good to see. I'd like to see your iron & ferritin labs, also any updates on the thyroid numbers? Are there any medications you are taking for any of your conditions? The E2 assay you provided isn't really going to give us much to work with. The gold standard for men is the sensitive or ultra-sensitive assay. Although your provided lab is at the top end, but within the reference range, one of the sensitive assays might paint a completely different picture. I don't know how accessible some of these labs are in your region, but please just check-in to it with your physician.

Again, glad you joined! Keep us posted ...
Hey Chris,

Thank you for replying. :)

The link you've shared is for the paperback version; I'm looking for the Kindle version so that I can start reading it right away. The paperbacks take a month to arrive since they're imported from the US. If I can't purchase the ebook, I'll order the paperback (the wait is going to kill me, however). I am currently 50% through with Built to Survive -- it's an amazing piece of work. I'd love to start reading 'T - a man's guide' ASAP. One of the reasons I want to read it right away is because I want to opt for a private consultation with Nelson. Logically, reading his book would be the first step in the process (and his site says that as well).

I am currently not visiting a doctor. One of the reasons I've joined this forum is to educate myself of the risk:reward ratio and decide on a protocol that suits my goals. The doctors here shy away from prescribing hormones. I have seen 4 Endocrinologists over the years and none of them were enthused about administering T. I don't have major bodybuilding goals and I am no underwear model -- I just want to lose the belly fat, gain some muscle and energy, and lift my mood.

I'll go for the remaining tests next week. I'll check with the lab if they have the sensitive E2 test. Will update the appropriate forum.

I know it's a long post, but therapy has taught me to speak with an open heart and share the important points without hesitation. We all have our troubles and issues -- and sharing is the best way to let go of the depression, the anxieties, and the self-judgment. In fact, for a long time I stayed depressed because I was masking and hiding my depression. I believe I am among smart, educated, informed people -- and that gives me the strength and the confidence to speak up.

EDIT: I've just finished Built to Survive -- what an awesome book. Highly informative. I have gone ahead and ordered the paperback version of 'T - a man's guide'.
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