Greetings after 2+ years of TRT (and more, way more...)


New Member
Hey all, over two years ago I made an introductory post after being on TRT for a few months. I wanted to provide an update.

Originally I went on TRT through Defy Medical due to low-T symptoms, some of which felt severe to me. The worst symptoms were depression, mood swings, tiredness, and fatigue. The former came to a head one day when I broke down and cried most of the day, going "WTF is wrong with me?" The latter occurred when driving: I'd nod off after maybe 15-30 minutes in the car, even after a good night of sleep. My eyes were dry, and I'd get cross-eyed too. This all happened even with a decent diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. No one else I knew would fall asleep so easily while driving a car. Initial T levels were 445-495 ng/dl total T, and 7.5-9.3 ng/dl free T. E2 was 17, SHBG roughly 45-50 nmol/L, so high on their scale

I started at 128 mg/wk of test cypionate and 1000 IU/week HCG, both split twice-weekly, and they helped substantially. The mood lift occurred within 3 weeks; even a friend of mine remarked like I went "from Eeyore to Tigger" just talking on the phone. I got by on less sleep, and had way more day to day energy with way less of an afternoon slump. Eventually the mood boost died off somewhat, though I still felt way better than initially. Later we tried upping my test to 160 mg/week. It provided a very small temporary boost. We later added in deca at 100mg/wk to further help my joints.

The first shots freaked me out a bit and took over an hour as I read throuugh everything multiple times and poked a finger into my VG multiple times, "is this REALLY the correct spot?" When I finally did it, I felt hardly any pain (Defy sent me 25g 5/8" needles-they were spot on!) and there was little soreness the next day. I was worked up over nothing. After that "big shot" the HCG with the 30g insulin syringe was a piece of cake.

Gym results went from a slow decline in strength to maintenance and increasing strength levels. My best natty sumo deadlift was 350lb x 5 reps for a single set under the strict guidance of a powerlifting trainer. On the 160/wk + deca I worked up to a 405lbx5 sumo deadlift before various illnesses and injuries set me back.

About 9 months back I switched to the "dark side" of full on steroid use after many months of research, sourced from underground labs and all. Given the purpose of these forums I won't delve into many of those details other than to say that the steroids do not do the work! They provide marginal extra value without an awesome diet, training,and sleep plan. I've tried test C, deca, mast E, and tren E. The only one that seems to really work for the gym gains is tren enanthate in my experience, which is a can of worms. I've only used it for a couple weeks and already noticed strength gains. No mental sides yet, but I am watching for those like a hawk. It took me 3 tries to find gear that does not hurt either during or after injection.

I'm giving myself a couple more years to play around with the full on AAS/HGH before cutting back to HRT-maybe I can settle in on some test, primo, and HGH to minimize harms while enjoying the benefits. I am actually starting a carnivore diet shortly to see if it can help with fat loss (in conjunction with the tren and other AAS), which is very hard for me otherwise, requiring extreme deprivation as a natty. I'd have to do a keto diet, eating once every other day, for decent weight loss, and that was accompanied by moderate strength loss to boot.I lost 40 lbs in 16 weeks that way but gained most of it back, some as muscle as I was working with a trainer at that time.

In a nutshell: I'm glad I went on TRT, it was one of the best decisions I've made, and would do it again in a heartbeat. Steroids are fun but risky. I feel better on full-on steroids than I did low-T natty. Needles suck, but not as much as low-T. Maybe I didn't "need" TRT according to some, as I didn't have all the extreme suffering perhaps, but nonetheless it's been a huge boost to my quality of life and is worth it to me. The health benefits of not crashing cars due to drowsiness should not be underestimated!
Those pre-treatment Free T results aren’t stellar, and from the sound of it, you absolutely are benefiting from treatment.

He is not on HRT anymore

Clearly caught up on that steroid merry-go-round.


This is a men's health/TRT/HRT forum.

We are using therapeutic doses here.

Use/abuse of T/AAS whether cycling, blasting/cruising, has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining long-term health.

Better off seeking out one of those steroid forums littered on the internet.

About 9 months back I switched to the "dark side" of full on steroid use after many months of research, sourced from underground labs and all. Given the purpose of these forums I won't delve into many of those details other than to say that the steroids do not do the work! They provide marginal extra value without an awesome diet, training,and sleep plan. I've tried test C, deca, mast E, and tren E. The only one that seems to really work for the gym gains is tren enanthate in my experience, which is a can of worms. I've only used it for a couple weeks and already noticed strength gains. No mental sides yet, but I am watching for those like a hawk. It took me 3 tries to find gear that does not hurt either during or after injection.

I'm giving myself a couple more years to play around with the full on AAS/HGH before cutting back to HRT-maybe I can settle in on some test, primo, and HGH to minimize harms while enjoying the benefits. I am actually starting a carnivore diet shortly to see if it can help with fat loss (in conjunction with the tren and other AAS), which is very hard for me otherwise, requiring extreme deprivation as a natty. I'd have to do a keto diet, eating once every other day, for decent weight loss, and that was accompanied by moderate strength loss to boot.I lost 40 lbs in 16 weeks that way but gained most of it back, some as muscle as I was working with a trainer at that time.
I'm giving myself a couple more years to play around with the full on AAS/HGH before cutting back to HRT-maybe
My advice, start the transition now, minimize potential irreversible damage. You may find yourself saying a couple more years, just a few more years, I’ll stop eventually and before you know it, you’re past the point of now return, your system is fired, the damage is done.

You can still accomplish wonders with therapeutic doses.
My advice, start the transition now, minimize potential irreversible damage. You may find yourself saying a couple more years, just a few more years, I’ll stop eventually and before you know it, you’re past the point of now return, your system is fired, the damage is done.

You can still accomplish wonders with therapeutic doses.
Your reply is too logical! It's something I've thought about, and read about, the whole "just one more cycle..." And it's a valid concern. I have a strength goal and a body composition goal. 300-400-500lb bench/squat/deadlift, and 10% BF. I'll probably have to be a lean 200 lb to do so. Right now I am at 215 and still a ways off on both. Therapeutic doses are perfect for me for everything except strength I'll admit.
He is not on HRT anymore

Clearly caught up on that steroid merry-go-round.


This is a men's health/TRT/HRT forum.

We are using therapeutic doses here.

Use/abuse of T/AAS whether cycling, blasting/cruising, has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining long-term health.

Better off seeking out one of those steroid forums littered on the internet.

About 9 months back I switched to the "dark side" of full on steroid use after many months of research, sourced from underground labs and all. Given the purpose of these forums I won't delve into many of those details other than to say that the steroids do not do the work! They provide marginal extra value without an awesome diet, training,and sleep plan. I've tried test C, deca, mast E, and tren E. The only one that seems to really work for the gym gains is tren enanthate in my experience, which is a can of worms. I've only used it for a couple weeks and already noticed strength gains. No mental sides yet, but I am watching for those like a hawk. It took me 3 tries to find gear that does not hurt either during or after injection.

I'm giving myself a couple more years to play around with the full on AAS/HGH before cutting back to HRT-maybe I can settle in on some test, primo, and HGH to minimize harms while enjoying the benefits. I am actually starting a carnivore diet shortly to see if it can help with fat loss (in conjunction with the tren and other AAS), which is very hard for me otherwise, requiring extreme deprivation as a natty. I'd have to do a keto diet, eating once every other day, for decent weight loss, and that was accompanied by moderate strength loss to boot.I lost 40 lbs in 16 weeks that way but gained most of it back, some as muscle as I was working with a trainer at that time.
I understand all your points, just wanted to share my limited HRT experience. I'm not recommending anyone else do what I'm doing. I lurk here and yes, also those steroid forums for the valuable info contained therein. It's all useful to me, so thank you and everyone else who's contributed.
You need focused, realistic goals for your own mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Have you set those goals because you are comparing yourself to others and feel subpar in comparison or because you want to be the best version of yourself? What do I mean by that? As an example: 10% body fat. Unless a person competes semi-pro or is a professional athlete, 10% is an unrealistic day-to-day goal. 13-14% is male model territory. So, why have you set the goals you have? How do these goals impact your relationships and professional sphere?
How old are you bud? You were pumping out decent numbers naturally. especially if you’re middle age. Looks like you could have fixed a lot of your issues lowering your SHBG. I’m not gonna cast stones. My total was 280-320 when I started at 44. I felt no low t symptoms but figured I was missing out on something so I jumped on the t train.
Thanks for sharing and good luck with your other stuff . Your gonna need it.
Your reply is too logical!
How old are you bud? You were pumping out decent numbers naturally. especially if you’re middle age. Looks like you could have fixed a lot of your issues lowering your SHBG. I’m not gonna cast stones. My total was 280-320 when I started at 44. I felt no low t symptoms but figured I was missing out on something so I jumped on the t train.
Thanks for sharing and good luck with your other stuff . Your gonna need it.
I'm early 40s. My understanding with SHBG is that it only stores T, and that it does not create or destroy T. Because of this, manipulating SHBG directly won't change free T levels. My doc put me on anavar specifically to lower SHBG. What happened is my free T stayed the same but total T lowered.

It's like a water tank. You dump water in at the top, and drain it at the bottom. By closing the drain valve slightly, the water level increases until higher pressure at the bottom causes the outflow to match the inflow again, eg a new equilibrium. A more closed drain valve is like higher SHBG.

I think when guys take supplements to lower SHBG and their free T goes up, that the free T increase is due to the supplement increasing natural T production rate, NOT due to the SHBG lowering.

Can anyone comment or provide feedback on this hypothesis?
Congratulations on getting into a good state of mind. Something I would suggest is to start to plan now to broaden your training into all-around athleticism rather than just strength. To that end, as someone who's 20 years farther down the road, I suggest to you what I would suggest to my younger self:
- If you're not doing a sled-pushing HIIT workout once a week, I would start immediately
- Don't lose the ability to sprint!!! Sprinting is a large part of youthfulness but it requires explosiveness and hamstring integrity, as well as anaerobic conditioning. Very few people can crank out a quality 200 or 400 meter sprint at any age.
- Focus on balanced muscle development, not just the big three. That means pull-ups, incline presses, seated military presses, front-squats, hamstring work, etc. All the things almost no one else does.
- Be hyper-aware of protecting your knees, shoulders and spine. Choose goals that you should be able to maintain indefinitely, not something that will be a "glory days" peak. Monitor yourself for "cumulative trauma" and avoid it.
- Avoid levels and types of anabolics that are not sustainable. Doing otherwise will re-enforce psychological addiction, create an ego risk, and distract you from refining your training refinement. Learn to micro-dose use a strength progression program that will give you long-term steady gains, not peaks and valleys.

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