Good Morning, I'd like To Introduce Myself


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Hello and thank you for this forum.

You can call me Riz. I am a 57 year old male, living in Northern California. I started TRT 10 years ago. For some inexplicable reason, I simply stopped producing Testosterone. My Dr. could never pin dow the reason but I went form normal levels to that of a 100 year old man almost over night. I started on Androgel and hated it. The alcohol based vehicle gave me a headache and the application was terrible. I work in Pharmaceuticals and was complaining about it to one of my customers about 6 months into it. She gave me the formula she uses and the name of a custom compounding pharmacy in Tn. I worked with them till the old pharmacist started to make mistakes. Then I moved, along with his staff, to another, larger Tn. based compounding pharmacy. I've never looked back.

I have them make a "liquid" based vehicle with 10mg T and 5mg Chrysin per drop. My dose is 7-8 drops on my forearm, BID, am and pm. My T levels hover around 900 to 1,100. I get tested about 2x/year. It's been ten years now and I am feeling great. My lean mass is easy to build and keep. I have no issues with trunkal acne. My estradiol ranges are within normal and I have not developed gynomastia. I have energy, decent skin, great bone density and sexual function, all the good things that we are looking for. The bad? Well, my body hair has ramped up. I can also get agro at about 3:00pm. That fades after an hour or so. The other is the compound itself... it can leave a white, powder residue on the skin that will stain clothing. The vehicle does not allow for complete absorption. So, I had the pharmacy send me a 500 gram tub of "Pentravan Plus" which is a cream based vehicle with excellent percutaneous absorption.

I wait for my "T" to dry and then I rub some P+ on top of it. I tried to get my Doc to write a new formula with Pentravan Plus as the sole vehicle but he doesn't know how and the pharmacist won't tell HIM how to do it so I am stuck in the middle (I know what he needs to write but I can't seem to get them on the phone together).

One things that I do is I take all my left overs, I allow the vehicle to separate and rise to the top. I pour that off and then put it in a small, sterile tub with Pentravan plus and mix it together. I am not precise in this mixture and I will be measuring it out on the next batch. I use that sometimes if I am in a rush and need to get it on and dressed. It is imprecise so don't use it often. Soon, I'll mix up a new batch that will give me a fairly good idea of what a dose should be. It will take some tinkering but, with the right scale and tools, I think I can get this so that I can get a more precise dosing.

I highly recommend TRT to any man who has a low T level. There is no reason to suffer, lose mass, lose libido and be cranky. My heart health is excellent and my overall sense of being is great. I do not recommend custom mixing your own compound (as I am doing as my back-up) unless you have a fairly good idea of the measurements involved. I have been in topical Dermatology drugs for 23 years and work with all the Bay Area Dermatologists. I have the resources and even I am foolish for "making home made bread".

Thank You All,

The bad? Well, my body hair has ramped up. I can also get agro at about 3:00pm. That fades after an hour or so. The other is the compound itself... it can leave a white, powder residue on the skin that will stain clothing.
What's agro?
As for the body hair... I've had some of that as well. I've wondered if it was due to the TRT or just getting older (I'm 42 now). It's not crazy but I now have a little bit of hair on my shoulders and never have had it there before... also the hair on my stomach seems to grow longer and faster than before. Arms and legs seem the same as always, but maybe my beard is a little thicker or quicker growing, I'm not sure on that part as I had a full beard before ever starting TRT.

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