Still on my T shots and Hcg to try and get a sex drive. Had labs done
this past week
Total Testosterone, Serum 1216 High ng/dL
Free Testosterone(Direct) 46.7 High pg/mL 6.6 - 18.1 02
Estradiol, Sensitive 19.6 pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0 02nd got results.
Still 6' tall, weigh 190
I cannot figure why the only time I can experience any sex drive is when doing Melanotan II.
If I use cialis or viagra it has no effect on the sex drive and I cannot sustain an erection.
Melanotan is off the charts with sex drive as well as sustaining erections. I just cannot use
it alot because it continues to make you darker as well as the sick feeling. The Pt-141
is not as effective as the Melanotan so I don't use it.
I did back off the Anastrozole to bring up my estradiol levels slightly. Other than that I don't
know what to do.
Any input would be appreciated.
Still on my T shots and Hcg to try and get a sex drive. Had labs done
this past week
Total Testosterone, Serum 1216 High ng/dL
Free Testosterone(Direct) 46.7 High pg/mL 6.6 - 18.1 02
Estradiol, Sensitive 19.6 pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0 02nd got results.
Still 6' tall, weigh 190
I cannot figure why the only time I can experience any sex drive is when doing Melanotan II.
If I use cialis or viagra it has no effect on the sex drive and I cannot sustain an erection.
Melanotan is off the charts with sex drive as well as sustaining erections. I just cannot use
it alot because it continues to make you darker as well as the sick feeling. The Pt-141
is not as effective as the Melanotan so I don't use it.
I did back off the Anastrozole to bring up my estradiol levels slightly. Other than that I don't
know what to do.
Any input would be appreciated.