Good Doc in Kansas City


New Member
I am interested in defymedical, because they seem to be the real deal, but they don't accept insurance. I am not in the position to pay hundreds of dollars for testosterone, AI/HCG etc. I saw that they would do the labs through the insurance, so that would drop off the initial 150 for the first blood test and the 145 for the follow up. Do any of you know of an endocrinologist in Kansas City or surrounding area that you would recommend? I am active duty military so my insurance has certain stipulations on what referrals that they approve. My current endo said that she will refer me to anyone that I find that fit my needs. After looking through the site, I could not find any doc's in Kansas or Missouri. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Im in kansas city and am USAF, current Army civilian so I'll go an extra mile to try and help a brother. I couldn't find anything besides LOW T Center which I was with for about 60 days but by experience they're NOT on the cutting edge of HRT. They're protocol is actually rather dated; weekly injections, no HcG, non sensitive E2 testing. I don't recommend them.

I didn't find what I wanted in kansas city in a local Dr, at least not in injectables. I went with a (less than) Defy outfit called Renew Youth. One aspect to consider is what I do, file my own insurance claims. Just because THEY don't process insurance, or claim it's not covered, does NOT mean your (tricare?) won't cover it. I take the receipts and file claims on my own, I pay up front and get reimbursed on the back end. I have private insurance.

Renew Youth prescribes injectables plus HcG plus AI, all home delivered and injectable, one Face-to-face Dr (local) per year.

PM to discuss further if you like.
Dr. Rajib K. Bhattacharya is a Kansas City-based internist/endocrinologist who has co-authored a number of papers on TRT. Example: "Improved Sexual Function with Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Hypogonadal Men"

He is at the University of Kansas Hospital (according to what I have found out). You may want to try him. All the best!
My current endo is at U of KC and she told me that no endocrinologist will prescribe AI or HCG. I will call tomorrow and talk with his nurses or him if I can.

Dr. Rajib K. Bhattacharya is a Kansas City-based internist/endocrinologist who has co-authored a number of papers on TRT. Example: "Improved Sexual Function with Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Hypogonadal Men"

He is at the University of Kansas Hospital (according to what I have found out). You may want to try him. All the best!
I am looking over the site now. I may have some questions for you later. Thanks for the feedback.

Im in kansas city and am USAF, current Army civilian so I'll go an extra mile to try and help a brother. I couldn't find anything besides LOW T Center which I was with for about 60 days but by experience they're NOT on the cutting edge of HRT. They're protocol is actually rather dated; weekly injections, no HcG, non sensitive E2 testing. I don't recommend them.

I didn't find what I wanted in kansas city in a local Dr, at least not in injectables. I went with a (less than) Defy outfit called Renew Youth. One aspect to consider is what I do, file my own insurance claims. Just because THEY don't process insurance, or claim it's not covered, does NOT mean your (tricare?) won't cover it. I take the receipts and file claims on my own, I pay up front and get reimbursed on the back end. I have private insurance.

Renew Youth prescribes injectables plus HcG plus AI, all home delivered and injectable, one Face-to-face Dr (local) per year.

PM to discuss further if you like.
Defy is also open to second opinion consultations via phone. You have more options than you may think. So many of us have had a hard time connecting with the right doctor.
Thanks for the help guys. I talked to Chelsea of defy medical via their chat function on their site and she was able to thoroughly and intelligently answer all of my questions. She also sent me a brochure and a very detailed email with all of the forms that I need to get started. If I can get my current insurance to let me do this I think I'm going with them.
A lot of guys on the Forum are very happy with Defy providing their ongoing care. I have used them for a second opinion (just felt better getting another viewpoint) and was pleased. All the best!

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