I am going on 55 days without HCG. I've had some interesting changes. Libido has improved, as well as erection quality. I am by no means the horny person I used to be, but overall my sex drive is probably 20% higher, which is amazing. It was really high for like a week, but as it usually does that went away. I have also had a weird side effect with acne. My back is good, but my forehead literally exploded with it. I mean I felt like I was in high school again going through puberty. Not really sure what to make of that. I have since got it under control with a more strict cleansing protocol.
Other than dropping HCG the only changes I have made are the implementation of digestive enzymes and betaine HCL with meals. They have been absolute godsends for digestion, and for the first time in years my bowel movements are perfect, and energy levels are steadily rising. I'll have bloodwork back soon and update.