Getting ng in touch with Defy is as easy as picking up the phone. Call them and begin to out your mind at ease. Dr. Saya did NOT wrote that YOU needed tamoxifen- he isn't your doctor and hasn't examined you. He wrote that it was reasonable therapy for men with diagnosd gynocomastia who had failed to reverse it with Anastrozole. That was a general statement, not specific to your case. The doctor managing your case has seen you make several changes to your protocol, develop high anxiety, and begin discussing further changes. He undoubtedly wonders if TRT is something that makes sense for you.
Imwould call Defy. I would find a surgeon and have him/her examine you. I would make no changes to your protocol. I would test if it puts your mind at ease.
Several changes? The only thing I did was take anastrozole to try and reverse the lumps based on a protocol I found on several TRT forums that stated .5mg EOD. Should I have re-consulted with the PrimeBody guy, yeah probably but when I originally told him I felt sensitivity and similar feelings to when I experienced a lump when I took Anavar, all he said was to wait for bloods, that nothing bad will happen and then when the lumps became more pronounced all he said was if you're concerned take .5mg. And that was it. No detailed info or explanation on a dosage scheduling. This is poor medical care in my opinion. How else am I supposed to react? I'm questioning things because my 30 E2 may look good but obviously my body is reacting poorly to that level and there was no other statements made about my blood work from him or other countermeasures to take in regards to the lumps except for "stop treatment".