General anesthesia/having surgery whilst on TRT.

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Might be overthinking here but I'm looking to go on TRT soon/as soon as possible (age 26). Will be starting of with Sustanon 125mg injected EOD IM and will be adjusting from there, if needed. I'm also looking however to have a Septoplasty under general anesthesia as soon as (within the next few months), since I have a deviated septum and it's effecting my breathing slightly. Not sure if I should wait and have surgery first before starting TRT. (Would obviously let the surgeon/Anaesthetist know that I'm on TRT etc)

Are there any issues/complications with going under general anesthesia and being on TRT? Also was thinking with regards to recovering from surgery and trying to do injections etc...

Anyone have any opinions on this/have any experience with this.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Might be overthinking here but I'm looking to go on TRT soon/as soon as possible (age 26).
You are overthinking it.

TRT is testosterone, a testosterone molecule chemically identical to the molecule produced by the body.

This practice by some doctors is do to evaluating risk, with no credible data showing that TRT can cause blood clotts, or heart attacks.

It's the bad data out there, junk studies that propagate fear of TRT.

In 20 years there's been no data credible showing that TRT causes blood clots or heart attacks.

TRT has been prescribed to people with heart disease and over the past 20 years has shown time and time again to greatly improve heart function.
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Eight weeks ago I underwent surgery for a large umbilical hernia. The procedure was minimally invasive robotic under general anesthesia. The surgeon and anesthesiologist knew I was on TRT, as I listed it on my medication history form. Before surgery I was given an injection cocktail of drugs to relax me and after surgery, Dilaudid(synthetic heroin) for post op pain. Testosterone wasn't an issue.
66 year old, I have been TRT for 17 years. 15 Surgery's in the last 12 years, no problems. I usually bump my dose up a little the weeks leading up to and months
after. I feel it helps me recover faster. 4 back, total fused L1-S1, both hips replaced, left knee replacement, left hip 3 times with a 4th scheduled in February.
Also men with a higher estrogen to testosterone ratios when having difficulties with covid are more likely to die most probably do an inflammatory state do to having low-T.
Also men with a higher estrogen to testosterone ratios when having difficulties with covid are more likely to die most probably do an inflammatory state do to having low-T.

I'm all for trt, but you have no clue what youre talking about.
I would work on your comprehension skills and educate yourself before commenting further.

People in an inflamed state tend to have higher estrogen and lower testosterone, the higher estrogen can trick the pituitary into decreasing testosterone production. The inflammatory state and low-T doesn’t bode well for those with covid.

I actually know what I’m talking about and have studies to back it up. Perhaps it would be best next time to do some of your own research if you don’t understand something before commenting and coming across as ill-prepared.

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I didnt know you retain water with low T.
High estrogen and low progesterone levels can lead to water retention and bloating. You make the assumption low-T men can’t have high estrogen alongside low-T, when in fact there can and do quite regularly because of high body fat percentages.
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Eight weeks ago I underwent surgery for a large umbilical hernia. The procedure was minimally invasive robotic under general anesthesia. The surgeon and anesthesiologist knew I was on TRT, as I listed it on my medication history form. Before surgery I was given an injection cocktail of drugs to relax me and after surgery, Dilaudid(synthetic heroin) for post op pain. Testosterone wasn't an issue.
I have had 5 surgeries in my life and all of the 5 times I was using anabolic steroids, not at all TRT. The surgeon was very much aware of it. Absolutely no issues.
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