Gel vs injections

I've read some variation of this exact report a hundred times now. The initial positive reaction rarely leads to a desirable long-term result though. Is it possible that there is a transient effect of taking an AI and rapidly increasing the T/E2 or DHT/E2 ratio that is both wonderful and short-lived? If that is a near universal phenomenon, it would be a mistake to read too much into it, and conclude for example that it means you should take an AI regularly.

It's possible, but I've also seen a lot of accounts of guys who stayed on the AI and kept feeling great. I just spoke to a friend of my gf's 2 days ago who started on injections without anything else and didn't feel dialed in until he added an AI years into his TRT. He says he's been feeling amazing for about a year now taking 0.25mg/week of Adex.

I do think though that it's very easy to overshoot your sweet spot, which is probably what explains a lot of guys feeling better only temporarily, including me at the time. Especially for guys on TRT whose balls don't product E2 anymore, typically responsible for about 20% of E2 production in males, but more importantly for some reason very resilient to the action of AI's.

At this point I've tried pretty much everything else over the last couple years. Cream on scrotum, cream on biceps and forearms, Test C injections daily and E3.5D from 100 to 200mg/week, Test Prop at different dosages...

The only thing I haven't really given a chance to is an AI, and despite the current narrative that there's no such thing as too high E2, or that somehow every single man's body knows exactly the perfect amount of aromatization to undergo in oder to be optimal, even though literally nothing else in the human body or in nature functions like that, I think high E2 is problematic for certain men who need to lower it into a better range in order to feel good.

Whether I can personally achieve that with the medical technology we have now is a different question. AI's are notoriously extremely difficult to dose, but for every guy out there who couldn't dial them in, there's another one who figured it out and feels great after years of struggling on TRT. So I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens.

We also don't know the consequences of high E2 levels long term, but common sense and medical data tell us that negative side effects are typically shaped like a U curve and found at low and high levels.

There's also this idea that the current sensitive E2 ranges aren't "for men taking exogenous Testosterone!", something repeated ad nauseum by the anti-AI crusaders.
That doesn't make any sense. The top of the range for E2 is from men at the top of the range for Testosterone levels. If your TT is top of the range, wouldn't it make sense for both your E2 and DHT to be at the top of their respective ranges also?

Why is it ok for E2 to be 2 or 3 times the range when TT is only 1x the range? Nonsense

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