Geezerjude from Fairfax County Virginia

Hello everyone. I found this site through the book Nelson wrote.
I am 49 years old. In my mid 40's I had my Testosterone checked. 3 times as far as I can see through the records I saved. 289, 318, 420. Dr. said I was "normal".
I had all the classic symptoms.
August 2014 I went to a different Dr. Dr. Gagnon in Alexandria. He only prescribed compounded testosterone cream, 10%, through a local compounding pharmacy. He did not want to test estradiol. Would not consider anastrozole to lower my estrogen. I checked it off on one of the blood work orders he gave me to take to LabCorp. It came back in the 70's!
After 6 months of using the cream, paying out of pocket because Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield did not like the cost the compounding pharmacy was charging $300 for 1 months supply, I felt a lot of pressure to buy his expensive vitamins, cash or check only, when I did not buy them he cancelled 2 appointments I scheduled at the last minute. Bye Bye Dr. Gagnon!
His cream got me up to the 700's but the libido was not really there.
I started scouring the internet, bought some black market injectable testosterone, some anastrozole and HCG. Private MD labs for blood work. 250mg per week of Test C., 1000 iu's of HCG, and 3 mg's of anastrozole was what I have taken for the last year. My estrogen is down to 16 and my test was at 1700. Too high I know. I began buying from the guy Ric Drasin talks about on youtube, out of Florida, but 200mg Test C is not always available through him. Last 2 bottles were 300mg per ml. Good news is they give a prescription that I can get reimbursement through my FSA.

OK. What I hope to accomplish through your help and my persistence as my own advocate. I am a Federal Employee, decent health care insurance, and want to find a Doctor to manage my TRT program, specifically as advocated on here; Testosterone Injections, HGC injections, and anastrozole for estrogen control, while using my health insurance.

Do you all think I will be able to do this?

Walking in to a Doctors' office already on an online Doc's program and asking for them to take over?

I pay for this damn insurance. Want to use it. Also, I can fill a book with what I don't know about TRT. A good Doc is what I need! Not some knucklehead pushing $200 bottles of vitamins!

Thanks for your help!
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Reading a lot of GOOD THINGS about Defy Medical!
Since I am on TRT from another clinic how should I go about transferring over?
I really don't want to stop all injections, feel like shit, lose my libido, just to "pass" the initial blood work.
Any suggestions?
Transferring is dead easy - I transferred from a less than useful provider myself when I started with Defy. Just call them to schedule your initial consult, and let them know that you want to switch providers. Send them the blood work you already have and you are good to go. It was a truly painless process.

You wont have to stop any TRT protocol that you are currently on - you just switch over and then stop going to your old provider.

You can save yourself a lot - and I mean a lot - of money by letting the experts at Defy handle your therapy. I was with another T Clinic and my HCG alone was $199 a month! Defy's HCG is $70 plus shipping so you will find expert advice and direction along with very afordable pricing on their TCypionate as well!

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