Freaking out... Dr's office called me and told me to come in ASAP


New Member
My Dr's office called me tonight (Easter Sunday when the office is closed) and told me that my Dr got my latest blood work and wants to see me right away. The earliest I can make it in is on Thursday.

In the mean time, I am freaking out. Why would he need to see me so urgently? I fear something is wrong.

Any thoughts on this? Should I be worried?
My Dr's office called me tonight (Easter Sunday when the office is closed) and told me that my Dr got my latest blood work and wants to see me right away. The earliest I can make it in is on Thursday.

In the mean time, I am freaking out. Why would he need to see me so urgently? I fear something is wrong.

Any thoughts on this? Should I be worried?

Do you have a copy of this lab work? If so, please post it up, and let us have a look.
Without more information, such as the blood work you had run, we're just speculating. However, it may have been a poorly phrased message left by a member of your doctor's staff. He/she might have left instructions for you to come in as soon as possible and it was conveyed to you as if a fire alarm was clanging.
I talked to the nurse and she claims that she could not give me any info over the phone, or until the Dr is present. Which I understand.

I had full BW done two weeks ago. I do not get the results directly. I only get them through my Dr. I will not be able to review the results until Thursday at my appointment.

I guess I will just need to wait. Not sure what to do in the mean time. I inject EOD and I assume I just carry on until told different?

Bottom line - I have a feeling this is not good. Sunday night, Easter Sunday, office is closed and I get an urgent call to come in as a result of my labs....

Thanks for the thoughts guys... I will update sometime after Thursday at 4:40pm.
I talked to the nurse and she claims that she could not give me any info over the phone, or until the Dr is present. Which I understand.

I had full BW done two weeks ago. I do not get the results directly. I only get them through my Dr. I will not be able to review the results until Thursday at my appointment.

Why can't you have the office email you the lab results for you to peruse? They're your lab have a right to see them at any time. You can get the consultation on Thursday, but until then I don't see any reason why you can't have immediate access to YOUR lab results.
Canada, I've got concerned calls from my doctor after blood tests. one was because of a high glucose reading which is a sign of a diabetes issue, the reason for the high reading was that I did not fast before the test,so a false alarm. The second was a high creatinine level which indicates kidney problems, when I told them I take creatine daily it was another false alarm. If it was that serious I couldn't see them having you wait this long. Best wishes.
Agree with Jackie Treehorn 100%. Something truly serious the message would have been to get to the ER right away. Your hematocrit could be a bit above range or creatine or glucose as already mentioned. Often doctors don't take context into consideration - you can be one or two points over normal range and you are 'in danger' when in fact you are one or two points over the normal range...

That an by process of elimination you can rule out a lot of things. I mean, if you just had your Total and Free T, E2 and maybe a couple of other things tested it has to be one of those items.
Ive had a similar thing happen. Got a message that my liver values were elevated and to come in as soon as possible. I'm thinking hepatitis and whatever else bad things happen with the liver. When I got to the doctors office my values were a point or two over upper limits and it was because of a taking daily Valtrex for herpes. I discontinued the Valtrex and things were fine.
Ive had a similar thing happen. Got a message that my liver values were elevated and to come in as soon as possible. I'm thinking hepatitis and whatever else bad things happen with the liver.

Over the counter medications can totally jack up liver enzymes on a blood test. If I take a couple of Advil, my ALT and AST values go off scale high. A couple of days later, everything is back to normal.

Always consider anything you might be taking...OTC meds, supplements, alcohol intake, sugar intake, fatty food intake...even heavy exercise can give you some strange/abnormal results on your labs.
Why can't you have the office email you the lab results for you to peruse? They're your lab have a right to see them at any time. You can get the consultation on Thursday, but until then I don't see any reason why you can't have immediate access to YOUR lab results.

I asked. They refused. The nurse claimed that I was unable to have my results until I went over them with my Dr. Then I could have a copy if I wish.

Part of the joys of "free" Canadian health care - I need to play by their rules. But I really shouldn't complain. My labs are free, and I have spent a grand total of $0 for all of my TRT treatment.
I asked. They refused. The nurse claimed that I was unable to have my results until I went over them with my Dr. Then I could have a copy if I wish.

Part of the joys of "free" Canadian health care - I need to play by their rules. But I really shouldn't complain. My labs are free, and I have spent a grand total of $0 for all of my TRT treatment.

At what rate does your Government tax you for the "free"?
I asked. They refused. The nurse claimed that I was unable to have my results until I went over them with my Dr. Then I could have a copy if I wish.

I don't know the laws in Canada, but if I got some attitude like that here in the U.S. from some schmuck in a doctor's office that had MY medical records, I would march my ass down there to the office, and demand a copy of my lab results. Refusing a request for my lab results is not acceptable, and I would make a hell of a scene that they would rather avoid, I can assure you. It would also be the last dealings I would ever have with this doctor, and his office.

Sorry that you're having to deal with this BS in Canada.
I don't know the laws in Canada, but if I got some attitude like that here in the U.S. from some schmuck in a doctor's office that had MY medical records, I would march my ass down there to the office, and demand a copy of my lab results. Refusing a request for my lab results is not acceptable, and I would make a hell of a scene that they would rather avoid, I can assure you. It would also be the last dealings I would ever have with this doctor, and his office.

Sorry that you're having to deal with this BS in Canada.

The law in Ontario states the records belong to the patient from the time they are created. I pick mine up regularly prior to my appointments. It is my understanding that all the provinces have similar laws. You were given bad information.
At the end of the day... all is good. My freak out and worrying was all for nothing. I reviewed my results, with my Dr, and the issues and concerns were all from my testosterone, and Free T, going slightly over the upper range.

All other BW came back in good ranges. I plan on posting on a new thread for some thoughts.

Long story short, after realizing I was on an EOD protocol, my Dr accepted that (perhaps) due to the timing of my last injection and my BW, the levels were high, but ok for the time being.

He agreed to keep things the same and carry on.

I go back in another 3 months for another round of BW.

Thank you all for your advise and support. This was really concerned that this BW review would reveal something much more serious.

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