1. Get the books and read and educate yourself.Yeah unfortunately I learned that the hard way... According to the link you posted and comments from other members, I crashed my E2 and need to let it recover. Kinda mad at the doctor, but I'm actually more mad at myself for trusting blindly and risking my health. I still have a brand new bottle of testosterone, and am thinking of taking much smaller doses 2-3x a week, like maybe 50mg twice or 35mg 3x. If anything, do you think using a modest testosterone regimen without using an AI could help replenish my e2 levels to where they need to be?
2. I am one of the few on this board that uses a daily compounded testosterone cream and I do quite well on it.
3. Others can comment on injection protocols as I have never done that.
4. Others can comment on crashing your E-2 and recovery time as I have not been down that road