They usually write some simplified instructions on the outside of the box that the water and powder were in. It has your prescription number, name,etc and says mix x-mls of water into the vial of powder. For the procedure, take an alcohol wipe, pop off the metal caps on the vials, take one swipe with the wipe across the top of the vials. Then pull back the syringe to suck in air to however much water it tells you to squirt into the powder, then put it into the water and inject the air, then with the syringe still in there, turn the water vial up and suck out the amount of water required. Pull it out and then take the powder vial, set it down on the counter, put the needle of the water syringe in there and squirt in the water. Now, before you take it out, make sure you are not touching the liquid with the tip of the needle because now you are going to suck out just some air-about the same amount as the liquid that you just put in. Swirl it gently until the powder is all dissolved. When you get ready to inject the prepared mixture, suck in some air into the syringe about the same amount as you want to withdraw liquid from it and insert the needle squirt in the air into the vial, then invert upside down and withdraw the amount you want. If you have any doubts or uncertainty or unclear, call the doc or pharmacy and have them walk you through it right over the phone. That stuff is to expensive to waste or error. Don't be in a hurry.