First time T cyp users questions.

Been on TRT for 11 months. Gels and Creams. Just switched to T cyp in grapeseed oil shallow IM. 27g 1/2" syringe
My first injection was in the ventral gluteal.

With in seconds I got a rather heavy dull ache at the injection site and a pain slowly ran down my leg to the ankle. It has been 20 minutes
the pain is still there but no where near as bad. I mostly feel it at the injection site.

Anyone ever have this happen? Is this normal?
Did you inject slowly? If you inject too fast this can cause problems. This is the favored place to give vaccinations and have heard of others injecting too fast causing infection but nothing like you mention.
Did you inject slowly? If you inject too fast this can cause problems. This is the favored place to give vaccinations and have heard of others injecting too fast causing infection but nothing like you mention.

I didn't inject it as fast as I do HCG 4 seconds to do 40IU's.
I would say it took 5 seconds to inject .20 from a 1 cc syringe. Is that fast?
The T cyp was at room temp and was very easy to draw and inject it took very little thumb pressure and I wasn't in a hurry.

It's been 45 minutes and my ass cheek and hip bone joint still ache a little.
I have not injected in the VG before so no input on that. When I inject IM in the thigh I switch between lower, mid, and upper. In the mid area I have got a dull pain that can last a few days. Nothing bad, just like a charley horse or something. Never anything down the leg. My only input is to not move the needle once inserted and inject slow, and for me I make sure the muscle is relaxed, that helped me, but you probably already know that stuff. Good luck.
I have not injected in the VG before so no input on that. When I inject IM in the thigh I switch between lower, mid, and upper. In the mid area I have got a dull pain that can last a few days. Nothing bad, just like a charley horse or something. Never anything down the leg. My only input is to not move the needle once inserted and inject slow, and for me I make sure the muscle is relaxed, that helped me, but you probably already know that stuff. Good luck.
Thanks Saul, I picked the VG from recommendations here on the forum. No pain no need to aspirate just poke and go. Well there was no pain inserting the needle or while injecting. It was a few seconds after I removed the needle did the throb hit. It was a bit scary but now it's just sore. I'm trying another site next time.
Try rubbing the area down right after injecting. I always inject VG and rarely have a problem. Sometimes the area can be sore after but resides within a few hours. I'm using cottonseed oil vs grapeseed, not sure if that makes a difference or not. Could be a mild reaction to grapeseed?
Thanks Saul, I picked the VG from recommendations here on the forum. No pain no need to aspirate just poke and go. Well there was no pain inserting the needle or while injecting. It was a few seconds after I removed the needle did the throb hit. It was a bit scary but now it's just sore. I'm trying another site next time.

You reminded me of a blood test I had in October, I was having my blood drawn in my left arm and the moment the nurse withdrew the needle I felt intense pain instantly. It bothered my for most of the day as if became sore, still to this day I can't think of what the nurse could have done to cause the pain.
Initially I injected with the same equipment you are now using. Every so often, for no reason I could get determine, I'd "hit" something and ache for some time. Not frequently, but enough that I remember it.
Don’t worry about the pain but rather possible infection. Redness and heat at the injection site mean infection. I know cause I had one about 2 months ago. Injected too fast with a insulin needle and according to defy a pocket build which caused an injection. I now inject very slowly meaning I hardly push down on the plunger and immidiately start to massage the site vigorously for about a minute or so and a few times throughout the day.
Don't worry about the pain but rather possible infection. Redness and heat at the injection site mean infection. I know cause I had one about 2 months ago. Injected too fast with a insulin needle and according to defy a pocket build which caused an injection. I now inject very slowly meaning I hardly push down on the plunger and immidiately start to massage the site vigorously for about a minute or so and a few times throughout the day.

Thanks miladjuckel, So far no heat or swelling. I did use the alky pad and I believe I injected slowly. I'm going to go even slower next time. What I am not sure is if I hit muscle. That area just above my ass cheek is a little puggy I may have just hit fat. I'm going to inject like Nelson does via his video in my shoulder next time.
Too soon for infection. You might try the thigh. I don't know why more people don't like it. Super easy to see and access so you can hold the needle steady and keep relaxed by stretching out the leg. I also find it easy to identify the muscles by flexing and then relaxing - you can see the muscle flex up and then watch it relax so you know where it is. There is a youtube video, but I don't know if it is correct either.
I am going to try VG tomorrow morning.
BTW, I don't know if I am doing it right, but I would take probably 10 to 15 seconds to inject 20 ml. Probably to long. Maybe others can comment.
Hi feelinglost, I just injected in my VG, as you know it's in my injection rotation. I never worry about injecting to fast but I'm only injecting 20mg of T daily. I do inject the HCG a little slower because of the larger amount. At times I have some pain from injecting, most of time it's good. Once when I was injecting in my shoulder, blood squirted out and even hit the mirror. I must have nicked an artery? I just cleaned up the blood and went on my way.
Hi feelinglost, I just injected in my VG, as you know it's in my injection rotation. I never worry about injecting to fast but I'm only injecting 20mg of T daily. I do inject the HCG a little slower because of the larger amount. At times I have some pain from injecting, most of time it's good. Once when I was injecting in my shoulder, blood squirted out and even hit the mirror. I must have nicked an artery? I just cleaned up the blood and went on my way.

Hi Vince, I injected .20 my scrip is for .25 How do you know if grapeseed is causing a problem?
I woke at 2 am this morning to pee, normal for me, however the dull ache in my hip joint and down my leg would not let me go back to sleep. I made breakfast and have been moving around a little and the pain subsides but still there if I think about it.
I am wondering if I will be able to peddle my bike today? It might help work thru the soreness. Tomorrow I'll be injecting .15 in my shoulder like Nelson does. If my should join starts acking I'm calling Defy.
Then from now on do outer legs and shoulders only. That’s 4 injection sites which is plenty and you can even divide the outer leg into 3 parts (top, middle, lower).
Sometimes my injection sites will ache at least until the next shot.
Feelinglost, not trying to be confrontational but in past posts you have mentioned not deviating from the protocol. Why inject .20 then .15 when your protocol is .25. If you want results from the protocol and trust the doctor, my suggestion is to inject .25. I inject .25 m/w/f using shoulder, mid to upper outer thigh, VG, and glute with the 27g 1/2in. Most times no pain, sometimes delayed pain that lasts for a day or so (usually the thigh) and sometimes immediate pain (nerve?). Sometimes it bleeds many times no blood at all. You are pushing a needle into the body, sometimes it hits something sensitive. As others said, unless an infection develops, this is just part of it. Forget the first one and expect the next in the shoulder to go well. I have had the best luck with upper outer glute and shoulder but use the others as well in a rotation. Good luck.
FWIW, give the delts a try. I'm on E3.5D and I use the exact same syringe as you in the delt. Injecting .25ml, I give the needle a little twist (like a drill) as it's breaking the skin and I take 5-10 seconds to plunge the contents. I never feel anything at all. No pain whatsoever during or after. Never get blood, never gets sore.

After injecting in the quads and hitting a nerve or two, this method (learned from this site) was like daylight and dark.

Have you tried injecting into the abdominal fat? I do EOD injections with 26G 5/8" needle into the abdominal fat and never have any issues.
Hi Vince, I injected .20 my scrip is for .25 How do you know if grapeseed is causing a problem?
I woke at 2 am this morning to pee, normal for me, however the dull ache in my hip joint and down my leg would not let me go back to sleep. I made breakfast and have been moving around a little and the pain subsides but still there if I think about it.
I am wondering if I will be able to peddle my bike today? It might help work thru the soreness. Tomorrow I'll be injecting .15 in my shoulder like Nelson does. If my should join starts acking I'm calling Defy.

It really doesn't sound like an allergic reaction. I guess you will know more when you inject in your shoulder tomorrow.
Feelinglost, not trying to be confrontational but in past posts you have mentioned not deviating from the protocol. Why inject .20 then .15 when your protocol is .25. If you want results from the protocol and trust the doctor, my suggestion is to inject .25. I inject .25 m/w/f using shoulder, mid to upper outer thigh, VG, and glute with the 27g 1/2in. Most times no pain, sometimes delayed pain that lasts for a day or so (usually the thigh) and sometimes immediate pain (nerve?). Sometimes it bleeds many times no blood at all. You are pushing a needle into the body, sometimes it hits something sensitive. As others said, unless an infection develops, this is just part of it. Forget the first one and expect the next in the shoulder to go well. I have had the best luck with upper outer glute and shoulder but use the others as well in a rotation. Good luck.
Hi JMP you are absolutely right I don't like altering my prescript one bit and I appreciate your honest post thanks.
I just had one of those feeling of "what if"? So I decide to cut my first time ever sticking grapeseed oil in my body just in case I had a reaction.

Since something did happen that was not anticipated I decided to cut the amount again.
I don't think this is the same as waking up every morning asking myself how I feel "Oh, bad" and altering my protocol. We read about that quite a bit here.
If nothing happens on the shoulder injection I will follow the prescription instructing to the letter and chalk up my first experience as a fluke.
Have you tried injecting into the abdominal fat? I do EOD injections with 26G 5/8" needle into the abdominal fat and never have any issues.
I have not but that is where I inject HCG and have never had a problem.
Since the pain has lasted so long I am a bit anxious over where and how much to do tomorrow.

I was able to get a 12 mile bike ride in today. The pain from peddling masked the dull ache from the T injection.
Tonight the pain is almost gone so that is a good sign I guess.

Between the bike ride and waking up at 2 am I should get a good night sleep tonight. I'm not taking any chances and broke out the Bulleit Bourbon.
In the morning after coffee I will be sticking myself again. I got to know if my first injection was a fluke or I have an issue with grapeseed oil.

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