First Post---Initial Bloodwork after starting TRT


New Member
Hopefully I have attached my initial bloodwork results correctly as I am a newbie :eek:

I had a lot more bloodwork done today and I await the results:

Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)
Lipid Panel w/ Chol/HDL Ratio
Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum
CBC With Differential/Platelet
Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S

I posted this originally in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Discussion on ********
I was told I would get better feedback here. So a little about me:

I am going to get personal and hope that's cool as I want to get my life back. I am 42 years old 6'2" tall
and a little overweight at 250lbs. Anyway I have a background in athletics and played most sports and
was a boxer as well as a member of the Power Team (Strength Team) four years ago. All hell broke lose
when my wife left me for my cousin after 6 months of marriage, I lost my 6 figure/year job as the company
went under, lost my home, and my Truck, and my Father and Brother were incarcerated for 7 years in Federal
prison....all of this happened within a 3 month span. Needless to say I became severely depressed and
some days found it hard to get out of bed. I am on the right track now and have decided whole heartedly
to build the best me I can. I am over the depression for the most part and just got hired for a new career job today
and am THRILLED! During this time, I abused my body with a very hard cycle of steroids as I was trying to win my
ex back LOL....needless to say I am glad I did not as I am better off now. I never did a PCT recovery cycle and to
this day my balls never really recovered and ache so badly at times. I was not surprised to find my Test
so low with these results as I have had such a lack of energy for the last 2 years. I have major ED as well
and I am hoping that you all can help me as I go on this journey.

Nelson Vergel has been amazing to me on ******** and I am soglad I found this group as he has referred me to
an awesome Doctor as well. I am not on any meds except for a multi vitamin and protein. I am on a mission to become
a gym rat again and get completely healthy with eating planning as well. Not much a drinker. Do not smoke. The only injuries
I have sustained were sports related with knee ligaments torn and crushed ankle while dirtbiking.

Well this is long enough and I lookl forward to meeting you all here
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I replied to another email you posted.

Man, I am glad that you are bouncing back from such traumatic events in your life. I am glad you found us to help you save time in your path to regain mental and physical health. By the way, congrats on the new job!


1- How long ago did you stop the anabolic steroids?

2- Any use of painkillers or other medications in the recent past or currently?

3- How are your diet and exercise program (if any)?
Welcome PunchingPastor!

Wow, what a story! So sorry for the events of your life but as we all know shit happens.

The way I look at life is as one chapter closes another one opens and that seems to be your case so make the best of it my friend.

Clearly, to me at least, the use of AAS cycles have suppressed HPTA and you have not re-started and as a result your androgen serum levels are low.

When you get your blood work back you will see this by looking at how low your LH/FSH labs are and will be your indicator.

Talk to your Doctor and make sure he/she knows and understands how to administer and monitor a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) protocol.

When you get your blood work post everything here in this thread complete with ranges.

The sooner you can get HTPA restarted the better.

Keep us posted.


I replied to another email you posted.

Man, I am glad that you are bouncing back from such traumatic events in your life. I am glad you found us to help you save time in your path to regain mental and physical health. By the way, congrats on the new job!


1- How long ago did you stop the anabolic steroids?

2- Any use of painkillers or other medications in the recent past or currently?

3- How are your diet and exercise program (if any)?

Thanks for the reply very much!

1.I stopped about 18 months ago

2. No painkillers and the only over the counter meds I have used at all are Advil and Kirkland's Sleep Aid

3. My diet is much improved now and I just purchased a gym membership locally. I have been walking 4-5 miles 3-4 times per week just wo wake up my body lol
Welcome PunchingPastor!

Wow, what a story! So sorry for the events of your life but as we all know shit happens.

The way I look at life is as one chapter closes another one opens and that seems to be your case so make the best of it my friend.

Clearly, to me at least, the use of AAS cycles have suppressed HPTA and you have not re-started and as a result your androgen serum levels are low.

When you get your blood work back you will see this by looking at how low your LH/FSH labs are and will be your indicator.

Talk to your Doctor and make sure he/she knows and understands how to administer and monitor a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) protocol.

When you get your blood work post everything here in this thread complete with ranges.

The sooner you can get HTPA restarted the better.

Keep us posted.


Thanks very much Gene. I appreciate you guys!
Welcome to EM! Glad you posted the details with your life and events! It truly helps us with providing relevant discussion. With what you have stated, it wouldn't be a surprise if your adrenals are on overdrive. Since you're on fact gathering mission with your current status, you might want to go a little more beyond DHEA and check your cortisol. Also, the TSH only lab won't provide you with the full story on your thyroid. See if you possibly can get Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, and TPO & TgAb antibodies. Hang in there!!
Hi Vettester Chris and I really appreciate the warm welcome you all are giving me. I almost didn't post that story above as I did not want to sound like a whiner. I am definitely on the upswing and looking forward to getting my life back. Another thing I did not mention is how badly my stomach will bloat even when I am eating VERY clean. Usually happens when stress hits me and als is odd that it happens after I eat eggs at times. It bloats to the point opf being uncomfortable. Could that be cortisol levels to high? Thanks

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