Exactly. We are putting a lot of faith in research, when research findings constantly change and progress. Remember back in the early 70's we had a fear of fats. Saturated fat seemed to be our enemy. So we cut whole milk, cut butter and added more carbohydrates into our diet. Well 30 years later we got fatter and fatter and Type II diabetes followed the same rise as did obesity rates. Now we have a dietary fat free society who are largely morbidly obese with Type II diabetes that use to only happen to our older people.
10 to 15 years ago, we discovered that fats are not bad and saturated fats are not so evil but the man made butter replacements (margarine) were full of transfatty acids that seem to directly contribute to cardiovascular disease.
I still have one of the medical inserts that came out of a vial of testosterone enanthate directly from the pharmacy back in 1985 when steroids were not CIII drugs. We were told my medical science that anabolic steroids would not enhance athletics. OK, yet athletes used them anyway and got amazingly better. After 1989, when medical science told us we were all going to die from taking steroids they were made to be a CIII drug and you could hardly get a doctor to prescribe them for anything. Yet this study came out:
It is our contention that the incidence of serious health problems associated with
the use of androgens by athletes has been exaggerated. Longitudinal studies by the
WHO (1990) and Millar ( I 994) have demonstrated that moderate androgen use
( 140-200 mg/week) produce minor but reversible side effects. If androgens are so
dangerous, one would expect an abundance of maladies befalling the over 300,000
individuals who used androgens in 199 1 (Yesalis et al., 1993). Androgens have
been used by athletes, especially in the strength sports, since the mid- 1950s. Professional
bodybuilders, perhaps the population most likely to use steroid, had
used these drugs legally until the mid- 1980s, and currently use them illegally. Although
more than one million individuals are current or former steroid users. there
is no evidence to suggest that they suffer from hepatic or cardiovascular disease
more so than the non-androgen-using population. Based on the available evidence,
we would posit that the administration of moderate doses (200-300 mg/week for 6
to 12 weeks once per year) of an injectable androgen, such as testosterone enanthate
or nandrolone decanoate. in healthy adult males could induce positive change in
body composition and athletic performance with little or no side effect (1,cmcke
et al., 1996; Millar, 1994: WHO, 1990). On the other- hand, when athlete, especially
bodybuilders, often take much higher doses for longer period of' time. It
could be speculated that such high doses might lead to more serious health problems,
but at this point, there is no evidence to support such a contention.
Maybe I will drop dead tomorrow but for 44 years now I have used testosterone, both in huge doses, moderate doses and small doses, by itself or in combination with 1 or more anabolic steroids, combined at times with HGH, insulin, IGF-1 and anything else that would help me grow and get stronger. Despite what some in the medical profession keep telling us.......we are all going to die, I am still here and pretty healthy for a 68 year old who has pushed his body to the limit. We all have to make our own personal choices but seeing how medical science has seemed to change according to how outside influence push them, I am always very skeptical of anything I read and make my own choices in life. I think
@Charliebizz has adequately pointed out all the medication that are being pushed on us by doctors based on the research done by medical science to end up creating more problem for us all. Statins are a very good example.
Why would anyone go to doctors for symptoms of low T and make the effort of taking the prescribed medication only to feel just as miserable doing it. Sometimes we have to think outside the box. I am doing a protocol that no doctor in the world is using, there is also no research backing it. Yet it is working well. No one that I am aware of has ever tried micro-dosing testosterone undecanoate. Hell, it is impossible to even get here in the USA because of the black box warning of micro-embolisms. Impossible to get if you go sub-q. But only in America are we not trusted to do our own medication. Yet most other countries you go to the pharmacy and get things over the counter with no prescription. My wife recently walked out of the pharmacy in Buenos Aires with tramadol (Klosidol). No prescription. Long term results, I am long term results. No research study looks at those of use who have using for 40+ years. All we see from science is fear mongering, mostly because of the fear of an athlete every choosing to use anabolic steroids. Silly.