Hey guys, I'll go over a little info from my first post about my journey so far.45 yrs old, 10 years low T symptoms. Test cyp 100mg/ml IM once a wk first eight wks. had some nipple sensitivity/burning with clear discharge. Split dose to 50mg E3.5D. reduced nipple problems by about 90%, no discharge. Had my first labs done at 3 month's. barley any increase in test levels. test 336ng/dl(250-900), free 81ng/dl(50-585) up from 256 and 49. Hct 46.7%(39-48)SHBG 45(10-50)estradiol 37pg/ml(26-61)Prolactin15.2ng/ml(4.0-15.2 down from 27.1ng/dl)PSA 0.58/mL <3.90ng/mL. No pre TRT E2 or SHBG(doc says she doesn't know what SHBG has to do with testosterone
Upped dose to 120mg a wk, 60mg E3.5D. Some of the same symptoms only worse, eraser shaped nipples/pointy nips, burning, no discharge and no lumps. Only difference this time is that I'm experiencing some occasional burning in the muscle around the left nipple. Not sure what to think because some sites say gyno affects the muscle and some say it doesn't. Could just be a muscle strain from working out .Also I'm at about 25% BF and still dropping so its hard to tell if Its just chest fat or the start of gyno, Good libido, morning and night erections are at 110%.
Two weeks into the 120mg a wk I decided to do the E2 sensitive with discounted labs because I obviously couldn't rely on the wrong estradiol test that my doctor ordered. I know I should have probably run the 120mg for at least 6 wks but the thought of boobs was killing me. Labs came back high at 46.1pg/mL(8.0-35.0) also had Hct done at hospital visit 47% up from 46.7%. Also, any way to estimate the first estradiol test?
So based on these two latest results at a minimum and the fact my test levels barley budged on the 100mg a wk for three months. Should I continue the 120mg a wk for another three wks for a total of 6 wks then test , or would it be safe to jump up to 130mg a wk or even 140mg a wk for an additional 6 wks then test? I ask this only because the labs are around $200 and my doctor wont do labs for another 6-12 months leaving me responsible for all my lab costs. Even though cost is a concern right now my main concern is always my health and safety. It took me ten years to get help but right now it feels like i'm so close but so far away from getting thing's right. Any suggestions would be helpful. I'm open to answering any relevant medical, supplement or lifestyle questions. Thanks,Chris

Upped dose to 120mg a wk, 60mg E3.5D. Some of the same symptoms only worse, eraser shaped nipples/pointy nips, burning, no discharge and no lumps. Only difference this time is that I'm experiencing some occasional burning in the muscle around the left nipple. Not sure what to think because some sites say gyno affects the muscle and some say it doesn't. Could just be a muscle strain from working out .Also I'm at about 25% BF and still dropping so its hard to tell if Its just chest fat or the start of gyno, Good libido, morning and night erections are at 110%.
Two weeks into the 120mg a wk I decided to do the E2 sensitive with discounted labs because I obviously couldn't rely on the wrong estradiol test that my doctor ordered. I know I should have probably run the 120mg for at least 6 wks but the thought of boobs was killing me. Labs came back high at 46.1pg/mL(8.0-35.0) also had Hct done at hospital visit 47% up from 46.7%. Also, any way to estimate the first estradiol test?
So based on these two latest results at a minimum and the fact my test levels barley budged on the 100mg a wk for three months. Should I continue the 120mg a wk for another three wks for a total of 6 wks then test , or would it be safe to jump up to 130mg a wk or even 140mg a wk for an additional 6 wks then test? I ask this only because the labs are around $200 and my doctor wont do labs for another 6-12 months leaving me responsible for all my lab costs. Even though cost is a concern right now my main concern is always my health and safety. It took me ten years to get help but right now it feels like i'm so close but so far away from getting thing's right. Any suggestions would be helpful. I'm open to answering any relevant medical, supplement or lifestyle questions. Thanks,Chris