Hey guys, 45 yrs old, 6'1, 170(20-25%BF),weights 3-4 x's wk, cardio 5-6 x,s wk. 10 years low T symptoms. Test cypionate 100mg/ml IM once a week for first 8 weeks. Bad chest and nipple tenderness/sensitivity, clear discharge from nipples, Oily then dry skin. Split dose to 50mg E3.5D reduced nipple problems about 90%, no discharge. At 3 months, barley any increase in test levels(test 336ng/dl, free 81ng/dl, up from 256,49).Doc sent message saying she was fine with new level's! I replied saying I strongly disagree. She said she has no idea what my goals are
, but willing to increase to 120mg wk, 60mg E3.5D. Yesterday was third injection at new dose. Increased nipple/chest puffiness/sensitivity, puffy or pointy nipples, no discharge. increase in already high anxiety(upper back, neck and especially jaw)back and chest acne.
WBC 4.25K/uL(4.0-10.4)Hgb 15.1g/dl(13.0-17.0)Hct 46.7%(39-48)RBC 5.33M/ul(4.40-5.60)Vit D54ng/mL(30-100)Cortisol 9.3ug/dL(2.3-19.4)SHBG 45(10-50)TSH 1.42ulU/ml(.030-4.20)Estradiol 37pg/ml(26-61 lab never heard of sensitive)Prolactin 15.2ng/ml(4.0-15.2,down from 27.1)FSH 0.10miU/ml(1.5-12.4)Test 336ng/dl(250-900)Test free 81ng/dl(50-585)PSA 0.58ng/ml(>3.90)
Labs 42 hrs (fasting)after Sunday evening injection. Doctor wont prescribe AI. Dosage and or injection frequency recommendations? Can post previous labs and supplemets if helpful. Thanks,Chris

WBC 4.25K/uL(4.0-10.4)Hgb 15.1g/dl(13.0-17.0)Hct 46.7%(39-48)RBC 5.33M/ul(4.40-5.60)Vit D54ng/mL(30-100)Cortisol 9.3ug/dL(2.3-19.4)SHBG 45(10-50)TSH 1.42ulU/ml(.030-4.20)Estradiol 37pg/ml(26-61 lab never heard of sensitive)Prolactin 15.2ng/ml(4.0-15.2,down from 27.1)FSH 0.10miU/ml(1.5-12.4)Test 336ng/dl(250-900)Test free 81ng/dl(50-585)PSA 0.58ng/ml(>3.90)
Labs 42 hrs (fasting)after Sunday evening injection. Doctor wont prescribe AI. Dosage and or injection frequency recommendations? Can post previous labs and supplemets if helpful. Thanks,Chris