Fine tuning Testosterone and some questions


Hi Excelmale-community!

I'm glad to be a member here. I just found out that there are still some questions I got which aren't quite easy to answer. I'm very thankful for everybody who can give me a good usable answer! Since I got many different questions I wrote them in this thread since I don't want to start 6 threads or so.

Short story about me
3-4 weeks ago I changed from gels to injections since the gels didn't work for me. I started with E5D 80mg Enanthate (similar to cypionate). I crashed the first two weeks but I'm feeling way better than on 1 testogel per day. Today I take E3.5D 50mg. My questions are based on that protocol.

1. I'm gonna test the values after introducing HCG for two weeks - does this make any sense?

2. I want to change from IM to subQ as soon as possible. I guess that there is no reason why I shouldn't? Where do u like to inject? I would like to know your favorite places.

3. I wanna start to introduce HCG - twice a week 200iu. I would combine it with the testosterone shots. A half year ago the doc tried hcg mono on me with twice a week 1500 iu per injection. The T Level jumped up to 700 (Range 300-1100). Do u think that the HCG (200iu per injection) has a effect on T level? What about DHT and E2? Is there any scientific paper about this problematic? Any experience?

4. I feel right now pretty good compared to the treatment with gels or hcg mono. I can feel my nipples quite good and i feel it most of the time. I guess I should do blood work as soon as possible. But I still have to introduce the hcg first i guess. Is there anything I could do against the nipple feeling? I guess switching to subQ and E3.5D is/was a good move. I believe that there is a DHT cream for that problem. Does anybody have experience with such a cream or something like that? I could also lower the 50 mg to 40mg. Any thoughts? I like how I'm doing right now, the water retention is not bad but just the nipples. (I would like to know the next move before my next visit @ my doc. I wanna make sure that I got the best strategy - that's the reason why I'm asking such questions)

5. Since my doctor only has Enanthate Ampulles 1 ml (250 mg Testosterone) and my body reacts very bad to highs and lows I'm splitting the ampulle into 4 synringes. Is it maybe better to put the testosterone not in the syringe but into a glass-multi-use-vial? Would you keep it at room-temperature up to 2 weeks?

6. Where do u buy the syringes and needles? Which brand if it matters? I think that I can get some from my doctors, but I also would like to buy some more. Which shop can you recommend? Those links are from nelson (thanks to u).

Thanks a lot. I'm looking forward to find my perfect protocol soon.
1. Any change to a protocol, any change at all, wait four to six weeks before testing in order for serum levels to balance.

2. IM/subQ - for most men it makes little difference in terms of labs results. As for where you inject, there are scores of posts here as to everyone's preferred target. Where you feel comfortable and can easily complete the process with a minimal amount of discomfort makes the most sense. Nelson has a post, outlining his preferred method.

3. You are no longer on HCG mono, so you aren't going to see a testosterone increase with the HCG dose you are initiating. Why 200iu/twice weekly?

4/5. Where do you live? I ask because I sense, based on your questions, you aren't in the US. That means monitoring your Anastrozole is going to be a challenge - access to the sensitive lab test (LC, MS/MS) is unlikely. Nipple sensitivity is typically a pen indication of androgenic activity. It should be noted and estradiol levels checked...but you face the challenges of not accessing the sensitive test. You can't obtain testosterone enanthate from a pharmacist in another medium of supply?
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200iu of HCG twice a week is a pretty low amount, shouldn't cause a problem. I believe most do sub-q in the stomach. I would wait 6 week after adjusting protocol.
Thank you CoastWatcher and Vince for your answers.
1. Since I don't know how my E2 is and I'm already 3-4 weeks on that protocol, I'm gonna introduce hcg very soon and change from IM to subQ, then in 4 weeks I will do the tests. I don't like to wait so long because of dangerous values, but those 4 weeks are very important i guess.
2. Ok.
3. Why 200 iu. Because I want to start low as possible - maybe even with 150 iu. I don't want it to have a big impact on the T levels and others hormones. Maybe 200 or 150 iu is already enough - why should I use then more? (rhetorical question).
4. I'm living in central europe - outside the USA. We are able to do the E2 sensitive test in germany/switzerland. That should be no problem. Or is there even another test? Super sensitive or so? Nope - there is just the ampulle available. That's why it is so complicating and I'm using many syringes for 1 ampulle.

I'm gonna start with SubQ into the stomache. Thank you. A lot of information are from Dr. Chrisler (and Dr. Saya). I have just bought the book from Dr. Chrisler.

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