Nelson Vergel
Fertility tests for women are highly recommended, particularly for couples considering having a baby in the upcoming months. These tests look at numerous substances and hormones in a female's body to ensure that she can successfully reproduce. If certain hormones are out of balance, you can talk to your doctor and see what you should do to improve your fertility status.
This article goes more in-depth regarding fertility, what factors influence it, and so on. Keep reading to learn more and see how you can improve your chances of having a baby.
Several factors influence fertility in women. For example, your age is an important aspect. If you're younger than 30 years of age, your chances of becoming pregnant are higher than a woman who is close to her forties. Similarly, your general health and how often you have sex are also important factors regarding your overall fertility rating.
You should test yourself before having a baby to ensure your system is healthy and optimized for growing a new life inside. As a rule of thumb, most women should be able to conceive after 1-2 years of unprotected sex with their partners. If this doesn't happen, then ordering a fertility test is the right thing to do to investigate this problem.
You might be happy to find out that the fertility test for women is a complex panel that covers many hormones in your body. A woman's reproductive system is a complex machinery with many parts involved. It's essential to take a more comprehensive approach to assessing your fertility to ensure you get the most accurate results and diagnostics. Here is what most fertility panels for women contain.
FSH stands for follicle-stimulating hormone. It's a substance that controls a woman's menstrual cycle and ovarian function. If the FSH is out of balance, a woman might experience delayed periods or have trouble producing eggs essential for reproduction. The FSH test is usually done a few days after your period to ensure the most accurate results. Men also produce FSH, which is directly correlated with sperm production and sperm count.
Estradiol is one of the most important female sex hormones. It profoundly influences the quality of a woman's eggs, sex drive, and overall health. The normal estradiol range is between 30 and 400 pg/ml of blood for women who haven't reached menopause. For postmenopausal women, the normal estradiol range is between 0 to 30 pg/ml of blood. Insufficient quantities of estradiol can significantly affect a woman's ability to have a baby.
Like the follicle-stimulating hormone, an estradiol test is done a few days after your period. All fertility panels incorporate an estradiol test, and the blood sample is analyzed using some of the most advanced medical technologies, such as the liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry device. This ensures accurate results on all estradiol tests done. Men also have estradiol but in lower quantities. The normal estradiol range for men is between 10 and 50 pg/ml of blood.
This is another type of hormone that predicts a woman's ability to conceive a baby. The anti-mullerian hormone is produced by special follicles inside the ovaries. Testing this hormone helps you get a good understanding of your egg reserve and overall ovary function. Lower levels of anti-mullerian hormones mean that your fertility rating is also decreased. Normal anti-mullerian hormone levels in healthy adult women are between 2 and 7 ng/ml of blood.
The luteinizing hormone serves different purposes in both men and women. In men, this hormone is vital for sperm production and can help diagnose male infertility. In women, the luteinizing hormone is paramount for the maturation of eggs, and it can also help diagnose a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Testing the luteinizing hormone is vital for diagnosing female fertility, and it's part of every fertility panel you buy online.
The normal range for LH in adult women differs at various times of the month. Before menopause, a normal LH level would be 5 and 25 IU/L of blood. After menopause, it can go as high as 50 IU/L. The LH levels also rise considerably in the middle of a menstrual cycle, so it's important to test your luteinizing hormone levels at the right time to get the most accurate results.
Progesterone is another important female sex hormone. It regulates the ovulation process and prepares a woman's womb for fertilizing the eggs that might contact sperm cells. This test is usually done before your menstrual cycle, and it's vital for assessing your chances of becoming pregnant. Not having enough progesterone might mean that your body is not prepared to develop a baby, which might be why you're not getting pregnant.
Prolactin is another vital hormone in a woman's and a man's body. In women, it stimulates the production of milk. The pituitary gland produces prolactin, and a prolactin test can help to determine if the ovulation process goes as it should. The normal prolactin range is less than 25 ng/dl of blood in women who are not yet pregnant. In pregnant women, the prolactin levels rise, usually between 80 and 400 ng/dl of blood.
TSH stands for thyroid stimulating hormone. It's a substance that tells your thyroid gland what hormones to produce and in what quantities. TSH is vital for a woman's fertility because it regulates ovulation and prevents miscarriage. Many fertility problems in women are linked to an underactive thyroid gland, so checking your thyroid hormones is paramount for assessing your body's overall reproduction ability.
Believe it or not, women also have testosterone in their system, but in much lower quantities than men. The normal testosterone range for women is between 15 and 70 ng/dl of blood, while the normal T range for men is between 300 and 1,000 ng/dl.
Both partners who plan to conceive should test their testosterone levels, especially men. Having low testosterone levels means that sperm quality will also decrease, and this can significantly reduce fertility. The testosterone test is done using advanced medical technology, and the results are very accurate. A single blood sample is sufficient to check both your free and total testosterone levels.
Fortunately, there are several ways you can increase your fertility naturally. These tips can be put into practice before you decide to conceive a baby with your partner. Here's what you can do.
It's a well-known fact that alcohol and tobacco consumption significantly affect fertility in both men and women. Make sure that you stay away from these substances if you want to enjoy a healthy pregnancy. The occasional drink might not affect you before getting pregnant, but once you have a baby in your womb, you must say no to alcohol and tobacco. These substances can affect your baby's brain development, and you want to avoid that.
If you're overweight, chances are that you are less fertile than women who maintain a healthy weight. Carrying too much fat in your body puts additional stress on your system and might mess up your hormonal balance. Therefore, ensure you work out regularly to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. If you're overweight, hire a personal trainer to design a weight loss regimen.
Sexually transmitted infections can also significantly decrease your fertility rating. Diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia can cause serious infections in your reproductive system and reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Most sexually transmitted infections can be cured with antibiotics, but you need to act quickly. Make sure you test yourself often, and if you experience symptoms such as painful urination or abnormal vaginal discharge, you should talk to your doctor immediately.
As you can see, many factors are involved regarding a woman's reproductive system and fertility status. It's mandatory to do a fertility test to grasp the overall picture regarding your ability to conceive. Once you know all the details related to your hormones, you can make appropriate lifestyle changes to improve your fertility.
Order the fertility test for women from today. This reputable vendor offers the most affordable blood tests in the US, and you also get loyalty points with each purchase!
Female fertility: Why lifestyle choices count - Mayo Clinic
Anti-Müllerian Hormone Test: MedlinePlus Medical Test
Age and Fertility (booklet)
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Table of Contents
- Factors That Influence Fertility
- Fertility Test for Women – Hormone Tested
- 3 Ways to Increase Fertility in Women
- Order Your Fertility Test for Women Today!
This article goes more in-depth regarding fertility, what factors influence it, and so on. Keep reading to learn more and see how you can improve your chances of having a baby.
Factors That Influence Fertility
Several factors influence fertility in women. For example, your age is an important aspect. If you're younger than 30 years of age, your chances of becoming pregnant are higher than a woman who is close to her forties. Similarly, your general health and how often you have sex are also important factors regarding your overall fertility rating.
You should test yourself before having a baby to ensure your system is healthy and optimized for growing a new life inside. As a rule of thumb, most women should be able to conceive after 1-2 years of unprotected sex with their partners. If this doesn't happen, then ordering a fertility test is the right thing to do to investigate this problem.
Fertility Test for Women – Hormone Tested
You might be happy to find out that the fertility test for women is a complex panel that covers many hormones in your body. A woman's reproductive system is a complex machinery with many parts involved. It's essential to take a more comprehensive approach to assessing your fertility to ensure you get the most accurate results and diagnostics. Here is what most fertility panels for women contain.
FSH stands for follicle-stimulating hormone. It's a substance that controls a woman's menstrual cycle and ovarian function. If the FSH is out of balance, a woman might experience delayed periods or have trouble producing eggs essential for reproduction. The FSH test is usually done a few days after your period to ensure the most accurate results. Men also produce FSH, which is directly correlated with sperm production and sperm count.
Estradiol is one of the most important female sex hormones. It profoundly influences the quality of a woman's eggs, sex drive, and overall health. The normal estradiol range is between 30 and 400 pg/ml of blood for women who haven't reached menopause. For postmenopausal women, the normal estradiol range is between 0 to 30 pg/ml of blood. Insufficient quantities of estradiol can significantly affect a woman's ability to have a baby.
Like the follicle-stimulating hormone, an estradiol test is done a few days after your period. All fertility panels incorporate an estradiol test, and the blood sample is analyzed using some of the most advanced medical technologies, such as the liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry device. This ensures accurate results on all estradiol tests done. Men also have estradiol but in lower quantities. The normal estradiol range for men is between 10 and 50 pg/ml of blood.
Anti-Mullerian Hormone
This is another type of hormone that predicts a woman's ability to conceive a baby. The anti-mullerian hormone is produced by special follicles inside the ovaries. Testing this hormone helps you get a good understanding of your egg reserve and overall ovary function. Lower levels of anti-mullerian hormones mean that your fertility rating is also decreased. Normal anti-mullerian hormone levels in healthy adult women are between 2 and 7 ng/ml of blood.
Luteinizing Hormone
The luteinizing hormone serves different purposes in both men and women. In men, this hormone is vital for sperm production and can help diagnose male infertility. In women, the luteinizing hormone is paramount for the maturation of eggs, and it can also help diagnose a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Testing the luteinizing hormone is vital for diagnosing female fertility, and it's part of every fertility panel you buy online.
The normal range for LH in adult women differs at various times of the month. Before menopause, a normal LH level would be 5 and 25 IU/L of blood. After menopause, it can go as high as 50 IU/L. The LH levels also rise considerably in the middle of a menstrual cycle, so it's important to test your luteinizing hormone levels at the right time to get the most accurate results.
Serum Progesterone
Progesterone is another important female sex hormone. It regulates the ovulation process and prepares a woman's womb for fertilizing the eggs that might contact sperm cells. This test is usually done before your menstrual cycle, and it's vital for assessing your chances of becoming pregnant. Not having enough progesterone might mean that your body is not prepared to develop a baby, which might be why you're not getting pregnant.
Prolactin is another vital hormone in a woman's and a man's body. In women, it stimulates the production of milk. The pituitary gland produces prolactin, and a prolactin test can help to determine if the ovulation process goes as it should. The normal prolactin range is less than 25 ng/dl of blood in women who are not yet pregnant. In pregnant women, the prolactin levels rise, usually between 80 and 400 ng/dl of blood.
TSH stands for thyroid stimulating hormone. It's a substance that tells your thyroid gland what hormones to produce and in what quantities. TSH is vital for a woman's fertility because it regulates ovulation and prevents miscarriage. Many fertility problems in women are linked to an underactive thyroid gland, so checking your thyroid hormones is paramount for assessing your body's overall reproduction ability.
Believe it or not, women also have testosterone in their system, but in much lower quantities than men. The normal testosterone range for women is between 15 and 70 ng/dl of blood, while the normal T range for men is between 300 and 1,000 ng/dl.
Both partners who plan to conceive should test their testosterone levels, especially men. Having low testosterone levels means that sperm quality will also decrease, and this can significantly reduce fertility. The testosterone test is done using advanced medical technology, and the results are very accurate. A single blood sample is sufficient to check both your free and total testosterone levels.
3 Ways to Increase Fertility in Women
Fortunately, there are several ways you can increase your fertility naturally. These tips can be put into practice before you decide to conceive a baby with your partner. Here's what you can do.
Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco
It's a well-known fact that alcohol and tobacco consumption significantly affect fertility in both men and women. Make sure that you stay away from these substances if you want to enjoy a healthy pregnancy. The occasional drink might not affect you before getting pregnant, but once you have a baby in your womb, you must say no to alcohol and tobacco. These substances can affect your baby's brain development, and you want to avoid that.
Maintain an Ideal Weight
If you're overweight, chances are that you are less fertile than women who maintain a healthy weight. Carrying too much fat in your body puts additional stress on your system and might mess up your hormonal balance. Therefore, ensure you work out regularly to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. If you're overweight, hire a personal trainer to design a weight loss regimen.
Avoid STIs
Sexually transmitted infections can also significantly decrease your fertility rating. Diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia can cause serious infections in your reproductive system and reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Most sexually transmitted infections can be cured with antibiotics, but you need to act quickly. Make sure you test yourself often, and if you experience symptoms such as painful urination or abnormal vaginal discharge, you should talk to your doctor immediately.
Order Your Fertility Test for Women Today!
As you can see, many factors are involved regarding a woman's reproductive system and fertility status. It's mandatory to do a fertility test to grasp the overall picture regarding your ability to conceive. Once you know all the details related to your hormones, you can make appropriate lifestyle changes to improve your fertility.
Order the fertility test for women from today. This reputable vendor offers the most affordable blood tests in the US, and you also get loyalty points with each purchase!
Female fertility: Why lifestyle choices count - Mayo Clinic
Anti-Müllerian Hormone Test: MedlinePlus Medical Test
Age and Fertility (booklet)
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