I took thorne's ferrasorb 3 pills spread throughout the day (108mg/day iron) for 2 weeks. Retested and only got a 3 point increase being at the low end of the range, so basically it didn't do anything.
Is this a bad supplement problem or does it really take that long for ferritin to increase? 108mg/day of iron is a lot. Switching to Blood Builder now.
In my experience, if you have low ferritin to begin with, it’s often from absorption issues or general things other people wouldn’t have to worry about when considering taking an iron supplement. I’ve taken that amount or more of other brands and I got like 15-20 points in 4-6 months time. Basically useless.
Currently following the advice of another member here and trying ferritts iron at 2x a day with vitamin C and L-Lysine, my additions being a nightly dose a B vitamin and iron liquid, and in my case I’m also eating beef and beef liver daily with vitamin C and L-Lysine as well each time. I’ve also found that, in my case, MCT oil seems to increase absorption of ‘something’, which studies document in rats on iron, and have been having that with things too. Also found a study showing that higher dose iron in the short term within a week did increase ferritin a lot faster than the usual amounts people take, which stopped 4-6 days after they stopped taking more of the very same iron supplements others were taking. The control on normal iron supplement amounts saw no improvement in that span of time.
I’m still having issues after 3-4 days of this but I will say that my skin and hair are looking less hypothyroidy within that span of time in a way that is improving day over day. I’ve taken straight T3 before and NDT and just T4, which usually make me look and feel less hypothyroidy at first until I deplete myself of something, then I’m worse off and can’t recover until I stop the meds. With my current iron regime, I’m looking progressively like I do when I first start a thyroid supplement before it goes bad for me. It’s promising.
I have gut issues and have also been on BPC-157 at 250iu’s 2x a day with 2ius of HGH to help with that, which settles it down very quickly, but has never produced the results I’m seeing so far. Fingers crossed, but I have never personally had the progress I’m making from anything else but my current iron regime.
Too much iron isn’t good for you but if you’re authentically low and having issues, more in the short term, done strategically, does increase ferritin faster according to at least one study. You might also want to lower your TRT dose a little while starting this because test uses up iron faster.
I admit right now I am taking a metric crap ton of iron in through dietary sources and pills, but hey, it’s seemingly working. My skin’s less puffy each day by a little, and my hair hasn’t looked this hydrated in a while. I won’t do this forever but until I refill my stores, I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with it.
If you haven’t had success so far, I’d at least try the ferrits with C and L-Lysine 2x a day, and try C and L-Lysine alongside daily beef and/or liver. At least for a bit. I’m not the only one that’s seen success with this when other things failed.