Factors Involved in Deciding Best Testosterone Option

I have just registered and I am ready to pull the trigger and start TRT. Last summer, during my annual check up, I asked my doctor to do a testosterone Blood test and the results came normal. Actual my total testosterone was 360 (range 300-1200) but my primary care doctor, who is usually a very good practitioner, told me I am in normal range and not to worry about. I know my quality of live has been deteriorating for the last few years (awful sleeping patterns, midsection fat, fatique). Also, I am a powerlifter and I am very strong for my weight but it seems I cannot build any quality muscle.

Anyway, I have read every clinical study on the subject and I have a very good understanding of the results (I am a statistician). I am at a point that I have made a conscious decision to start ASAP but I feel paralyzed. There are two many options. Not sure how to make the right decision. I read the reviews on the site and I found them useful. One key requirement for me is to have good doctor for face to face consultations. I live in Philadelphia.

I would appreciate and recommendation. I have looked on line and inquired for more info. Does anyone have experience with Actionmenshealth.com?
Thnks you all of you for your contributions. Nelson's articles and videos have been an inspiration. This site is an island of hope for all of us.

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I use a local doctor that doesn't know much about TRT, but luckily is willing to learn. But if that wasn't the case I'd consider lots of options.

I think Prime Body has a branch in Philadelphia. And they often advertise 1st consult is free. I'd talk to both, get full costs, and even consider Defy. Or maybe you could switch to Defy later once you get comfortable injecting yourself. From what I understand Defy is more cost effective. Do you have good insurance?

Ask each doctor what their standard protocol is. How often do they recommend injections (Weekly, biweekly, E3.5D)? How many of their patients use HCG, aromatase inhibitors, etc. Just hearing those answers will tell you a lot.

Have you ever had LH & FSH checked to determine if you have primary or secondary hypogonadism.

Compare their list of recommended tests to Nelson's recommendations too.

Its good to have baselines of everything (SHBG, Estradiol Sensitive, DHEA-S, etc.) so you can compare
changes as you start TRT.

With a name like "Action Men's Health" they sound like they would know what they are doing. But ask them for a full list of their recommended pre/post TRT blood work, and post it here for commentary.

Good luck!
I too suffered from paralysis of analysis. ..then I called Defy and it was easy. I thought I needed a face to face as well then I realized 5 minutes face to face was not a sustitute for 30 minutes on the phone. Your situation may demand face to face but if it isn't critical just call them and see what you think ...good luck.
Hi Periandros

Happy you joined us, Mr Statistician ! May be you can help us critique methodology of studies I post!

These are questions I would ask myself when evaluating testosterone replacement options:

1- Are you needle phobic?
2- Do you have a weird work schedule without a set routine?
3- Do you prefer twice per day, daily, weekly, twice per week or every three month administration?
4- Do you have good insurance (PPO)? Have you gone online to their site and looked at their formulary?
5- Have you found a TRT friendly and savvy doctor?
6- How old are you? Previous use of Propecia, opiates or anabolics ?

Can you answer these? Most guys on here are on twice per week subq or shallow IM T injections with or without HCG and/or anastrozole. But that does not mean this is what you should choose to do.

Many use DefyMedical.com (telemedicine). Some us PrimeBody.com (face to face).

Here are some more favorites from our members:

How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone, HCG and Anastrozole
Having spent time studying the topic, you have a certain advantage - you are not likely to follow a poorly designed protocol. You will recognize a doctor who knows androgen replacement as opposed to so many who, when first navigating these waters, find themselves lost. I have a wonderful local doctor helping me manage my treatment, but it didn't start that way. I went down a dead-end street before find her. It has happened to many of us. My point is, you can find good care; don't be discouraged if it takes a bit of time. All the best!

Thanks for the response.

Based on my research, my preference would be injectable, ideally every 4 to 5 days to keep levels relatively steady. I have never injected before but I believe that's the way to go. I have a good insurance but I woulld not mind paying from pocket to avoid restrictions and get the best possible treatment. Definitely yes to HCG and AI. No Anabolis steroids, no drugs no Propecia so far, however, I did try SARMS twice, LGD 4033 and MK 2886. LGD probably suppressed my T badly. I really felt it. However I tried SARMS after I had the blood work indicating low T. Did 3 weeks of clomid and nolvadex per internet advice. I am definitely leaving it to the professionals now. No more amateur mistakes. This site is immensely helpful. I am 48 years old.

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