26 Years Old, Terrified to go on TRT - Only Option - Permanent Damage Caused? Please Help!


New Member

Im only 26 years old I have low t, i have had low t all my life, in the low 300s naturally.. i dont think it used to be as bad, but since my early 20s it has become so bad i have not been able to have sex AT ALL or even start, with viagra, nothing, and ive been battling for years to resolve this problem, first for years i didnt know what was even wrong and thought i was overwatching porn or something, then after bloodworks realized what was wrong, spent a year trying natural alternatives - nothing works, then spent a year trying different SERMS.. I cant really use SERMS.. primary reason is clomid causes me terrible floaters and visual problems due to the zuclomiphene inside it, novladex simply doesnt work for me destroys my libido below zero and somehow builds tolorance very quickly and i know its toxic to the liver, i tried getting just recently some Enclomiphene/ androxal peptide from a research chems website, and initially I was so happy it was working and I did not get any visual side effects from it at all..However, zuclomiphene has a half life of like 5 weeks or something, basically it builds and builds in your system and doesnt want to come out.. clomid with its high zuclomiphene content causes visual problems within 1-2 days.. after taking this enclomiphene stuff for about 4 weeks, i realized it was not 100% pure quality and had probabably some very very low reminant zuclomiphene and eventually it built up and after about 4 weeks now im having visual problems again just like clomid, and the more i take it the worse it gets

I know actual androxal is coming out and it looks like its on the path to approval in europe etc within the next 1-2 years.. im sure the brand name stuff will be high quality and 100% pure and not contain any zuclomiphene and would not cause me visual problems

thing is due to my severe side effects and total sexual dysfunction from low T, i cannot simply wait and take nothing till androxal comes out, basically my only choice now is TRT + HCG.. I really liked the protocol on youtube by the founder of this site 2x a week one shot TRT + HCG seems great/convenient could easily do this.. was already offered TRT by my doctor..

Problem is, after androxal comes out, due to fertility and other reasons, I would like to go off the TRT and go on that instead.. but that may mean i may be on TRT for 1-2 years.. I was reading after taking that long on it, going off, even with SERMS used to help recover as PCT, like if i used the androxal, that it takes like 6 months to fully recover testosterone production , thats one hell of a long time to suffer terribly, and then, i was reading damage could even be permanent, so after taking TRT/HCG for 1-2 years, if i came off and tried SERMS instead like androxal, I may never fully recover my ability to produce natural test at all to any good degree..

help ! i feel trapped now, what have your experiences been? is it difficult to quit TRT after 1-2 years and recover with SERMS? am i screwed or am i over worrying about this and should just do the TRT?

I really have no other option now because I cant spend any more years living a celibate monastary lifestyle.. its driving me insane..

please help with your info! thanks!
Welcome to Exclmale; we hope you'll be an active member. I've read your post twice, and the anxiety leaps off the screen. Can you take a breath, and respond to some questions?

What blood work do you have, when was it run, and will you post it?

When were you taking Clomid?

Do you feel confident that your doctor has a good understanding of TRT, particularly protocols that work to preserve fertility? Has that doctor worked to address the emotional stress you are bringing to your decision?

You will find support here at EM. A bit more information will help us help you.

We need something to work with here. Post up your latest labs, and exactly what protocol you're following right now. You post was a little hard to follow. Thanks.
I dont have access to all my lab numbers at the moment in front of me.. but i did all my labs, cortisols, prolactins, thyroid, etc... my doctor is not a trt specialist but he is one of the best internal medicine doctors in the county and i went over all the results with him and everything comes back normal normal normal...

my average testosterone level taking nothing is about 325-350... with a serm like clomid/novla i can get it up to 600, gone as high as 800, and even as high as 1000, problem is the serms keep causing me these problems nothing works..

currently not taking clomid, have been taking "enclomiphene" as a research peptide, basically clomid with very low amount of zuclomiphene in an attempt to eliminate visual side effects, but due to zuclomiphene long half life, its not low enough in this peptide and visual problems arose again...

im wondering more as a general question... i was just trying to give some back story.. sorry about the confusion

if i go on TRT for lets say 1- 2 years, and then i want to come off and try lets say androxal, i have been following it closesly i think it will be approved in the next 1-2 years... with the help of a SERM like this, how long does it take to recover natural T production?

Thank you guys

Sorry, yea im a bit freaked out over all this, TRT is scary, but with my physical condition, i have no other choice now it seems, but im just hoping to take it for a year or two as a temporary solution hopefully till Androxal comes out, im just afraid if i take it, then go off, the androxal wont work..
Do you have other symptoms of low T other than the sexual ones?

You know, with the right protocol (T and HCG injections) you can probably keep your fertility. You say you would want to go off TRT for fertility and other reasons. What other reasons?
What Jackie said. Please share some blood work info. I am so confused. Are you on TRT or not? Where are you located and do you have a doctor?
sorry guys i do tend to ramble and provide too much backstory.. thank you all for trying to help.. i apologize about any confusion i may have created.. i guess for now let me just focus in and ask the direct question im trying to ask as a general question, any advice would be appreciated:

if someone goes on TRT + HCG for 1 or 2 years, and then wishes to come off TRT + HCG, with the help of SERMs, how quickly can one expect to recover natural testosterone production?

thank you..
sorry guys i do tend to ramble and provide too much backstory.. thank you all for trying to help.. i apologize about any confusion i may have created.. i guess for now let me just focus in and ask the direct question im trying to ask as a general question, any advice would be appreciated:

if someone goes on TRT + HCG for 1 or 2 years, and then wishes to come off TRT + HCG, with the help of SERMs, how quickly can one expect to recover natural testosterone production?

thank you..

No one knows. Not a single study using a control group.

Here are a few slides from a presentation by Dr Turek on HPTA recovery. I would assume that if you are young and had normal T before TRT+HCG, you may get back to "normal" after 4 months. But if you had low T before TRT+HCG, you may never reach "normal" T after a few months of being off.



thank you very much for those graphs, that clears up a lot..

anyone with personal experience doing something liek this care to chime in and what they went through?

also a bit concerned because i was reading some stuff where guys did just one cycle of steroids like 7-10 months, and could NEVER recover their prior normal T function even after clomid/serms.. scary as hell!

thanks for all your help guys!
It may be scary that some of them on steroids never recovered their normal T production, but there are those of us with primary hypogonadism who pretty much have to be on TRT for life.
Yes, it's a commitment, but with the right care/specialist monitoring you there's nothing to be afraid of.
The program I am on is NOTHING like what you're reading about as far as side effects and damage done by steroid abusers.
There simply is no comparison.
That's all fear-mongering.
Nelson and many others have been on TRT for quite awhile.
They can attest to the fact that when monitored properly and not abused you'll be fine.
Of course nothing in life is 100% risk free, but the risks can be greatly reduced if not eliminated with proper care.
Many on this board can attest to this.
People can recover from trt from 3 weeks to a year. Some may not, depends on a lot including age and time in trt.
I stopped after once after about 4 months and recovered in a bout 6 weeks.
How much clomid where you taking?
Many can take a low dose and still get the same effect with the sides.
Sounds like you have low LH as you were producing decent numbers on clomid.

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