Hello All. Been on TRT for 5 years. I am 42 years old. Current protocol is 80mg test Cyp with 500U Hcg twice a week. I also take 100mcg synthyroid. This pretty much been my protocol for the last 5 years. The last 2 years I have been experiencing horrible libido and erection problems. No morning wood ever and I barely think about sex. I am happily married to my wife of 20 years. I find her extremely attractive and sexy. I have a great life, but this problem has been wearing on me mentally. When I started TRT, I would fantasy about my wife everyday. I hardly ever think about sex now and takes me a long time to get an erection. My doc runs my levels a little high due to my high SHBG. Before you chime in about my high estrogen, i felt worst with normal estrogen. I started supplementing with 1000units of vitD/k2 a day. Pleae help. My current labs:
Total T: >1500(300-890)
Free T: 247(47-244)
DHEA: 263
Estradiol: 52.5 (10-42)
Vit D: 21.5 (30-80)
SHBG: 60
TSH: 2.1
fT3: 3.2
Total t3: 88(80-200)
Total T: >1500(300-890)
Free T: 247(47-244)
DHEA: 263
Estradiol: 52.5 (10-42)
Vit D: 21.5 (30-80)
SHBG: 60
TSH: 2.1
fT3: 3.2
Total t3: 88(80-200)