Expiration Dates?


New Member
Is there anywhere I can read about the expiration dates of certain medications? Specifically looking to see how long testosterone enanthate lasts (unopened) and how long HCG lasts (unmixed).

My doctor is putting me on Testosterone Enanthate but will not prescribe HCG so I am resulting to buying it off ReliableRx. I already have my enanthate but I'm afraid to start it before the HCG but I also don't want to "waste" any while waiting for the HCG to come in the mail.

I know the HCG should be refrigerated after mixed and only lasts 30 days(60-90 according to some forums??). Is this true for Testosterone Enanthate as well? The doctor didn't really seem to know much but I was happy he was finally willing to work with me after my last appointment where he told me I was normal..

Thanks in advance.
Your T bottle should have an exp. date printed on it. Or check the box it came in. My T cyp has a year exp date. No frig.
I'd start your TRT asap and start the HCG when it comes in. You will not atrophy that fast.
Alright thank you. I assumed the bottle would have an expiration date (I haven't picked it up yet) but I wanted to ask just to make sure.

Also, I'm not too worried about atrophy but more so concerned with semen levels. I'm not currently planning on having kids but in the future I don't want my chances to be zero because I started TRT before HCG. Do you think I would still be safe?
Is there anywhere I can read about the expiration dates of certain medications? Specifically looking to see how long testosterone enanthate lasts (unopened) and how long HCG lasts (unmixed).

My doctor is putting me on Testosterone Enanthate but will not prescribe HCG so I am resulting to buying it off ReliableRx. I already have my enanthate but I'm afraid to start it before the HCG but I also don't want to "waste" any while waiting for the HCG to come in the mail.

I know the HCG should be refrigerated after mixed and only lasts 30 days(60-90 according to some forums??). Is this true for Testosterone Enanthate as well? The doctor didn't really seem to know much but I was happy he was finally willing to work with me after my last appointment where he told me I was normal..

Thanks in advance.

Did the doc give reasons why he would not prescribe HCG?
I read an article recently where a company did potency tests on several medications some as far back from the 1940's. It showed all the drugs basically kept their potency several years past the expiration dates. I think the drug tested from the 40's still showed like 85% potency. Not sure if injectable drugs were included
Expiration dates are put in place as a liability. Any manufacture will tell you not to use it because it is "expired" as was stated above. This is nonsense
Take a read

The idea that drugs expire on specified dates goes back at least a half-century, when the FDA began requiring manufacturers to add this information to the label. The time limits allow the agency to ensure medications work safely and effectively for patients. To determine a new drug's shelf life, its maker zaps it with intense heat and soaks it with moisture to see how it degrades under stress. It also checks how it breaks down over time. The drug company then proposes an expiration date to the FDA, which reviews the data to ensure it supports the date and approves it. Despite the difference in drugs' makeup, most “expire” after two or three years.

Cantrell keeps a collection of old bottles of chemicals and medicines. He's tested some of them and found that they're still potent. (Sandy Huffaker for ProPublica)
Once a drug is launched, the makers run tests to ensure it continues to be effective up to its labeled expiration date. Since they are not required to check beyond it, most don't, largely because regulations make it expensive and time-consuming for manufacturers to extend expiration dates, says Yan Wu, an analytical chemist who is part of a focus group at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists that looks at the long-term stability of drugs. Most companies, she says, would rather sell new drugs and develop additional products.

Pharmacists and researchers say there is no economic “win” for drug companies to investigate further. They ring up more sales when medications are tossed as “expired” by hospitals, retail pharmacies and consumers despite retaining their safety and effectiveness.

Alright thank you. I assumed the bottle would have an expiration date (I haven't picked it up yet) but I wanted to ask just to make sure.

Also, I'm not too worried about atrophy but more so concerned with semen levels. I'm not currently planning on having kids but in the future I don't want my chances to be zero because I started TRT before HCG. Do you think I would still be safe?
Many men will experience diminished semen/ejaculate if they are using exogenous testosterone. That's true whether they are using HCG or not. Dr. Saya has commented on that here on the Forum, my own doctor has mentioned it, many members have noted they experience it.

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