ok hope this is what u need
1200 mgs pellets 13 weeks. Usually get new one at 16 weeks so starting to come down.
TT 1034. Range 250-1100
FT. 231. Range 35-155
shbg. 32. Range 22-77
E2. 19. Range 0-39 not Ulta sensitive
CBC. RBC. 6.58. R. 4.20-5.80
Hemo. 18.1. R. 13.2-17.1
HEmat. 55.5. R. 18.5-50
i was taking 1/2 mg AI ANASTROZOLE every other day
Right now on 1200 mg for about 7 weeks
do you need anything else ??
thanks. Hope I'm not pestering you guys.
Have you donated blood since receiving these results?!?! If not I'd HIGHLY recommend you do so.
Wait a second, your doctor received these labs, presumably looked over them, and didn't tell you to either donate blood, get a therapeutic phlebotomy, and possibly lower dose? Now I am concerned about the quality of care you're receiving.
Couple of things that would be advantageous for you to answer:
1. Have you considered going to twice weekly injections? It may be cheaper and is easier to dial in vs. pellets.
2. Do you mean these labs were taken 13 weeks since last insertion?
3. Do you still happen to have the full results? It's not necessary but the more information you provide the better the advice you will receive.
4. Were you consistent with your AI dose?
5. How did you feel when these labs were taken?
6. Do you have any labs, even basic ones, closer to "peak"? I am not sure if pellets cause a peak or not, that is similar to test cyp injections.
7. Have you ever gone without an AI? I'm curious what your E2 is without AI. Even pre-TRT labs would be helpful.
8. How do you feel now? I know you had low E2, so I imagine pretty terrible, but I can't remember if you've addressed this question or not.
I understand you're 71, your computer skills are impressive! Also seeking out knowledge and such, I don't mean this as an insult against you or anything, just my mom is 59 and so is my work "partner", and they are clueless when it comes to computers, as well as allergic to seeking out knowledge.
You are on WAY too high of a dose and it is doing EXACTLY what coastwatcher said, causing elevated HCT and HGB which is rather dangerous, especially at your age(no offense!).
I think a dose reduction is imperative at this point. Keep in mind I am NOT a doctor. This is all to my own understanding and hopefully you seek more qualified care, if you feel that that is necessary.