Estradiol ultra sensitive blood test

Why pellets? If you addressed this above, I missed it and apologize. It's not a criticism, but I am puzzled...

I have been doing pellets for about three years they work fine for me keeping my T levels up. My T levels stayed pretty steady over a 15 to 16 weeks.

They are very convenient I get them done every 16 weeks and I don't have to worry about sticking myself every week. Now that I have the AI issue some what rectified we'll see how it goes, especially knowing about the Ultrasensitive E2 test.

Basically very convenient.

PS I'm almost 71 but have been weight training consistently for 58 years. Competed in the mid seventies.
Still in pretty good shape for an old guy. That's what the young guys in the gym tell me lol

Thanks for all the info. This forum is awesome !
I have been doing pellets for about three years they work fine for me keeping my T levels up. My T levels stayed pretty steady over a 15 to 16 weeks.

They are very convenient I get them done every 16 weeks and I don't have to worry about sticking myself every week. Now that I have the AI issue some what rectified we'll see how it goes, especially knowing about the Ultrasensitive E2 test.

Basically very convenient.

PS I'm almost 71 but have been weight training consistently for 58 years. Competed in the mid seventies.
Still in pretty good shape for an old guy. That's what the young guys in the gym tell me lol

Thanks for all the info. This forum is awesome !

Pellets fail so often, it's interesting to hear from someone who has found success with them. We're glad you joined us and hope you'll remain an active member.
Pellets fail so often, it's interesting to hear from someone who has found success with them. We're glad you joined us and hope you'll remain an active member.

There is Testopil, but I use a compounded pellet. They have always maintained my T levels well. I know many guys that use them and rave about them.

Thanks guys
I posted this on another thread and should have posted it on this that I started. I will repost with the answers I received
I am going to post the levels on 1200 mgs. CBC and E2 as requested. Shbg also

I really appreciate this help.

Originally Posted by Singinhawk
i will start off with a statement then a question.

As stated before my usual dose on pellets is 1200 mgs ( did 1400 twice ) always TT and FT is above range up until about 16 or 17 weeks where is starts to drop off. I usually get a new set around that time.

It'd be helpful to know exactly what they were, and how "above" range you mean. It's somewhat difficult to speculate based upon a vague description such as "above range".

Not trying to be rude or anything, and you may genuinely not have the results, so I understand. If you do have them it'd be to your advantage to upload them for more detailed input.

BTW, this should probably be a new thread.

My CBC red counts always above range.
E2 was very high around 140 before AI.

Same as what I said before haha.

Was the E2 a sensitive test?

The next set due in February and planning on doing 1000 mgs. That should put me back into the physiological range.

Have you considered the twice weekly self injection method? It is significantly easier to titrate and dial in when you have control of your dose as opposed to pellets which you're essentially married to.

Might also be cheaper.

It should also bring my red counts down, decrease conversion of T to E.

Well, regarding red counts, it's extremely important to define HOW much above range you are. It can be dangerous depending on what exactly you mean.

Lowering testosterone dose will only prevent or slow down further increases, not bring them down. AFAIK the only way to do that is by phlebotomy.

Lower test dose will absolutely lower E2 production. Here's a picture for you:

We can quantify the rate of reaction and relate to the concentration of a substrate through using the Michaelis-Menten kinetics model. As you can see, it is not a linear relationship, but a curve that demonstrates a plateauing of reaction rate at a specific dose of testosterone. The thing with enzymes, are the products inhibit reactions. Much like how negative feedback mechanisms operate with gonadotropic hormones, if we have too high of a product, the rate of reaction decreases.

There is, disregarding the kinetics of aromatase, also the fact that lower testosterone simply means less E2.

Do you think that is a correct and wise move. Doing this for health!!!

Lowering above range testosterone is a good move for health!

This is a vague question.

I know everyone is different but have you guys noticed any trend in how much of a dose of AI seems to be the best. I know that's a very open question. Everyone is different.

I read Life Extension foundation recommends 1/2 mg twice a week. I know 1/2 every other day is too much for me.

There is no way to answer that haha, I see .25mg 2x weekly recommended a lot on this forum.

Five days off AI started getting nighttime wood better daytime ER libido seemed better.
Sleep terrible. No nipple sensitivity.
Trying not to panic as you suggested.
Last night no wood.

I think we should take this conversation either to your own thread, or PMs, I made this post here because it is relevant information for all, not just you directly.

I may have confused you with hfjbr in some of the responses to you randomly. I am terrible at looking at usernames. So if some of my responses don't make sense, you know why haha.

When do do you know if you should start AI low does ?

When you have physical/mental symptoms and a high sensitive(if available for you where you are) E2 test, and lowering testosterone dose isn't really a possibility, and you've tried more frequent injections, or T/E2 ratio is so low, none of this is worth trying. This is all IMO and it will be contingent upon the exact circumstances on an individual basis.

Sorry to make it so complex, but this is after all a very complex topic. Sometimes there aren't answers and you may have to make your own.

ok hope this is what u need

1200 mgs pellets 13 weeks. Usually get new one at 16 weeks so starting to come down.

TT 1034. Range 250-1100
FT. 231. Range 35-155

shbg. 32. Range 22-77

E2. 19. Range 0-39 not Ulta sensitive

CBC. RBC. 6.58. R. 4.20-5.80
Hemo. 18.1. R. 13.2-17.1
HEmat. 55.5. R. 18.5-50

i was taking 1/2 mg AI ANASTROZOLE every other day

Right now on 1200 mg for about 7 weeks

do you need anything else ??

thanks. Hope I'm not pestering you guys.

ok hope this is what u need

1200 mgs pellets 13 weeks. Usually get new one at 16 weeks so starting to come down.

TT 1034. Range 250-1100
FT. 231. Range 35-155

shbg. 32. Range 22-77

E2. 19. Range 0-39 not Ulta sensitive

CBC. RBC. 6.58. R. 4.20-5.80
Hemo. 18.1. R. 13.2-17.1
HEmat. 55.5. R. 18.5-50

i was taking 1/2 mg AI ANASTROZOLE every other day

Right now on 1200 mg for about 7 weeks

do you need anything else ??

thanks. Hope I'm not pestering you guys.

Have you donated blood since receiving these results?!?! If not I'd HIGHLY recommend you do so.

Wait a second, your doctor received these labs, presumably looked over them, and didn't tell you to either donate blood, get a therapeutic phlebotomy, and possibly lower dose? Now I am concerned about the quality of care you're receiving.

Couple of things that would be advantageous for you to answer:

1. Have you considered going to twice weekly injections? It may be cheaper and is easier to dial in vs. pellets.
2. Do you mean these labs were taken 13 weeks since last insertion?
3. Do you still happen to have the full results? It's not necessary but the more information you provide the better the advice you will receive.
4. Were you consistent with your AI dose?
5. How did you feel when these labs were taken?
6. Do you have any labs, even basic ones, closer to "peak"? I am not sure if pellets cause a peak or not, that is similar to test cyp injections.
7. Have you ever gone without an AI? I'm curious what your E2 is without AI. Even pre-TRT labs would be helpful.
8. How do you feel now? I know you had low E2, so I imagine pretty terrible, but I can't remember if you've addressed this question or not.

I understand you're 71, your computer skills are impressive! Also seeking out knowledge and such, I don't mean this as an insult against you or anything, just my mom is 59 and so is my work "partner", and they are clueless when it comes to computers, as well as allergic to seeking out knowledge.

You are on WAY too high of a dose and it is doing EXACTLY what coastwatcher said, causing elevated HCT and HGB which is rather dangerous, especially at your age(no offense!).

I think a dose reduction is imperative at this point. Keep in mind I am NOT a doctor. This is all to my own understanding and hopefully you seek more qualified care, if you feel that that is necessary.

Have you donated blood since receiving these results?!?! If not I'd HIGHLY recommend you do so.

Wait a second, your doctor received these labs, presumably looked over them, and didn't tell you to either donate blood, get a therapeutic phlebotomy, and possibly lower dose? Now I am concerned about the quality of care you're receiving.

Couple of things that would be advantageous for you to answer:

1. Have you considered going to twice weekly injections? It may be cheaper and is easier to dial in vs. pellets.
2. Do you mean these labs were taken 13 weeks since last insertion?
3. Do you still happen to have the full results? It's not necessary but the more information you provide the better the advice you will receive.
4. Were you consistent with your AI dose?
5. How did you feel when these labs were taken?
6. Do you have any labs, even basic ones, closer to "peak"? I am not sure if pellets cause a peak or not, that is similar to test cyp injections.
7. Have you ever gone without an AI? I'm curious what your E2 is without AI. Even pre-TRT labs would be helpful.
8. How do you feel now? I know you had low E2, so I imagine pretty terrible, but I can't remember if you've addressed this question or not.

I understand you're 71, your computer skills are impressive! Also seeking out knowledge and such, I don't mean this as an insult against you or anything, just my mom is 59 and so is my work "partner", and they are clueless when it comes to computers, as well as allergic to seeking out knowledge.

You are on WAY too high of a dose and it is doing EXACTLY what coastwatcher said, causing elevated HCT and HGB which is rather dangerous, especially at your age(no offense!).

I think a dose reduction is imperative at this point. Keep in mind I am NOT a doctor. This is all to my own understanding and hopefully you seek more qualified care, if you feel that that is necessary.

ill try to answer what I can. First thanks for the complement on computers.
I am pretty knowledge about the hormones but alway like to verify my thoughts on stuff

i won't do shots. Compounding Pellets keep a very consistent level, for me up to 16 weeks
these labs were 13 weeks into my previous pellets. I'm 8 weeks into my new ones going for labs on the 20th
I was very consistent with AI .5 mg every other day
pellets don't peak like shots do.
Didnt do AI when I first went on pellets E2 140 that's why he put me on.
How I feel? Since being on AI I feel like I don't really take T and now I'm understanding why because my E2 was probably low all this time. Having trouble sleeping which I believe is giving me the fatigue I get I keep a very specific log and notice when I sleep I feel pretty good

Next pellets in February going down to 1000 from 1200.

Been off AI now for 5 days deffinately things are better some nighttime wood. Erections better erection recovery about 4 hrs that's today so that's good. Don't seem as down. Need to sleep better.

Yes it pisses me off that freaking doctors don't get it but script this stuff anyway. Have a new guy now been doing this for 20 years. Going for blood week and a half and we will see what he says.
Never gave blood, take a lot of omega3 and ginkgo to keep blood thin.

I work out almost every day. Training for 58 years competed in the mid seventies. Never took steroids !! Take supplements for over 40 years. Could go on and on. Yep been into this for a long time. I did have rotator cuff surgery in January which really threw me for a loop. Cause bad insomnia which I am coming out of but not sleeping perfectly. Sorry for long rant.

Again all your help is super appreciated.
ill try to answer what I can. First thanks for the complement on computers.
I am pretty knowledge about the hormones but alway like to verify my thoughts on stuff

i won't do shots. Compounding Pellets keep a very consistent level, for me up to 16 weeks
these labs were 13 weeks into my previous pellets. I'm 8 weeks into my new ones going for labs on the 20th
I was very consistent with AI .5 mg every other day
pellets don't peak like shots do.
Didnt do AI when I first went on pellets E2 140 that's why he put me on.
How I feel? Since being on AI I feel like I don't really take T and now I'm understanding why because my E2 was probably low all this time. Having trouble sleeping which I believe is giving me the fatigue I get I keep a very specific log and notice when I sleep I feel pretty good

Next pellets in February going down to 1000 from 1200.

Been off AI now for 5 days deffinately things are better some nighttime wood. Erections better erection recovery about 4 hrs that's today so that's good. Don't seem as down. Need to sleep better.

Yes it pisses me off that freaking doctors don't get it but script this stuff anyway. Have a new guy now been doing this for 20 years. Going for blood week and a half and we will see what he says.
Never gave blood, take a lot of omega3 and ginkgo to keep blood thin.

I work out almost every day. Training for 58 years competed in the mid seventies. Never took steroids !! Take supplements for over 40 years. Could go on and on. Yep been into this for a long time. I did have rotator cuff surgery in January which really threw me for a loop. Cause bad insomnia which I am coming out of but not sleeping perfectly. Sorry for long rant.

Again all your help is super appreciated.

Donating blood is going to be a priority now. 55 on HCT is dangerous. Read Dr. Saya's comment here

Sounds like your E2 is definitely too low, which is obvious. What I am trying to figure out, is how high E2 will go, 140 seems pretty high, what was your testosterone total and free at the same time?

You most certainly need your dose reduced IMO. Way too high, thus raising HCT to dangerous levels IMO, and causing E2 issues.

Low E2 is correlated with higher all cause mortality in older men, and low E2 can cause bone loss/softening which at 71 is more of a concern. Also, it's taking away the benefits of TRT it seems.

It's all about being dialed in, and a problem I think you may face with pellets is their tapering levels, although you say it doesn't taper much. Even going from 1000-800 will change AI usage or even cause you to go too low on E2. I understand you're not willing to do shots, so it's more important to find a dose where you don't need AI or need a small small dose.

I think it's awesome you're so "young minded", I'm in my 20s and sometimes feel like mentally I'm an old man, but life is different now at my age than it was at your age, much more difficult financially :( Plus it's hard to have friends that aren't working 12h a day or too broke to do anything.
Donating blood is going to be a priority now. 55 on HCT is dangerous. Read Dr. Saya's comment here

Sounds like your E2 is definitely too low, which is obvious. What I am trying to figure out, is how high E2 will go, 140 seems pretty high, what was your testosterone total and free at the same time?

You most certainly need your dose reduced IMO. Way too high, thus raising HCT to dangerous levels IMO, and causing E2 issues.

Low E2 is correlated with higher all cause mortality in older men, and low E2 can cause bone loss/softening which at 71 is more of a concern. Also, it's taking away the benefits of TRT it seems.

It's all about being dialed in, and a problem I think you may face with pellets is their tapering levels, although you say it doesn't taper much. Even going from 1000-800 will change AI usage or even cause you to go too low on E2. I understand you're not willing to do shots, so it's more important to find a dose where you don't need AI or need a small small dose.

I think it's awesome you're so "young minded", I'm in my 20s and sometimes feel like mentally I'm an old man, but life is different now at my age than it was at your age, much more difficult financially :( Plus it's hard to have friends that aren't working 12h a day or too broke to do anything.

Started looking up donation centers. I live in Vegas.

Yes et finally realized that the E2 is low. That's good we figured that out.

140 was when they first put me on T pellets my level then was around 300 so it shot up from there to around 1000 if I remember. That was around 4 yrs ago.

I will deffinately reduce dose to 1000 mgs. Like I mentioned my level stay pretty level up to 16 weeks and that is when I get new ones.

Just a note T E my new doc puts his patients males on progesterone. He told me it helps control E. Will talk more to him about that.

I have read a lot on E2 there are good articles IS CALLED Peak testerone website. Very interesting stuff. I'm aware of the concerns wt high or low.

It may may come to me taking shots we will see

I feel for u this day and age it's tough for the young people. Even the women are crazy lol

ok I'm going to continue off the AI hopfully no crazy stuff till I get my labs on the 20th
Hope I start sleeping better that makes a huge difference for me.

Hang in man where you located ? You guys provide a good service helping people and that's an admirable thing. !!
Started looking up donation centers. I live in Vegas.

Yes et finally realized that the E2 is low. That's good we figured that out.

Good! Donation at your levels is mighty important.

140 was when they first put me on T pellets my level then was around 300 so it shot up from there to around 1000 if I remember. That was around 4 yrs ago.

I'm confused, E2 was 140 with testosterone at 300? Holy crap. That is a ridiculous level of aromatization if that's what you meant.

I will deffinately reduce dose to 1000 mgs. Like I mentioned my level stay pretty level up to 16 weeks and that is when I get new ones.

Just a note T E my new doc puts his patients males on progesterone. He told me it helps control E. Will talk more to him about that.

Wait, what? You're...on progesterone? I've never heard a man put on progesterone. You also never had your progesterone level tested? I am not well informed on progesterone and it's functions, but I do not think it's something a man should be on. Remember, this is AFAIK.

It may may come to me taking shots we will see

It may be. It's not as scary as it sounds honestly. In fact it can eventually be something you look forward to, knowing how it makes you feel can change the perspective of putting a sharp object in your muscle.

I feel for u this day and age it's tough for the young people. Even the women are crazy lol

Thank you. It's a changed world IMO from talking to people 50+. Women were always crazy, right? ;)

ok I'm going to continue off the AI hopfully no crazy stuff till I get my labs on the 20th
Hope I start sleeping better that makes a huge difference for me.

Hopefully E2 doesn't go too high, but that lab test will be timed so that it will let you know if it will.

Hang in man where you located ? You guys provide a good service helping people and that's an admirable thing. !!

I'm in the Philadelphia region. You're welcome but what do you mean by "you guys"? I'm one guy lol, unless you mean the locaion of the website
140 after they put me on the pellets. Probably went about 6 mo before they saw the E2 level and put me on the AI

Not on progesterone but he puts his patients on it wt T. Men need it also just like E

wonen now are way crazier. lol I'm originally from NY so I hate the eagles.

Ill keep u posted headed east over the holidays. Will see the doc to go over labs at the end of dec I hope.

Thank you but how come no one else posts wt replies. I've been on the meso rx forum a few times
do u take T for bodybuilding ?
When u can go to utube and search T pellets there is one by Dr carrozella he give a good explanation on why he thinks pellets are best. Check it out.
140 after they put me on the pellets. Probably went about 6 mo before they saw the E2 level and put me on the AI

Not on progesterone but he puts his patients on it wt T. Men need it also just like E

wonen now are way crazier. lol I'm originally from NY so I hate the eagles.

Ill keep u posted headed east over the holidays. Will see the doc to go over labs at the end of dec I hope.

Wow, 140 E2 is sky high. Might be the highest I've seen. I cannot imagine how you felt. Makes me somewhat question the care you're receiving, as #1 that should have been checked much earlier than 6 months, and it should have been apparent in your pre-TRT labs based on T/E2 ratio that you'd have E2 issues. Either A. Doc didn't realize that or B. Didn't check E2 pre TRT. Either way no good.

I am honestly not too familiar with progesterone in men, need to learn about it.

Women may be crazier, I honestly have no idea haha.

Thank you but how come no one else posts wt replies. I've been on the meso rx forum a few times

What do you mean?

do u take T for bodybuilding ?

I don't lift weights too often. I'm on it for symptoms and health really.
Wow, 140 E2 is sky high. Might be the highest I've seen. I cannot imagine how you felt. Makes me somewhat question the care you're receiving, as #1 that should have been checked much earlier than 6 months, and it should have been apparent in your pre-TRT labs based on T/E2 ratio that you'd have E2 issues. Either A. Doc didn't realize that or B. Didn't check E2 pre TRT. Either way no good.

I am honestly not too familiar with progesterone in men, need to learn about it.

Women may be crazier, I honestly have no idea haha.

What do you mean?

I don't lift weights too often. I'm on it for symptoms and health really.

i believe that it shot up that high because T went from 300 to 1000 after pellets and my body responded by aromatizing the higher T which it wasn't used to having.

The point now is where will it be when I test with no AI. I'll be off for 14 days. It will be interesting.

Just watched Nelson presentation on estradiol on utube seems doesn't really advocate taking an AI. Seems like he was saying if you really don't have any symptoms then don't take any. I got the impression that you can be up around 40 to 50 without symptoms and be OK. I am really looking forward to seeing how I feel without the AI I've been on this for several years and my E2 has been low all the time. Will also be interesting when I quiz the new doctor on a lot of the stuff.

I'll keep you posted and thanks for all your info really appreciate it. Like I said to you also go to YouTube and check out the presentations on pellets more more doctors seem to be looking at pellets because of the steady state and levels of T in the blood.

I got a friend in my gym is on 1400 mg pellets and his doctor said not to take anything unless you get sensitivity in his nipples. And he seems to be doing great.
i believe that it shot up that high because T went from 300 to 1000 after pellets and my body responded by aromatizing the higher T which it wasn't used to having.

The point now is where will it be when I test with no AI. I'll be off for 14 days. It will be interesting.

Just watched Nelson presentation on estradiol on utube seems doesn't really advocate taking an AI. Seems like he was saying if you really don't have any symptoms then don't take any. I got the impression that you can be up around 40 to 50 without symptoms and be OK. I am really looking forward to seeing how I feel without the AI I've been on this for several years and my E2 has been low all the time. Will also be interesting when I quiz the new doctor on a lot of the stuff.

I'll keep you posted and thanks for all your info really appreciate it. Like I said to you also go to YouTube and check out the presentations on pellets more more doctors seem to be looking at pellets because of the steady state and levels of T in the blood.

I got a friend in my gym is on 1400 mg pellets and his doctor said not to take anything unless you get sensitivity in his nipples. And he seems to be doing great.

So your levels were 1000 ng/dl total test initially, which corresponded with a 140E2 level?

Yeah, the body doesn't get "shocked" so to speak and thus aromatize at a higher rate, if anything, the enzyme's product limits the conversion rate via a negative feedback loop. Hence why if you see my M-M curve graph, it is NOT a linear response rate and tapers off at higher levels.

99% chance if your E2 was 140 at 1000 initially sans AI, it will be 140 again. I hope I am wrong and you do just fine but I want to prepare you for the scenario where you do not.

I am not super familiar with Nelson's stance, but I do believe he accepts it's use in rather extreme cases, and that he's more about LESS use of AI when there are other means to lower E2. Nelson will have to clarify this.

Your E2 getting back to normal will be QUITE the change, Sir! It was like being able to see color for the first time or something. Or more like, taking Ibuprofen and having that nasty headache just finally stop.

Well, I disagree that pellets are a superior form of TRT, their only real advantage is NOT injecting. Other than that, they have significantly more cons than injections, cost, lack of titration ability, needing a surgical procedure(albeit minor), and pain. Being married to the pellet, is a serious issue for me regarding commitment, and you know us men and commitment ;)

What works for your friend may NOT work for you, although I do think you're aware of that.
Seems like more and more TRT physicians are going wt pellets. Do the research my friend. The procedure and pain are nothing. Cost is more. Steady level is a big advantage. Like i suggested look at the presentations on utube. ill let the "experts" tell you. Have a great night !! Again thanks. I'll keep u posted.
Seems like more and more TRT physicians are going wt pellets. Do the research my friend. The procedure and pain are nothing. Cost is more. Steady level is a big advantage. Like i suggested look at the presentations on utube. ill let the "experts" tell you. Have a great night !! Again thanks. I'll keep u posted.

You said u got some crap when you got off AI you said it lasted a week. What were those

i started a new tread wt thyroid question and T

hope your day is going well
You said u got some crap when you got off AI you said it lasted a week. What were those

i started a new tread wt thyroid question and T

hope your day is going well

6 days off and the only negative so far is didn't sleep the last three days. Really fatigued from that. Is that a symptom of the body adjusting ? It's terrible.

Can wait for my new pellets in February going dow to 1000 mgs from 1200. That should put me in the physiological range and hopfully keep my blood count normal and produce less E2 as your chart indicated. Im really interested to see what the doc says knowing what I know now, thanks to you.

I just saw the discountedlabs page I will use that to keep on top of the E2.


Hey guys. I think I posted this stuff on a different thread and was told to put it on this one to follow up what we were talking about. As I mentioned I went and had lab work done and the labs came back total testosterone Estradiol CBC
SHBG. I got them online from LabCorp results of my labs. I thought he took total T and a couple other things but I didn't see them.

This was 9 weeks on my pellets 1200 mgs.

All those labs came back without particular Ranges just


Total testosterone was 964. NORMAL

RBC. 6.08. Range. 4.14 - 5.80
Hemoglobin 17.9. Range. 12.6 - 17.7
Hematicrit. Normal

IGF 1. 185. Range 47 - 192
SHBG. 40.7. Normal

Now. I was off AI for two weeks and took the ultrasensitive E2

the result was 24

Now I don't know if two weeks was long enough off the AI to get a accurate result.

Here is what I felt when I got off the AI in previous post where is Stablers that half a milligram of anastrozole every other day that I was taking and the fact that my doctor used the immunoassay test instead of the ultra sensitive test My estradiol was probably crashed. Four days after getting off I started to get nighttime erections good directions during the day all the good things we look for taking testosterone I've been off almost a month and about a week ago I started to lose those good results. I was told by other insightful people That if you get good results you have hit the sweet spot and then if you start to lose them you probably have gone to high on your extra tile. They said to go back on the anastrozole but only take half the dose you were taking before and see what happens. So today I started taking .25 mg every other day half of what I took before. I am going to see the doctor next week to go over all the labs and February 9 I go for my new pellets. As I stated before I am planning to drop down my dose from 1200 to 1000 or 1100 depending on what my doctor says. I will stay on the .25 AI dose and wait maybe three weeks after my new pallets to get new labs. That you give me a very good indication what my E2 level


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