Erections gone, PDE5i's stopped working, E2 related?


I've been trying to sort this out on my own for a while, but I'm at my wits end. Really hoping someone can help me solve this dilemma.

Over the past few months erectile function has gone from being able to get really hard with the help of 12.5-25mg viagra to completely dead dick, zero morning wood, and loss of sensation, significant loss of libido. 50mg of viagra doesn't do anything. Cialis at 10mg every day for a week hasn't worked either. Too afraid to try higher doses of viagra since it elevates my heart rate too much.

I'm married and in a very good relationship. I am very attracted to my wife but my body just won't cooperate with me at all and it is becoming very distressing.

I am 40 years old, been on TRT for about 5 years or so. Protocol is currently 140mg T Enanthate weekly in divided doses (E3D) with HCG 500iu E3D. Pin T on day 1, HCG on day 2, nothing day 3, repeat. Been taking 0.25mg Arimidex once per week.

I am also hypothyroid, and am being treated with 125mcg T4, and 50mcg T3 daily (divided doses with cytomel 25, 12.5, 12.5).

Recent blood work:
Free T4: 11.5 (11.5-22.7)
Free T3: 6.3 (3.5-6.5)
TSH: (0)
Reverse T3: (awaiting results, although it hasn't been elevated in recent years)
Estradiol 29 pg/ml (measured 6 days after my 0.25mg dose of ADEX)
Total Testosterone 30.9 mol/L (8.4-28.8)
Free Testosterone 450 pmol/l (115-577)
Bioavailable Testosterone 10.5 nmol/l (2.7-13.5)
SHBG 65.6 nmol/L (10-70)
Prolactin: 5.2 ug/l (2.1-17.7)
A1C: 4.7 (4.5-5.9)
Hematocrit 0.508 (0.410-0.510)
Hemoglobin 170 (135-170)
Ferritin 205 (40-300)

Mood is low and depressed, but I attribute this directly to my lack of sex drive and ED. When I can get hard and have good sex drive, life is great. This has been ongoing since this past summer, getting progressively worse and it's causing me significant anxiety.

The one thing that stands out to me is my SHBG being at the top of the reference range. Historically it has been right smack dab in the middle of the reference range, but has climbed up over the last year. This is most likely due to my T3 (cytomel) dose having gone from about 37.5mcg to 50mcg over the past year as I was beginning to get hypothyroid symptoms again. At 50mcg many of my hypo symptoms have resolved (cold all the time, dragging ass, diminished cognitive function, not digesting) so that seems to be dialled in now.

My E2 level is the big question mark for me. It looks like it is at a good level, but since I don't have access to the sensitive lab test here in western Canada, I really don't know for sure. I'm also wondering if my SHBG being so high could be gobbling up all my E2? From what I understand SHBG has a lower binding affinity for E2 than it does T, but I'm not well versed in SHBG issues.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thank you.

That is a very unphysiological dosage and ratio of T4 to T3. This might be what is causing your ED or contributing to it significantly.

Your T4 is at hypo levels. It is possible to be hyper and hypo at the same time in different tissues as certain tissues utilize T4 more effectively than T3. T4 is very important for health and wellbeing. Contrary to internet dogma.

Healthy thyroid produces about 100 mcg T4 and 5-8 mcg T3 per day and you make an additional 25 mcg of T3 from T4 conversion or so.

Hyper and hypothyroidism can cause ED. I would be looking at trying a physiological ratio of T4 To T3.

Free T4 around 21 (usually takes 100-200 mcg T4) and only 5-10 mcg T3 daily.

When did you start the 50 mcg T3? How many hours after your last dose are you drawing labs?
(It peaks around 2-4 hours. So after 12-24 hours levels will be much lower.)
Thanks, Nelson.

No, I have not tried antidepressants. I am typically a very happy, motivated, and affable person. I have a good life and am very blessed in many ways so I don't feel that is the right approach for me.

I know my symptoms are a result of something wrong with my protocol, as the very moment my libido comes back and my dick starts working again, life is splendid and all is well.

This has happened sporadically over the course of the past 6 months. For whatever reason, the stars align and all of a sudden I'm back to my horny happy self for a day or two, I can get a good erection without any viagra or cialis, then it's gone, but for the life of me I cannot connect the dots.

Needless to say I'm now tracking absolutely everything and taking copious notes in my daily journal.

I'm determined to get to the bottom of this.

The three variables that I'm hovering around right now are the following:

My E2 is lower than usual - although perfectly in range, in years past I would hover around top of the reference range (again, not a sensitive E2 test as I can't get it)

My SHBG has gone from mid-range to top of the reference range (maybe eating up all my E2??)

And my cytomel dose has gone up (the likely cause of the elevation of my SHBG)

One other thing I just thought of...Over the past 6 months I've noticed a dramatic increase in the number of eye floaters I have. I've always had a few, but this is a significant increase. Probably not related at all, but I know visual disturbances and eye floaters have been reported in some men taking clomid (which I've never taken). I can't find any info that suggests this would be possible with Arimidex, but if eye floaters are somehow related to E2 levels perhaps this could be a clue?
T3 will significantly increase SHBG, i see it all the time. The most common reasons for SHBG spikes are NDT/T3 useage and estradiol, especially oral.
If you are not trying to father a child, HCG and Arimidex are pointless.
I respectfully disagree. I take HCG and find it significantly improves my libido . I think stimulating LH helps a cascade of other hormones .. my experience.. I’m a grandpa now so not for fertility. Also my testicular came back to size on HCG . I love it
I respectfully disagree. I take HCG and find it significantly improves my libido . I think stimulating LH helps a cascade of other hormones .. my experience.. I’m a grandpa now so not for fertility. Also my testicular came back to size on HCG . I love it
I agree, hCG definitely helps sexual sensation in the genitals and libido in many men. It can also partly restore ejaculate levels. Fertility is not the only reason to use it.

I've been trying to sort this out on my own for a while, but I'm at my wits end. Really hoping someone can help me solve this dilemma.

Over the past few months erectile function has gone from being able to get really hard with the help of 12.5-25mg viagra to completely dead dick, zero morning wood, and loss of sensation, significant loss of libido. 50mg of viagra doesn't do anything. Cialis at 10mg every day for a week hasn't worked either. Too afraid to try higher doses of viagra since it elevates my heart rate too much.

I'm married and in a very good relationship. I am very attracted to my wife but my body just won't cooperate with me at all and it is becoming very distressing.

I am 40 years old, been on TRT for about 5 years or so. Protocol is currently 140mg T Enanthate weekly in divided doses (E3D) with HCG 500iu E3D. Pin T on day 1, HCG on day 2, nothing day 3, repeat. Been taking 0.25mg Arimidex once per week.

I am also hypothyroid, and am being treated with 125mcg T4, and 50mcg T3 daily (divided doses with cytomel 25, 12.5, 12.5).

Recent blood work:
Free T4: 11.5 (11.5-22.7)
Free T3: 6.3 (3.5-6.5)
TSH: (0)
Reverse T3: (awaiting results, although it hasn't been elevated in recent years)
Estradiol 29 pg/ml (measured 6 days after my 0.25mg dose of ADEX)
Total Testosterone 30.9 mol/L (8.4-28.8)
Free Testosterone 450 pmol/l (115-577)
Bioavailable Testosterone 10.5 nmol/l (2.7-13.5)
SHBG 65.6 nmol/L (10-70)
Prolactin: 5.2 ug/l (2.1-17.7)
A1C: 4.7 (4.5-5.9)
Hematocrit 0.508 (0.410-0.510)
Hemoglobin 170 (135-170)
Ferritin 205 (40-300)

Mood is low and depressed, but I attribute this directly to my lack of sex drive and ED. When I can get hard and have good sex drive, life is great. This has been ongoing since this past summer, getting progressively worse and it's causing me significant anxiety.

The one thing that stands out to me is my SHBG being at the top of the reference range. Historically it has been right smack dab in the middle of the reference range, but has climbed up over the last year. This is most likely due to my T3 (cytomel) dose having gone from about 37.5mcg to 50mcg over the past year as I was beginning to get hypothyroid symptoms again. At 50mcg many of my hypo symptoms have resolved (cold all the time, dragging ass, diminished cognitive function, not digesting) so that seems to be dialled in now.

My E2 level is the big question mark for me. It looks like it is at a good level, but since I don't have access to the sensitive lab test here in western Canada, I really don't know for sure. I'm also wondering if my SHBG being so high could be gobbling up all my E2? From what I understand SHBG has a lower binding affinity for E2 than it does T, but I'm not well versed in SHBG issues.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thank you.


I've been trying to sort this out on my own for a while, but I'm at my wits end. Really hoping someone can help me solve this dilemma.

Over the past few months erectile function has gone from being able to get really hard with the help of 12.5-25mg viagra to completely dead dick, zero morning wood, and loss of sensation, significant loss of libido. 50mg of viagra doesn't do anything. Cialis at 10mg every day for a week hasn't worked either. Too afraid to try higher doses of viagra since it elevates my heart rate too much.

I'm married and in a very good relationship. I am very attracted to my wife but my body just won't cooperate with me at all and it is becoming very distressing.

I am 40 years old, been on TRT for about 5 years or so. Protocol is currently 140mg T Enanthate weekly in divided doses (E3D) with HCG 500iu E3D. Pin T on day 1, HCG on day 2, nothing day 3, repeat. Been taking 0.25mg Arimidex once per week.

I am also hypothyroid, and am being treated with 125mcg T4, and 50mcg T3 daily (divided doses with cytomel 25, 12.5, 12.5).

Recent blood work:
Free T4: 11.5 (11.5-22.7)
Free T3: 6.3 (3.5-6.5)
TSH: (0)
Reverse T3: (awaiting results, although it hasn't been elevated in recent years)
Estradiol 29 pg/ml (measured 6 days after my 0.25mg dose of ADEX)
Total Testosterone 30.9 mol/L (8.4-28.8)
Free Testosterone 450 pmol/l (115-577)
Bioavailable Testosterone 10.5 nmol/l (2.7-13.5)
SHBG 65.6 nmol/L (10-70)
Prolactin: 5.2 ug/l (2.1-17.7)
A1C: 4.7 (4.5-5.9)
Hematocrit 0.508 (0.410-0.510)
Hemoglobin 170 (135-170)
Ferritin 205 (40-300)

Mood is low and depressed, but I attribute this directly to my lack of sex drive and ED. When I can get hard and have good sex drive, life is great. This has been ongoing since this past summer, getting progressively worse and it's causing me significant anxiety.

The one thing that stands out to me is my SHBG being at the top of the reference range. Historically it has been right smack dab in the middle of the reference range, but has climbed up over the last year. This is most likely due to my T3 (cytomel) dose having gone from about 37.5mcg to 50mcg over the past year as I was beginning to get hypothyroid symptoms again. At 50mcg many of my hypo symptoms have resolved (cold all the time, dragging ass, diminished cognitive function, not digesting) so that seems to be dialled in now.

My E2 level is the big question mark for me. It looks like it is at a good level, but since I don't have access to the sensitive lab test here in western Canada, I really don't know for sure. I'm also wondering if my SHBG being so high could be gobbling up all my E2? From what I understand SHBG has a lower binding affinity for E2 than it does T, but I'm not well versed in SHBG issues.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thank you.
Like you, I was unresponsive to ED pills. Here's my story. I'm not 100% but at least i can function enough to enjoy sex, and satisfy my partner.
Cialis - stopped working
Viagra - stopped working.
P shot - did nothing
Gainswave Shockwave - did nothing.
Rugiet - works sometimes - and and sometimes it dont.

Here's are the positives
PT 141 -subcutaneous injection works. Gives me a good erection for 24 hours. Two minor drawbacks, (1) if you over do it, you'll get a suntan. (2) it takes 8 hours for it to kick in. (everybody is different)
Exosomes - did one shot about 3 weeks ago. It suppose work after 6 weeks
Focused Shockwave - this is the real deal. The Gainsewave Shockwave is a waste of money. if you choose to do this, make sure you find a Focused shockwave. See video.

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And most importantly - DRINK WATER. The formula of how much water you need to drink - Take your weight, divide it in half, thats how many ounces of water your should drink.
Water thins your blood, this allows it travel through the small vessels capillaries in your penis.Feel free to email me directly, if you want more details.
As I can see this is starting to go downhill, I’ll just give my update and that will be that.

Haven’t touched an AI in over a couple weeks, and have been feeling great. I did take a 500iu shot of HCG this week to see if that had any negative effect. It did not.

My estrogen level is undoubtedly much higher than when I first posted, and I feel the best I’ve felt in a year.

Morning wood is back, erections are the best they’ve been in a year. Haven’t even needed any cialis or viagra. Libido is back. Feeling great. Better strength and energy.

Safe to say, in my case, the issue was low E2.
As I can see this is starting to go downhill, I’ll just give my update and that will be that.

Haven’t touched an AI in over a couple weeks, and have been feeling great. I did take a 500iu shot of HCG this week to see if that had any negative effect. It did not.

My estrogen level is undoubtedly much higher than when I first posted, and I feel the best I’ve felt in a year.

Morning wood is back, erections are the best they’ve been in a year. Haven’t even needed any cialis or viagra. Libido is back. Feeling great. Better strength and energy.

Safe to say, in my case, the issue was low E2.
Yes it has gone down hill. This is great news, please keep us posted on how this continues for you.
I have tons of studies you literal fool. If you do not know that estrogen increase serotonin or TSH, aswell as increase prolactin, you have no idea what you are talking about.

My guess: You are just another retard along with all the other lemmings who stumbled upon the videos of "jay wizard campbell" where he discuss "the dangers of AI!!" and "how great estrogen is!!" - failing to mention the HUNDREDS of studies showing just that: the harm of too high estrogen.

And no, "the free dht dominance theory" is well established, do you wanna challange me on this? Ok, so why dont u show me the study where low shbg created free e2 dominance, and I will show u the one where FREE DHT gets HIGHER (by proportion) than FREE E2, hence creating "dht dominance".

Oh, you cant? How am I surprised.

You fuckiing jay lizard freaks are all over the boards these days, fanboy worshipping fucking teenagers (or old as hell) who think they are experts, challenging folks with decades of experience playing around with hormones.

Now go get some estrogen patches you literal transexual.

"Now go get some estrogen patches you literal transexual."

Not acceptable.
Shit stop working almost always cause of high estrogen, it is so damn common these days because the anti-ai zealots are all over the forums after being brainwashed by jay campbell.

Lmfao this community these days, SO MANY GUYS suffering from DEAD COCK on trt, and nobody seem to understand its because of their e2 - which was common knowledge back in the day.

If cialis is not working for u, ur e2 is freaking out of whack.

PT 141 "works" because it works on dopamine receptors. Your dopamine is low because you spiked your serotonin due to e2 dominance.
Stop giving advice to anyone please you have 0 idea what you're talking about it's all backwards.
Shit stop working almost always cause of high estrogen, it is so damn common these days because the anti-ai zealots are all over the forums after being brainwashed by jay campbell.

Lmfao this community these days, SO MANY GUYS suffering from DEAD COCK on trt, and nobody seem to understand its because of their e2 - which was common knowledge back in the day.

If cialis is not working for u, ur e2 is freaking out of whack.

PT 141 "works" because it works on dopamine receptors. Your dopamine is low because you spiked your serotonin due to e2 dominance.
I checked all 3 estrogens - the numbers were all within normal range. When this all started for my I was taking .75 of Anastrozle twice a week. When i reliazed my issue, i immediately assumed it was my e2, but like i said, the numbers where fine.
are you a trt doctor?
I checked all 3 estrogens - the numbers were all within normal range. When this all started for my I was taking .75 of Anastrozle twice a week. When i reliazed my issue, i immediately assumed it was my e2, but like i said, the numbers where fine.
are you a trt doctor?

So u dropped AI and/or cialis right, making ur e2 climb a little, which solved your issue, correct?

That is what I said, and suspected. Your e2 was too low in comparison to your androgens, now u fixed it, no?

Be happy and bang bitches

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