Hi everyone, Im a men 27 yrs old, Since 2016 I have a Erection Problem
Everything was good when I was 18 - 24 but now i Have problame
Here is my blood test Result (yesterday):
Please Help me, Whats wrong?, What should I do?
You know, I feel very very bad When I Pay 500$ for a blonde girl for 1 night and than I figure out i cant have sex, So please help me guys, I visited 2 Doctor, but not success .
Everything was good when I was 18 - 24 but now i Have problame
Here is my blood test Result (yesterday):

Please Help me, Whats wrong?, What should I do?
You know, I feel very very bad When I Pay 500$ for a blonde girl for 1 night and than I figure out i cant have sex, So please help me guys, I visited 2 Doctor, but not success .