More an aside to your comments. Relationships/marriage aren't always smooth. For years I thought if I could one woman to love, how much better my life would be, then, when I wasn't looking, I met the woman who would become my gf, then, my wife, after several years of living together. There were warning signs from the time we started dating but I ignored them. I chalked up my gf's moodiness and mood swings to just an aspect of her. I had/have bipolar and thought I had good insights into behavior. I was wrong; terribly wrong. She was far more damaged than me but I thought I could help her, especially by being understanding, supportive and loving. Nope. 31 years on, its been barely a marriage for about 15 years and now she's ill, with me caring for her.
I'm not against relationships or marriage but it isn't like a love song or the movies, like the Hallmark Channel. Whenever, however you get your sexual function up to speed, just enjoy yourself in dating or casual hookups. 'Looking' for love is, in a way, like looking for trouble and sometimes they're one and the same if you meet someone who has significant emotional problems, co-morbid addiction, trauma and/or sexual issues. You might not see them in the beginning or, like me, just ignore what you see just to have a gf. Wish you the best, man.