Elbow replacement surgery


Well-Known Member
I realize this might not be appropriate to post on here but I’m desperate to find someone that might have had this experience. I’ve had 13 surgeries on my left arm now and getting ready to have another one on my left hand in a few weeks. This is the result of a workplace injury and has been going on six years. I’m now being treated at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. My arm is to the point of needing an elbow replacement. They’ve told me the failure and complication rates are significant. I am terrified to make the decision and have sought out someone for months now that’s had this done. I cannot find another person anywhere. They’re telling me only 1500-2000 are installed worldwide yearly. If anyone on here has had this done or know anyone that’s had it, please let me know if it helped and was worth it, thanks.
If you have the money and are deemed a decent candidate then I would try stem cell injections first—from a reputable outfit. I've done this with a hip that's certainly eligible for replacement. It's definitely a gamble, maybe no better than a coin toss. But once the original joint is gone there's no way to take advantage of coming advancements in aided natural joint repair; it'll be a lot longer before they're regrowing whole new joints.
I’ve contemplated that before and plan on discussing this at my next appointment. Like you said if there’s future advancements even with cartilage growth, it would be worth toughing it out. It’s a scary decision to cut something out that can’t be put back. This has been extremely stressful trying to decide what to do.
I feel your pain(literally). I had surgery to remove bone spurs in my elbow 7 years ago and have no cartilage left. The pain can be excruciating. Turning a door knob or shaking a hand can send me through the roof. I had my first survey at Mayo (Dr. O Driscoll, spelling?) and he was awesome. Mayo is no longer on our network and the new dr. I went to told me I have to hope other then elbow replacement and that J would only be able to lift 12lbs! I’ve been bodybuilding for 35 years and refuse to accept her diagnosis. I found a place that will prescribed me Igf-1, but it’s $1,500 a month! For now, I eat Ibuprofen like candy as deal with the pain.
Same here no cartilage left and they’ve already removed the radial head. It sucks because hip, knee and shoulder replacements are relatively good. I think I’ll hold out a while to see what’s on the horizon.
Same here no cartilage left and they’ve already removed the radial head. It sucks because hip, knee and shoulder replacements are relatively good. I think I’ll hold out a while to see what’s on the horizon.

I would also study the downside to waiting. Will there be any more deterioration of muscles and ligaments around your elbow?

From what I have read, there are linked and unlinked Total Elbow Arthroplasty. Linked is where there is an artificial hinge that holds the upper arm and forearm together.

Unlinked is held in place by the ligaments, muscles, and other structures of the elbow and only can be done if the tissues are in good condition. They are more typical for younger, higher-demand patients.

There is also a convertible implant that can be installed unlinked then later converted to linked if needed.
I wanted to bump this post to see if any new members have dealt with this. I’m sorta out of options now. The Mayo Clinic has told me I beyond any further surgeries or even injections at this point. I can’t find anyone anywhere that’s had this done. They’re stating they only do 100-125 of these a year for people that come in from all over the world. If anyone even knows someone or has a family member that’s willing to share their experience, please let me know, thanks.
I feel your pain(literally). I had surgery to remove bone spurs in my elbow 7 years ago and have no cartilage left. The pain can be excruciating. Turning a door knob or shaking a hand can send me through the roof. I had my first survey at Mayo (Dr. O Driscoll, spelling?) and he was awesome. Mayo is no longer on our network and the new dr. I went to told me I have to hope other then elbow replacement and that J would only be able to lift 12lbs! I’ve been bodybuilding for 35 years and refuse to accept her diagnosis. I found a place that will prescribed me Igf-1, but it’s $1,500 a month! For now, I eat Ibuprofen like candy as deal with the pain.
Sky I was wondering if you’ve found any resolution to your elbow issues? Unfortunately since total elbow replacements are rare it doesn’t give much incentive for research. I’m still battling constant pain and have really not found much that helps. Hopefully you’re doing better
Sky I was wondering if you’ve found any resolution to your elbow issues? Unfortunately since total elbow replacements are rare it doesn’t give much incentive for research. I’m still battling constant pain and have really not found much that helps. Hopefully you’re doing better
I started taking 60mg nandrolone per week and it helps with the pain some. Some days are still pretty bad though. I’ve been traveling a lot for work lately and haven’t been able to work out as much, which makes my arthritis worse. I may see about upping the dose to 100mg to see if that improves things at all.
I’ve also been having ligament and tendon issues in the same arm that had the bad elbow. I’m going to try BPC-157 to see if that helps. In addition, I’ve been reading up on stem cell treatments, which seem to work very well for some people.
I see the doctor at Mayo in MN that did my bone spur surgery, Shawn O’Driscoll is working on some cutting edge elbow replacement improvements. If I ever have a replacement, that is who I would have do it.
Yeah he did two surgeries for me last year. He did a right arm subcutaneous ulnar nerve transposition and lateral collateral ligament reconstruction. On my left which is the one with the destroyed joint he removed the radial head and did a joint debridement. Dr Sanchez Sotelo at Mayo did the last surgery on my right arm in December. He had to do a sub muscular ulnar nerve transposition on my right arm due to complications from the first one. I’ve had a total of 13 surgeries on the left and they’ve advised me nothing else can be done. If I get it done now it’s free because we’ve met our out of pocket max for the year. Man I just don’t know what the hell to do. I wish I could talk to anyone that’s had it done but I can’t find anyone or even anyone that knows a person that’s had it done.
Our insurance doesn’t cover it. I’ve checked with a couple places and was told it wouldn’t do any good considering I have nearly total cartilage loss and the fact they’ve already removed the radial head. I guess I’m sorta screwed. How old are you if u don’t mind me asking?
That sucks. My heart goes out to you.
I’m 48 years old. I’ve been working out since I was 13 years old. Just not being able to workout or do certain exercises affects me more mentally than anything as it “centers” me. That and the inability to do some everyday things like use a hammer, split wood with a maul, throw a ball. My earlier excessive working out probably caused my condition, I need to keep doing moderate lifting though as it helps with the arthritis and the muscle I have helps stabilize the joint some.
I wish you the best of luck though and if I come across any cutting edge treatments, I’ll let you know.

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