Effects on RBC/Hematocrit and blood donation

This is a progression I tracked and wanted to share with you all, it seems a fair question to how much a donation (or phlebotomy) of 1 pint can affect RBC and Hematocrit levels. All donations and blood tests were between 0730 and 0830 on the days indicated.
31 Aug 15
RBC 6.24
Hema 55.9

5 Sep
Donate 1 Pint

30 Oct
RBC 5.9
Hema 53

7 Nov
Donate 1 Pint

9 Jan
Donate 1 Pint

1 Feb (results pending)

The only notable thing in that time period, was the last donation my BP was down to 136 vs 144 from previous donation. I was taking the NO stack and 1mg Doxazosin on 9 Jan. Previously I went to donate without any meds on board including TCyp, only regular food.

My Therapy protocol (I have low SHBG)
50mg TCyp EOD (last trough TT 903, F/T 296 (range 35-155))
500iu HCG 2XW
no Anastrozole
50mg DHEA/50mg Preg TD cream every AM
Vince, my I had a change in hematocrit from 53 to 52 after my first phlebotomy, the next test 6 weeks later I had no phlebotomy since redcross will only draw every 56 days, however I did start drinking at least a gallon of water a day and my last test it was 48! A fluke? I don't know but I was excited about it.
UPDATED: 1 Feb test results

This is a progression I tracked and wanted to share with you all, it seems a fair question to how much a donation (or phlebotomy) of 1 pint can affect RBC and Hematocrit levels. All donations and blood tests were between 0730 and 0830 on the days indicated.
31 Aug 15
RBC 6.24
Hema 55.9

5 Sep
Donate 1 Pint

30 Oct
RBC 5.9
Hema 53

7 Nov
Donate 1 Pint

9 Jan
Donate 1 Pint

1 Feb
RBC 5.85(high) 4.20-5.80
Hema 47.6
Hemo 14.9

The only notable thing in that time period, was the last donation my BP was down to 136 vs 144 from previous donation. I was taking the NO stack and 1mg Doxazosin on 9 Jan. Previously I went to donate without any meds on board including TCyp, only regular food.

My Therapy protocol (I have low SHBG)
50mg TCyp EOD (last trough TT 903, F/T 296 (range 35-155))
500iu HCG 2XW
no Anastrozole
50mg DHEA/50mg Preg TD cream every AM
Updates below

This is a progression I tracked and wanted to share with you all, it seems a fair question to how much a donation (or phlebotomy) of 1 pint can affect RBC and Hematocrit levels. All donations and blood tests were between 0730 and 0830 on the days indicated.
31 Aug 15
RBC 6.24
Hema 55.9

5 Sep
Donate 1 Pint

30 Oct
RBC 5.9
Hema 53

7 Nov
Donate 1 Pint

9 Jan
Donate 1 Pint

1 Feb
RBC 5.85
HCT 47.6

14 Mar 16
RBC 6.16
HCT 49.4

5 May 16
RBC 6.16
HCT 49.2

The only notable thing in that time period, was the last donation my BP was down to 136 vs 144 from previous donation. I was taking the NO stack and 1mg Doxazosin on 9 Jan. Previously I went to donate without any meds on board including TCyp, only regular food.

My Therapy protocol (I have low SHBG)
50mg TCyp EOD (last trough TT 903, F/T 296 (range 35-155))
500iu HCG 2XW
no Anastrozole
50mg DHEA/50mg Preg TD cream every AM
The major player in keeping my HCT, it appears, is getting my Estradiol down. I had been in the 50s and 60s ultrasensitive but having switched to oral DHEA/Preg supplementation, and reverting back to .15mg Anastrozole 2XW, my HCT has stayed down since my last donation in Jan (~5 months).
Updates below

This is a progression I tracked and wanted to share with you all, it seems a fair question to how much a donation (or phlebotomy) of 1 pint can affect RBC and Hematocrit levels. All donations and blood tests were between 0730 and 0830 on the days indicated.
31 Aug 15
RBC 6.24
Hema 55.9

5 Sep
Donate 1 Pint

30 Oct
RBC 5.9
Hema 53

7 Nov
Donate 1 Pint

9 Jan
Donate 1 Pint

1 Feb
RBC 5.85
HCT 47.6

14 Mar 16
RBC 6.16
HCT 49.4

5 May 16
RBC 6.16
HCT 49.2

18 Jul 16
HCT 53.8
HBG 17.1

5 Aug 2016
Donated 1 Pint

12 Aug 2016
HCT = 49.1
HBG = 15.6
RBC = 5.9

The only notable thing in that time period, was the last donation my BP was down to 136 vs 144 from previous donation. I was taking the NO stack and 1mg Doxazosin on 9 Jan. Previously I went to donate without any meds on board including TCyp, only regular food.

My Therapy protocol (I have low SHBG)
50mg TCyp EOD (last trough TT 903, F/T 296 (range 35-155))
The importance of maintaining good hydration cannot be overemphasized. Showing up for a blood test dehydrated will jack up your HCT for sure.

While most of us fast before a lab draw, we can't forget to keep up the water intake.
Updates below

This is a progression I tracked and wanted to share with you all, it seems a fair question to how much a donation (or phlebotomy) of 1 pint can affect RBC and Hematocrit levels. All donations and blood tests were between 0730 and 0830 on the days indicated.
31 Aug 15
RBC 6.24
Hema 55.9

5 Sep
Donate 1 Pint

30 Oct
RBC 5.9
Hema 53

7 Nov
Donate 1 Pint

9 Jan
Donate 1 Pint

1 Feb
RBC 5.85
HCT 47.6

14 Mar 16
RBC 6.16
HCT 49.4

5 May 16
RBC 6.16
HCT 49.2

18 Jul 16
HCT 53.8
HBG 17.1

5 Aug 2016
Donated 1 Pint

12 Aug 2016
HCT = 49.1
HBG = 15.6
RBC = 5.9

8 Sep 2016
HCT = 52.8
HGB = 17
RBC = 6.24

Stopped daily iron supplementation

7 Oct 2016
Donate 1 pint

10 Oct 2016
Blood Tests 8 vials of blood

My Therapy protocol (I have low SHBG)
Cyp daily @ 24mg, 200iu HCG E3.5D

10 Oct 2016
HCT = 50.0
HGB = 16.4
RBC = 5.76
Last edited:
Hi Vince Carter
Thank you so much for being the first one on ExcelMale to provide a detailed report on the effect of blood donation on hematocrit.

How do you feel after those frequent donations? Any fatigue? Have you checked your iron and ferritin?
My Ferritin is very low, it stayed very low (teens) while supplementing 62mg elemental iron daily for 90 days. I removed the iron having felt no omprovement with its use and that it could be playing in to my HCT/HGB. Plus i cook daily on cast iron. The last finger stick on 7 Oct read HGB @ 18.8 so my HCT was approaching 56 (which I think its a bit a stretch). I was super hydrated at that donation.

I feel better, I absolutely do, Im learning a physical sense of needing to donate like thinking I may get a little winded or feeling sluggish when HCT is >52
My Ferritin is very low, it stayed very low (teens) while supplementing 62mg elemental iron daily for 90 days. I removed the iron having felt no omprovement with its use and that it could be playing in to my HCT/HGB. Plus i cook daily on cast iron. The last finger stick on 7 Oct read HGB @ 18.8 so my HCT was approaching 56 (which I think its a bit a stretch). I was super hydrated at that donation.

I feel better, I absolutely do, Im learning a physical sense of needing to donate like thinking I may get a little winded or feeling sluggish when HCT is >52

Let's see if your hematocrit stabilizes after 18 months. When did you start TRT?
I thought I was showing some stability, until I started the iron supplementation, a couple of CBCs where those markers were stable before I started on Iron. Ive been on injectables 28 months and then Androgel 4 months before that.
With that iron supplementation, my Ferritin was in the very low teens, I went to donate and HGB was 19.3 or roughly HCT @ 57. I was afraid the iron was going to aggravate HGB/HCT and it did, apparently. I could feel that I needed to donate a pint about two weeks prior, start feeling a little sluggish and winded. I added 2-3g of fish oil and 81mg aspirin to help.
I haven't had a CBC lately to report on.
That seems a bit high. Since adding the fish oil and aspirin have you felt better? Also, I am curious what your blood pressure is.

The reason I ask is because my levels are high too.
I've developed some white coat/Dr anxiety and it shows up in my BP, and pulse, when I go in but I run 135/70 but my pulse is in the 90's. I normally tell them to retake it on the way out, sometimes that helps but some times it doesn't.
I've developed some white coat/Dr anxiety and it shows up in my BP, and pulse, when I go in but I run 135/70 but my pulse is in the 90's. I normally tell them to retake it on the way out, sometimes that helps but some times it doesn't.

Same situation for me - my doctor (a woman I like and respect) now raises my bp if she measures it. Anyone else and things are fine.

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