ED Troubles - Looking For Direction


New Member
Hello everyone good morning.I've been having problems with either ED or Low libido.I don't now if they are related.I've been to my primary doctor and to my endocrinologist.My endo said I had high prolactin levels and gave a prescription for cabergoline.I've tried viagra and cialis with little to no effect.I also feel like cabergoline only helped with the prolactin and nothing else.I'm feeling desparate don't care too much for my endocrinologist.I need help don't now who or what else I should see or do.Should I see a urologist or other doctors to help with my situation.I live in Connecticut
Welcome to ExcelMale. You'll surely get some support here ! It would probably help a lot of the senior members if you'd give a little background ( perhaps age, how long the ED/LL, why are you seeing an Endo ? ). Often, some lab tests around Testosterone can give insights on this.

I'll tell you, I have struggled with ED for 4+ years, and am finally getting some resolution with what I've learned here.
Post whatever labs you have and give us background and some details and we can dissect some things for you but just know ED and Libido are some of the very toughest problems that lack solid things that resolve them and many guys on TRT still struggle.
Having been on this trt path for a little over 2 years now I can tell you you came to a great website I wish I would have had this information when I started. I will tell you though if you don't like your doctor do not hesitate to switch I should have done that a long time ago. The person who has to be most proactive about your health is you do not rely on a doctor some of them do not know as much as you would think they would. What is search bar on here is an awesome tool you will get faster answers and you can find some great results don't hesitate to use it. I am firmly beginning to believe that there is not a question that hasn't been asked and answered on here
Can you expand on your situation? How old are you? What medications have you taken? How much alcohol do you regularly drink? Is it low libido or ED or both? Do you have a sex drive, but erections are a challenge? Or...is sexual desire not an active force? What other test results do you have?

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