Ed on trt new labs

Man..... thank you. I was like why the F am I running such high numbers on 100mg a week?.... it’s because I’m taking 200.... I am a fucking moron. I guess I inadvertently blasted now I need to cruise. Thank you again.

Your TT/FT levels are way too high on such dose.

Using the newer TruT calculated method.....with a TT 1651 ng/dL, SHBG 13 and Albumin 4.3 g/dL (mean) than your FT is absurdly high 63.93 ng/dL (double the top end of the reference range 16-31 ng/dL.
Screenshot (418).webp

Your peak TT/FT levels will be higher.....definitely need to lower your dose!

Most men do well having FT trough levels in the 25-30 ng/dL range.....some may need/choose to run higher levels 30-50 ng/dL right.....but highly doubtful 50----->50+ ng/dL levels are needed for one to benefit from testosterone replacement therapy.

Nothing wrong with running slightly higher levels over the top end as long as you feel great overall and blood markers are healthy.

Keep in mind that higher T is not always better and too many end up running higher levels than they really need let alone know as they are basing their FT levels off of piss poor inaccurate testing methods such as the all too commonly used direct immunoassay!
I agree when I started my Dr ran clomid at 25 mg EOD and free T was high norm and my total was about 685ng/dL, I felt great and my libido was great...I have been running (mistakenly) 200mg of test per week and felt like a beast the first 2 months then the ED started and a little chest discomfort, when I got my labs back I knew I was doing something wrong. I am taking a few weeks off of everything to get my T down. My RBC, Hemotocrit, and Hemoglobin were all elevated and I gave blood the day before my lab draw, so I am guessing that my blood has been like syrup for the past few months which could effect circulation to the nether region...My last injection was Wed. the 24th. I am hoping that as my levels drop I start to feel better, if morning erections come back I might get another set of labs and see what my ideal range is.... To be honest I might just see if my doc will put me back on clomid (low dose) for the long term. I have made all the gains I am going to make, I am 40, now I am just more interested in long term health and wellness not muscles.
Yes... my lifts were mostly going up, the ones that weren’t went up a lot easier... I was getting like 4-5 hours of sleep and never tired. It’s legit for everything but libido... How can you raise shbg?
As I've had it explained to me, when you are running high doses your SHBG lowers as your body's natural way to try and "excrete" the testosterone. SHBG level is tied to alot of things, but it is known that high test levels will lower it. Mine went from high teens to low 30s just from lowering my dose. Some guys tolerate a higher dose okay. I have a friend that injects 200 mg a week and he feels great. No AI or other adjuncts. I was beasting it in the gym on that much but otherwise felt like shit. It aggravated my anxiety, blew my E2 up and bloated the hell out of me. This has already been beat to death, but I bet if you go to 100 mg a week and let it settle you are going to feel better.
As I've had it explained to me, when you are running high doses your SHBG lowers as your body's natural way to try and "excrete" the testosterone. SHBG level is tied to alot of things, but it is known that high test levels will lower it. Mine went from high teens to low 30s just from lowering my dose. Some guys tolerate a higher dose okay. I have a friend that injects 200 mg a week and he feels great. No AI or other adjuncts. I was beasting it in the gym on that much but otherwise felt like shit. It aggravated my anxiety, blew my E2 up and bloated the hell out of me. This has already been beat to death, but I bet if you go to 100 mg a week and let it settle you are going to feel better.
That's what I am hoping for, I am also experiencing the same results as you. Gym life is great, life is pretty shitty otherwise, anxious all the time, cant sleep more that 4 hours. It also explains why I felt good in the beginning. I read that cyp compounds in the body and has a half life of around 10 days, so if you keep injecting large doses multiple times a week you essentially spike your numbers after going on for a few weeks. I am taking 20 days off everything to bring my numbers down, especially my RBC's. I run high norm without test. I just want the quality of life, sexual and recovery benefits I experienced in the beginning, I made all my gains in my twenties and 30's....Thanks for chiming in, I sincerely appreciate it.
Soooo should I run cream or subq? I read on here that low dose clomid Raises shbg... thanks again this shit a science.

Clomid dose raise SHBG if you can tolerate the side effects. Large or even moderate dosing will lower SHBG, smaller doses daily might allow for a small increase. The problem with low SHBG is you bind less androgens and will have more free hormones which is why we low SHBG men only need about mid-range Total T, but to keep levels sufficiently elevated we need more frequent dosing.

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