ED issues with TRT absolutely lost and local doctors dont seem to have any answers.

All sounds like me .. I've been off trt now for 8 months. NHS did bloods last week . She rang to say my fsh and lh are back to normal and my testosterone too. They didn't measure my free t and my E2 not important they say. So I've requested a copy and I'll work it out myself. I said so why have I still got no erections and libido and loss of penis sensitivity... She replied I don't know your bloods are fine.. sounds like the last trt private doc I was at. Mens health clinic in the UK. I have no idea what to do now. I'm desperate and so depressed
Was it nhs prescribed TRT or private? Why did you come off? I’d be wary of the nhs use of the word normal for levels as they are very reserved in my experience. Did you use a pct to come off the TRT? There’s far more experienced guys on here that may have an answer for you but I’ve always found no libido and poor penile sensitivity were E2 issues usually too high although have been also the same when way too low due to AI crash. Think the uk private trt companies are pretty poor going by the 2 I’ve been with and the approaches they have tried
Was it nhs prescribed TRT or private? Why did you come off? I’d be wary of the nhs use of the word normal for levels as they are very reserved in my experience. Did you use a pct to come off the TRT? There’s far more experienced guys on here that may have an answer for you but I’ve always found no libido and poor penile sensitivity were E2 issues usually too high although have been also the same when way too low due to AI crash. Think the uk private trt companies are pretty poor going by the 2 I’ve been with and the approaches they have tried
NHS first with nebido...
Then I went underground and tried test e c p and cream yes they pushes my test up but still no libido or sensitivity. E2 was always low as I never aromotized very well. Best result for me was test p 300 mg a week but started getting bad migraines... This is all over a five year period. Last two years I went back to test E and decided enough was enough. Came off as it was no benefit to being on it.. so waiting for a copy of the blood myself to work out the free t. My last E2 result was march 23 and it was 57 pmol. Thats with me pinning so shows my E2 is always low . Don't know how I can boost my E2... If my blood comes back and my free t is low I'm going back on test P just need this E2 up. The NHS don't want to talk about E2
NHS first with nebido...
Then I went underground and tried test e c p and cream yes they pushes my test up but still no libido or sensitivity. E2 was always low as I never aromotized very well. Best result for me was test p 300 mg a week but started getting bad migraines... This is all over a five year period. Last two years I went back to test E and decided enough was enough. Came off as it was no benefit to being on it.. so waiting for a copy of the blood myself to work out the free t. My last E2 result was march 23 and it was 57 pmol. Thats with me pinning so shows my E2 is always low . Don't know how I can boost my E2... If my blood comes back and my free t is low I'm going back on test P just need this E2 up. The NHS don't want to talk about E2
If you're on TRT you can very easily bump your E2. You can try Dianabol, which is a very common steroid that likes to raise E2 significantly or you can just buy Estradiol Enanthate, it's not hard to get and it's extremely cheap.
If you're on TRT you can very easily bump your E2. You can try Dianabol, which is a very common steroid that likes to raise E2 significantly or you can just buy Estradiol Enanthate, it's not hard to get and it's extremely cheap.

He is already well aware!

Piss poor approach here let alone not a long-term solution f**king with a c-17 alpha-alkylated steroid to drive up ones estradiol.

Go push that UGL compound elsewhere as it has no place in an HRT protocol!

If you're on TRT you can very easily bump your E2. You can try Dianabol, which is a very common steroid that likes to raise E2 significantly or you can just buy Estradiol Enanthate, it's not hard to get and it's extremely cheap.
Oh thanks for that info. So estridol enanthate never heard of it.. dianabol yes but currently not on test At the min so does that mean it's a no no... I might get one day a week libido is ok... Like today it's ok but once I have orgasmed that's it dead for another week or two lol
He is already well aware!

Piss poor approach here let alone not a long-term solution f**king with a c-17 alpha-alkylated steroid to drive up ones estradiol.

Go push that UGL compound elsewhere as it has no place in an HRT protocol!

While getting Estradiol isn't that hard it does require some additional research. If you're somewhat familiar with UGL websites, then you can easily find Dianabol and try out how you feel with higher E2 levels. I never said anything about long term use, nor would I recommend it. It would be better to get Estradiol, however it's likely faster and cheaper to get Dianabol and test out your hypothesis, then you can move towards a more long term solution.
While getting Estradiol isn't that hard it does require some additional research. If you're somewhat familiar with UGL websites, then you can easily find Dianabol and try out how you feel with higher E2 levels. I never said anything about long term use, nor would I recommend it. It would be better to get Estradiol, however it's likely faster and cheaper to get Dianabol and test out your hypothesis, then you can move towards a more long term solution.

Still a bum move!

We are not here to promote one seeking out UGL sources let alone for trialing/using compounds which have no place in HRT!

The sole purpose of these sites is to cater to men who abuse T/AAS for enhancement muscle/strength well beyond one's natty genetic potential!
Still a bum move!

We are not here to promote one seeking out UGL sources let alone for trialing/using compounds which have no place in HRT!

The sole purpose of these sites is to cater to men who abuse T/AAS for enhancement muscle/strength well beyond one's natty genetic potential!
5mg of Dbol has been used with wonderful results for decades. And you’re not gonna become some mass monster on 5mg lol. His post was super helpful and may have changed that guy’s life forever.

That post had nothing to do with UGLs. Just because it’s not in mainstream medicine protocols doesn’t mean it isn’t effective. Very effective in this case.
5mg of Dbol has been used with wonderful results for decades. And you’re not gonna become some mass monster on 5mg lol. His post was super helpful and may have changed that guy’s life forever.

That post had nothing to do with UGLs. Just because it’s not in mainstream medicine protocols doesn’t mean it isn’t effective. Very effective in this case.
So dbol can help erections... this is ran alone with no try?
5mg of Dbol has been used with wonderful results for decades. And you’re not gonna become some mass monster on 5mg lol. His post was super helpful and may have changed that guy’s life forever.

That post had nothing to do with UGLs. Just because it’s not in mainstream medicine protocols doesn’t mean it isn’t effective. Very effective in this case.

5mg of Dbol has been used with wonderful results for decades.

5 mg LOL, if we are talking wonderful here as in physique enhancement then it would be more like 15-30 mg!

Who gives 2 f***s as it has absolutely nothing to do with HRT!

Still a bum move!

Such compound has no place in HRT let alone no doctor could legally prescribe such!

Plain and simple!

Better yet even if it were legal no top doctor in the field would tell someone to trial let alone use Dbol to raise estradiol LMFAO!

Again this is a men's health/testosterone therapy forum.

Other than nandrolone which is used in therapeutic doses for relief/improvement of joint pain or oxandrolone which may be prescribed for the same reason throw in a few other compounds (stanozolol, fluoxymesterone and oxymetholone) prescribed for specific conditions are all legal compounds, methandrostenolone let alone any other AAS are not.

Dbol let alone a majority of the numerous AAS have no place in HRT!

Go push that nonsense on one of those other bumass forums!

You know the ones loaded with all those blast n cruizers sporting those chemically enhanced fake builds that all those poor young chaps idolize!

Real men, they say LMFAO!

And you’re not gonna become some mass monster on 5mg lol.

No s**t sherlock LMFAO!

That post had nothing to do with UGLs.

Again we are not here to promote one seeking out UGL sources let alone for trialing/using compounds which have no place in HRT!

Plain and f**king simple!
So quick update on progress. Been using subQ daily test p at 10mg and things seem to be going well. Emotions are stable, cognitive function is stable, erection quality has improved but still need vardenafil for full erection. (Believe now this isn’t related to TRT but think the previous issues were worsened with high E2 followed by crashes with AI). Feel good in the gym and energy levels are constant. All looking like the best results so far. Only issue I’m having is poor penile sensitivity and ejaculation issues both in terms of volume and overall feeling. Libido has been pretty strong since using this protocol which is also a first for this length of time as before usually crashed after 2-3weeks. Can’t get bloods until second week in January due to holiday closures but looking for suggestions on sensitivity issues. Would this be the time to start adding hcg? Testes are completely atrophied which is pretty standard for the last few years but the lack of sensitivity is causing problems with the other half. Pretty much can’t climax during sex and need to finish other ways. Same with oral. Obviously she has taken this as her fault as all the other boxes are progressing well. Little worried about adding the hcg incase I end up with E2 rises which need managing and starts that negative cycle again. Also hcg advice seems to vary greatly so should I try little regular dose or higher single dose to get things feeling better? You guys have been great so far so would welcome any input
So quick update on progress. Been using subQ daily test p at 10mg and things seem to be going well. Emotions are stable, cognitive function is stable, erection quality has improved but still need vardenafil for full erection. (Believe now this isn’t related to TRT but think the previous issues were worsened with high E2 followed by crashes with AI). Feel good in the gym and energy levels are constant. All looking like the best results so far. Only issue I’m having is poor penile sensitivity and ejaculation issues both in terms of volume and overall feeling. Libido has been pretty strong since using this protocol which is also a first for this length of time as before usually crashed after 2-3weeks. Can’t get bloods until second week in January due to holiday closures but looking for suggestions on sensitivity issues. Would this be the time to start adding hcg? Testes are completely atrophied which is pretty standard for the last few years but the lack of sensitivity is causing problems with the other half. Pretty much can’t climax during sex and need to finish other ways. Same with oral. Obviously she has taken this as her fault as all the other boxes are progressing well. Little worried about adding the hcg incase I end up with E2 rises which need managing and starts that negative cycle again. Also hcg advice seems to vary greatly so should I try little regular dose or higher single dose to get things feeling better? You guys have been great so far so would welcome any input
Hcg in my case brings back sensitiviy but youre right its another variable. And I need a break after a while from it because erections are soft. but first dose with trt works wonders. So Im trying to find the best route.
So quick update on progress. Been using subQ daily test p at 10mg and things seem to be going well. Emotions are stable, cognitive function is stable, erection quality has improved but still need vardenafil for full erection. (Believe now this isn’t related to TRT but think the previous issues were worsened with high E2 followed by crashes with AI). Feel good in the gym and energy levels are constant. All looking like the best results so far. Only issue I’m having is poor penile sensitivity and ejaculation issues both in terms of volume and overall feeling. Libido has been pretty strong since using this protocol which is also a first for this length of time as before usually crashed after 2-3weeks. Can’t get bloods until second week in January due to holiday closures but looking for suggestions on sensitivity issues. Would this be the time to start adding hcg? Testes are completely atrophied which is pretty standard for the last few years but the lack of sensitivity is causing problems with the other half. Pretty much can’t climax during sex and need to finish other ways. Same with oral. Obviously she has taken this as her fault as all the other boxes are progressing well. Little worried about adding the hcg incase I end up with E2 rises which need managing and starts that negative cycle again. Also hcg advice seems to vary greatly so should I try little regular dose or higher single dose to get things feeling better? You guys have been great so far so would welcome any input

Glad to hear things are looking on the up so far!

Again smart move starting low and the key here now is going slow as there will always be time to increase the dose if need be!

Just keep in mind that although steady-state will be reached much quicker on TP than TC/TE you still need to give it a few months before claiming whether it was a success or failure especially when it comes to libido and erectile function.

Need to wait on labs to see where said protocol (dose of T/injection frequency) has your trough TT and more importantly FT let alone estradiol.

If you are hitting a descent trough FT then ride it out for a few months before deciding whether or not you need to increase the dose otherwise you will end up chasing your tail indefinitely if you jump the gun to soon!

As you should know the only way to minimize/prevent testicular atrophy let alone maintain fertility when on exogenous T would be through the use of hCG or hCG + FSH unless you plan on using T formulations which will have the least impact such as nasal T-gel or you could throw oral TU (Kyzatrex) in there too!

Catch 22 here is when adding hCG to TTh depending on the dose used not only will it drive up your TT and more importantly FT but also drive up estradiol and in some cases much more than expected depending on how the individual responds to said protocol (dose/injection frequency).

Some men experience a big jump in estradiol which can cause issues for some especially when it comes to libido and erectile function/penile sensitivity.

It is pretty much a given that in most cases use of hCG or better yet hCG + FSH will minimize/prevent testicular atrophy and maintain fertility.

Far from a given that it is going to have a positive impact on your mood, libido and erectile function/sensitivity!

Some feel great when using hCG whereas others may struggle!

Only time will tell through trial and error.

My reply from a previous thread:

If you are just starting TTh then in order to minimize/prevent testicular atrophy 1500 IU once weekly should suffice or better yet 500 IU 2-3X weekly.

The sweet spot would most likely be 250-500 IU 2-3X weekly in order to stimulate maximum ITT (intratesticular testosterone) production which should have a strong impact on minimizing/preventing testicular atrophy and maintaining fertility.

In some cases especially when it comes to fertility the addition of FSH may be needed

If you have been on TTh solo for a long time (years) then you will most likely need much higher doses then 1500 IU once weekly/500 IU twice weekly as your leydig cells will have been dormant for so long and they are more prone to being what we call stubborn to the LH signal.

I would wait on labs before throwing in the hCG so you can see where your trough TT, FT and estradiol sit otherwise you will have no clue what impact hCG is going to have on your TT, FT and estradiol!

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