Dry eyes


HI everyone,

I've been on Hcg now for a year or so. Currently at 450iu 3x a week. Just had labs drawn today and meet with my doc in about 10 days to discuss results. At my last lab draw my E2 had tanked to low single digits as I was on anastrazole 1/2 tab twice a week. After this I went to 1/4 tab twice a week. Im wondering if the E2 is still low. I'll find out soon.

Anyways not sure if this is related to potentially my E2 level or not but my eyes have been super dry the last 6 months or so and seems to be getting worse. I've had lasik in the past-2007 and use drops 2-3 times per day. I've seem my PMD and he thought that it was potentially related to my E2 level being low. He checked my eyes and said they looked fine. Could this be related to E or T?

I eat pretty clean, mostly paleo diet gluten and dairy free. I would say moderate amount of caffeine. 1-2 cups coffee in AM and pre-workout in afternoon prior to gym 4-5 days/week if im lifting. No caffeine if im cycling or running.

I typically get 7-8hours of sleep per night, 9 or so on the weekends but in the last 3 weeks or so my sleep has been pretty bad, especially falling asleep. I've also noted that i have a higher amount of aches and pains than normal and workouts are taking an extra day to recover from. Im assuming this is T or E related and my lab results will reflect that.

My question is if the eye dryness is related to hormones? If not would any of the below supps cause it? If i need to i'll make an appt with an opthamologist for further workup.

Other supps I take:
Multivitamin ADAM from NOW
Vit D 5000u/day
Fish oil
B-100 - BID
Curcumin 250mg BID
Rhodiola 500mg BID
Ubiquinol 50mg
Siberian Ginseng 500mg BID
Ginger Root 550mg BID
Adrenal - Pure Encapsulations BID
5-Htp 200mg QHS
L-Theanine 200-400mg QHS
L-Carnitine 1000mg daily or BID
L-tyrosine 1000mg daily or BID
L-Arginine 900mg daily or BID
L-Citrulline 750mg daily or BID

I take BCAA's during my workouts and usually a pre-workout using Tier 1 from Citadel Nutrition.

Thoughts or suggestions much appreciated!

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Dry eyes are definitely liked to hormones (multiple studies available). The visual system is affected heavily by E , Thyroid hormones, and Cortisol (high Cortisol is bad for the eyes).

E is incredibly beneficial for the visual system (impacts everything from the Retina to the Cornea). Low E causes major problems in the visual system, which is why any anti-E is a no-no for those with eye disorders. Plus, the vast majority of us don't need anti-E tabs / supps. The Retina in particular is damaged by the likes of Tamoxifen, Anastrozole, Clomid, etc. A fair number of studies (and OCT images) have pointed this out.

How old are you? Please post your lab results. Are you Hypothyroid? Hypothyroidism leads to dry eyes as well.

How long were you on Anastrozole? 1 tab per week is quite a bit and perhaps unnecessary. Eating clean, etc. is fine....but compounds like Anastrozole are extremely strong. Note that Anastrozole was designed to fight cancer -- I don't need to tell you it's a very strong and potent drug.

Getting your T in place can alleviate some of the dryness. However, since you've undergone LASIK, dry eyes are something you may have to live with. The LASIK technology prior to 2013 cuts off a significant portion of the cornea (depending on how myopic you were).

LASIK + Anti-E is not right. Not at all good for your eyes.

Fish oil, Cod liver oil, clarified butter, coconut oil...can all help. Systane Ultra can help as well.

Please get off Anastrozole immediately. I'd urge the seniors here to comment if 1/4th tab twice a week is a good idea, considering that his E is in single digits.
Thanks for the info. Sorry I didn't clarify Im not on the Anastrazole any longer. I've been off it for a few months now. I recently got new bloodwork back. I actually meet with my doc tomorrow and this will be one of the things that I discuss.

My recent labwork here. https://www.excelmale.com/forum/showthread.php?2811-Pretty-Frustrated

Does not include any thyroid labs or cortisol. I have not had any issues with thyroid in the past and have had some fairly recent labwork for that a couple times in the past 2 years. I have not had high cortisol in the past but have had low cortisol which was treated and improved but I have not had it checked since.

Dry eyes are improving some. Im assuming it's related to the roller coaster of testosterone numbers and E numbers I've had the last year or so.

Thanks so much for the reply. Had the Lasik in 2007. My prescription prior wasn't that bad at worst eye -1.75. I've pretty much used drops since mostly Blink and Systane.

I do take quite a bit of fish oil daily - about 5 grams. Cook my eggs and most things with coc oil daily.

I didn't know that Anastrazole was used in cancer treatment. I was only on it as my E was high and having breast tenderness and doc recommended it. It did resolve the tenderness but then tanked my E.
Dry eyes can be a symptom of Sjogren's Syndrome, an autoimmune disorder (which I deal with) that causes destruction of salivary and lacrimal glands. End result: dry eyes and dry mouth.
I had chronic dry and was put on Restasis which did nothing for me but once I stopped the Androgel 1.62 (and DHEA before that), the dry eye improved enough that I can use OTC eye drops only as needed. It's still bothersome but it was CHRONIC. Since I've been on injectable TCyp it's not nearly as bad. Oh while on 1.62 I had no Estrogen testing or management and no HcG.
Make sure you clean your eye lids with mild soap to unplug meibomian glands. I have the same problem.
The meibomian glands are in the tarsal plates of the eyelids and contain over 25 tiny oily secreting ducts per eyelid which open onto the eyelid margin and secrete oil into the tear film, which helps stop tears evaporate.


So I think the issue is actually not med related but me staring at a computer screen for 9hrs a day 4-5 days a week. It seems to only happen to me during the week (when I work) and not much at all on the weekends.
Working at a computer or even reading in some people can cause dry eyes because our blink rate decreases when we stare at a screen or book. Blinking is essential to spread a fresh tear film over the eye.The dry air from home/office and car air conditioners also make matters worse. Follow Nelson's advice and keep the meibomian glands clean. Washing the eyelids with a lid cleaner or a baby shampoo, Johnsons is a good choice, will keep the glands from plugging off. Massaging the eyelids will also help with meibomian gland blockages and health. Massage in a downward direction to milk the glands toward the eye. This oil is essential to stop the water component of the tears from drying/evaporating and to keep the tear film within the eye.
Hey I know exactly what to do for your dry eyes. I had this problem for years and then I found the answer. Just drink more salt. I use Himalayan salt but any salt will do. When you wake up in the morning drink about 1 liter of water wtih 1-2 teaspoons of salt and then sip on water throughout the day with salt in it. This is nearly a instant fix. Its not something that will take weeks. It will take a day if you drink enough water with salt or maybe 2 more days but thats it. Increase potassium to since your increasing salt. Do this and get back to me just use whatever salt you have in your home. Even wake up and drink 2 liter of water but put roughly 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. You want to get maybe 4-5g salt a day max.

The issue here is just simple dehydration. Not enough water in your body. Even if you drink 2 liter of water with no salt that wont fix the problem because the water wont be held in your body. Salt is a must. Do this before taking anyone elses advice. I wish I knew this 5 years ago.

Edit: I see this is a very old thread lol. I didnt bump it though someone else did.
Finding data on the use of lactoferrin for dry eye. Does low ferritin cause this? I have dry eye also and starting lactoferrin today to see!

Lactoferrin in Sjögren’s Syndrome

The lactoferrin supplement I am taking.

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