Doxazosin restored my morning erections

I use tamsulosin ( flomax). I get absolutely no side effects whatsoever. All these types of meds should be taken at nigh before bed. . I do get better erections with it. And of course i urinate better. Its very cheap, i think i pay $6 a bottle. Very cheap generic.
I'm not the one with the Ph.D. i

Yes, I am questioning how doctors and others with PhDs don't understand what causes ED, assuming all the usual suspects, such as atherosclerosis, stress, etc., are eliminated as causes. It's baffling how little we still understand about the human body.

Forgive me for being perhaps a little biased because I have suffered from not being able to get concrete answers from doctors regarding certain health-related issues I have had.

My thought process is: if we rule out x, y, and z, as causes of ED or another condition, shouldn't that leave us with only a handful of possibilities regarding the underlying causes?

For instance, trt is supposed to improve libido and sexual response. If trt doesn't help, if blood pressure and circulatory health are good, shouldn't that leave us with only a handful of possible causes?

Why would the body have trouble producing NO? If a drug such as doxazosin is effective, might that give us a clue to the underlying problem and a perhaps more effective means of treatment than taking a pill?
Hi guys,

Does anyone know where to purchase/source Doxazosin? All day chemist and reliable RX are always out of stock? I take 2.5 mg of cialis daily, 3 grams l Arginine ,3 grams l citrulline, resveratrol, grape seed and red wine extracts..I also include 25 mg of DHEA..I would like to include 0.5 mg of Doxazosin to the mix..Or maybe I should just increase the cialis to 5 mg a day instead?

Any thoughts! I have a mild form of kidney disease which puts my blood pressure in the range of 125/80 to 130/ and training are not the issue nor is my weight..very fit/very active..libido is great on this formula but thought the addition would keep my blood pressure at the lower end for heart and endothelial benefits.. my doctor talked about flomax but I didn’t like the side effects he described or mentioned by others on this site..for some reason he is totally against Doxazosin? He calls it a “dirty pill”? Gene seems to like it and has been using it for a long time with many benefits..

Sorry for the ramble!


What's your protocol for test and hcg?
Hi guys,

Does anyone know where to purchase/source Doxazosin? All day chemist and reliable RX are always out of stock? I take 2.5 mg of cialis daily, 3 grams l Arginine ,3 grams l citrulline, resveratrol, grape seed and red wine extracts..I also include 25 mg of DHEA..I would like to include 0.5 mg of Doxazosin to the mix..Or maybe I should just increase the cialis to 5 mg a day instead?

Any thoughts! I have a mild form of kidney disease which puts my blood pressure in the range of 125/80 to 130/ and training are not the issue nor is my weight..very fit/very active..libido is great on this formula but thought the addition would keep my blood pressure at the lower end for heart and endothelial benefits.. my doctor talked about flomax but I didn’t like the side effects he described or mentioned by others on this site..for some reason he is totally against Doxazosin? He calls it a “dirty pill”? Gene seems to like it and has been using it for a long time with many benefits..

Sorry for the ramble!


Not sure..he said something about it is an older medication and the newer ones, like flomax, are better? He also mentioned that when his patients were prescribed it they didn’t tolerate it well..that was his experience..
Not sure..he said something about it is an older medication and the newer ones, like flomax, are better? He also mentioned that when his patients were prescribed it they didn’t tolerate it well..that was his experience..
Sorta weird.....not sure what they couldnt handle unless he prescribed a higher dose? I dont do more than 1 to 2mg. Gene's stack calls for 2mg.
Hi Mark,
I've taken both the Alfuzosin and Tamsulosin from ReliableRX. I keep a good supply on hand. I take one pill or the other daily in the A.M. On date night I usually add another half pill of Alfuzosin a couple of hours before in the early P.M. I also do a couple of other things to guarantee my male quality of performance (not that it's great!), but that's getting beyond what you asked.

Neither Alfuzosin or Tamsulosin have ANY disturbing side effects with me. Tamsulosin has a unique quality, with one full capsule, with me anyway, about maybe 5 to 10% of the semen end up in my bladder...I know this is happening because I can see a slight thickness to the end of my urine stream when I pee, it's only a little. A couple of times I took two full capsules, and when I finished in my wife there was no semen in her at all. When I peed a little while later, there is ALL was. My climax felt absolutely normal in every way, and it was not painful to have this "retrograde climax" at all, and it didn't hurt to pee out the semen at all. It was just an interesting effect. My wife was not aware of anything different until I told her. The climax felt absolutely normal for both of us.

I've never taken Doxazonin, I can't tell you anything good or bad. I just keep my overseas orders to ReliableRX only. Period.

Alfuzosin and tamsulosin don't really have an effect on my BP for better or worse. Maybe a point or two lower, but nothing really.

Hope this helps!!
Hi Mark, when I Google alpha-blockers I can see from a quick scan six of them in that class. I've only taken two, but I can say they both of those visibly improve vascularity and erection. Just by themselves, I'm not sure by how much, as I take them in my own "stack". I do a citrulline/arginine drink that I make with Bulk Supplements powder, daily Cialis (one 20mg tablet in a fresh bottle of drinking water, drink a third daily, so about 7mg a day), and sometimes Yohimbine HCL that I get from Amazon. All work, together they work really well for my ED. I'm on injectable T as well. All are important, if I took away any of them it wouldn't work.
Yes..I take injectable T 60 mg every 3.5 days and 1.2 IUs recumbent growth hormone daily, 6 days a week..I also take 2.5 mg of tadalafil, 3-4 grams of L Argentine and 3-4 grams of L Citralline blood pressure is around 130/80 but my doctor is concerned I may have a mild case of kidney disease GFR he is starting to monitor it more closely..he figures that may be raising my blood pressure slightly.Only been on TRT for around a year now and still trying to dial in correct dosing protocol to get steady levels..just changed my dose from 70 mg every 3.5 days down to 60 mg every 3.5 days, as my trough day T levels were at wants my trough day Total T levels around 700-800..So we will see what 30 mg will E2 and hematocrit were all at good levels..

Thanks for looking that up for me..I did notice that Doxazosin has more of a blood pressure lowering effect than the others..the others seem to be more effective for prostate issues..

I appreciate your input and sharing your experiences..oh, by the way, did you have any blood pressure issues prior to using any of these medications? And if so, how much did it lower it? I’d like to get mine down to 120/80..


Hi Mark, I do my T dosing at 50mg M-W-F, so I'm right on 150mg a week. Any more than that my BP shoots up. My trough comes in at 680 or so, give or take. I take the bloodwork on a Monday, so with me, the last injection would have been the Friday before. I take 100mg Losartan daily, and I run about 125/85. Without a BP med, I would be out of sight. As far as growth hormone, I do take melatonin. About 5mg a night, timed-release. It's an anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, and reportedly boosts HGH. And I need it for sleep as well.


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That sounds like a pretty good protocol.i shoot 70 mg of T on Saturday evening and Wednesday noon, so I take my blood on Wednesday morning just prior to my last injection would have been Saturday trough at this dose came back at about 1000, so my doc didn’t like that and is decreasing my dose to 60 mg every 3.5 days..he wants my trough to be about 650-675 or so..I’m a little worried because I feel really good at my current dosing level..the best I’ve felt since starting at 50 mg every 3.5 days..our labs in Canada show the normal t level range for men is between 250 - 880..It’s a very low when I’m over 900 he freaks out...I keep telling him that all my other blood levels are good, hematocrit, estrogen etc. he keeps worrying that I will get symptoms of high t..he checks my back for acne, sensitive nipples etc..but I have none..he’s also worried about the Canadian government auditing his practice because my levels are above the lab ranges.out of range T bloodwork draws attention to his practice..oh well, we will see how I feel at 60 mg..when I started at 50 mg every 3.5 days my trough was at about 550-600 and I still didn’t feel very good, better then when I started at 380 but not great..that is why we increased the dose after 8 months to 70 mg..that’s why I’m worried I will start to feel crappy again!

I take the HGH injections at night along with 1.5 mg of melatonin..the growth hormone really helped my sleep since I started it 7 months has also helped with other joint issues and tendon issues like plantar fasciitis which I suffered with for has gotten better and better since starting HGH and now I don’t even notice it anymore..but the improvement in my sleep is what I really noticed the most..deeper sleep and way more dreaming (a good sign your in rem sleep). now the length of sleep hasn’t improved, just the quality..melatonin never really worked for me prior to HGH but with the HGH I really feel the benefits..I used to take up to 10 mg a night of melatonin and sometimes it would kinda work? But with the HGH, if I go over 1.5 mg I feel the effects even the next day..we are lucky here in Canada, 30 IUs (a 1 month supply at 1 IU a day) is only $ it is affordable..I’m lucky my doctor prescribes it..he is more worried about the Testosterone numbers than the HGH numbers? Go fugure!

Anyways, Neil, I appreciate you taking the time to chat with me..maybe the lower dose of TRT may lower my blood pressure..who knows? But I don’t think my numbers were that high..we will see..

Talk soon!

Yes, our doctor has indicated that his medical license for giving excessive amounts of certain controlled substances can be watched and come under great scrutiny with America's "DEA". For good reason. Here in California especially things are watched carefully. To get most allergy pills you have to show a driver's license and sign something. Veterinarians are reviewed for what they prescribe, how they store certain drugs like phenobarbital (in a safe with only two people having the combination, they fill the script out of a larger bottle, label the smaller bottle that's to go the client, and put BOTH bottles back in the safe until the client comes to pick up the medication!!), and their paperwork has to be perfection and all treatment has to be detailed and documented. Life's a pain the ass sometimes. :)

And about plantar fasciitis, I've had it off and on for years. Spent a fortune with a foot doctor getting custom orthotics molded for my feet, etc. Perchance, I was talking to someone one day when my foot was hurting something horribly, and he mentioned this shoe (attachment). This shoe is called the plantar fasciitis cure. Wow, that's quite a statement! Depending on your work it may not be dressy enough, but you can wear it for the rest of the time. This shoe flat out made my plantar fasciitis go away. No orthotic needed.


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