Does TRT Cream Cause Hairloss??

My hair grew so fast on TRT I would find lots of hairs all over my keyboard, for awhile I thought I was going to lose some hair, but my hair kept getting fuller, especially my beard.

For all we know your hair will get thicker and fuller on TRT, you could always go to a a website and run your DNA and find out if if have the particular gene for DHT related hair loss. You would want to confirm beforehand that the proper test is included in the testing.

I have heard Dr. Rob Kominiarek (YouTube) talk about how dental x rays reduce pituitary function for up to 6 months!

Hi Systemlord.. Would you please make clear about your hair falling out? Seems like you were losing hair while on trt despite its thickening. Am I right?

Would you suggest the website you mentioned to run my dna to test for dht sensitivity?

Finally, I couldnt find Dr. Rob Kominiarek's yt videos on xrays affecting the pituitary gland. Might you happen to post a link here?

Thanks.. look forward to your reply!!!
There's no such thing like DHT hairloss. Whoever tells you that is just misinformed.
If that was true, finasteride would have regrown hairs in everyone.

I also feel that you're really over thinking about hairloss and that will destroy your life in the long run.

So youre saying dht doesnt cause hairloss? If thats true why have finasteride and rogaine helped guys recoup some hair? Why has the medical community proven that dht does create hair loss on genetically predisposed follicles?

I may be overthinking this. But They said the same thing when my t level fell to below standard. I know my body and want to do everything I can to protect it.

Thank you and I respectfully look forward to your response, sir.
Hi Systemlord.. Would you please make clear about your hair falling out? Seems like you were losing hair while on trt despite its thickening. Am I right?

The way I see it my hair was growing faster, so of course for the new hair to come in, I have to be losing hair at the same rate that it is growing. My fingernails were growing very quickly, went off TRT and all growth slowed to a crawl.

TRT is either going to cause hair loss or it's not and may even give you thicker fuller hair.

If thats true why have finasteride and rogaine helped guys recoup some hair?

Don't you even think of using finasteride or rogaine, too much risk!

The Post-Finasteride Syndrome is a serious state of permanent sexual, mental, and physical side effects which do not resolve after quitting the drug. Most often, it is accompanied by an acquired form of secondary hypogonadism and post-drug loss of androgenic action, which remains highly resistant to hormonal PFS treatment. This is aimed at restoring Testosterone/DHT’s effects in the male body to pre-drug virility levels.

It is also surmised by the few specialists in the medical field that a type of receptor or “brain damage” has occurred. As often seen with such damage, recovery is very slow or now questioned whether possible at all. Needless to say, men suffering from PFS are plagued with any physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that have led to long term depression, marital problems and divorce, and now several reports cases of suicide.
So youre saying dht doesnt cause hairloss? If thats true why have finasteride and rogaine helped guys recoup some hair? Why has the medical community proven that dht does create hair loss on genetically predisposed follicles?

I may be overthinking this. But They said the same thing when my t level fell to below standard. I know my body and want to do everything I can to protect it.

Thank you and I respectfully look forward to your response, sir.

The answers are in the link to the other thread I made.
Finasteride doesn't regrow hairs. The numbers are self explanatory. Just go around hair loss forum and you will realise that.
In my case, 7 years of finasteride stopped hairloss and I managed to get few hairs back after quitting steroids. But according to a tricologist and surgeon I spoke to at that time, it was stopping steroids that made me gain some hairs back.
Never got back all the hairs I've lost.
If DHT was the culprit, finasteride should have done the trick, since it almost brought my DHT level to castration.
The price I paid? Anxiety, panic attacks, gynecomastia, ED, lack of energy, insomnia and depression.

It's your choice to decide if this is a price is worth paying for something that won't even solve the problem.


We report a case of erectile dysfunction in a young patient not known to have any medical illness. In the view of unyielding clinical and laboratory evaluation, a druginduced erectile dysfunction and decreased libido were suspected. Because of the use of topical minoxidil 5% over the last 4 months, and the improvement of the patient's condition, including palpitation, chest tightness, dizziness, and erectile dysfunction and libido after discontinuation of topical minoxidil 5%, and the recurrence of symptoms following it's re-administration, and after ruling out organic and psychogenic causes, we concluded that topical minoxidil 5% was the cause of the patient's clinical picture and should be considered as a cause of unexplained erectile dysfunction and decrease libido.
Haha.. a uro with 25 years experience wrong cuz a dude with no medical credentials on a thread says so.. yeah youre smart.. lmao
Wow, you're really making friends quickly around here with posts like that. Also ones like "If you have a hard time reading you shouldnt comment on this thread. Seriously focus on your reading comprehension first ". Anyways, I think the point was, AndroGel is actually a trademarked name of a commercial preparation: The Official AndroGel (testosterone gel) 1.62% CIII Website

That name has become the "Xerox" moniker to mean topical testosterone. It *can* be made at a compounding pharmacy, or it can be bought under the name of AndroGel, Androderm, Axiron, FIRST-Testosterone, Fortesta, Testim, Vogelxo, etc. If I were to read "AndroGel", I wouldn't think compounded preparation first, I'd think of the brand name.

Maybe chill with the responses a bit?
Wow, you're really making friends quickly around here with posts like that. Also ones like "If you have a hard time reading you shouldnt comment on this thread. Seriously focus on your reading comprehension first ". Anyways, I think the point was, AndroGel is actually a trademarked name of a commercial preparation: The Official AndroGel (testosterone gel) 1.62% CIII Website

That name has become the "Xerox" moniker to mean topical testosterone. It *can* be made at a compounding pharmacy, or it can be bought under the name of AndroGel, Androderm, Axiron, FIRST-Testosterone, Fortesta, Testim, Vogelxo, etc. If I were to read "AndroGel", I wouldn't think compounded preparation first, I'd think of the brand name.

Maybe chill with the responses a bit?

We have a troll.
I'm 48 now. But I've been thinning hair for 4 years. So I'm a bit apprehensive about the trt that I started less than 2 weeks ago. I'm strongly thinking about stopping it because of the potential hairloss.
A trip to Turkey, 5k spent and have all your hair back
Look it up
Wow, you're really making friends quickly around here with posts like that.

That name has become the "Xerox" moniker to mean topical testosterone. It *can* be made at a compounding pharmacy, or it can be bought under the name of AndroGel, Androderm, Axiron, FIRST-Testosterone, Fortesta, Testim, Vogelxo, etc. If I were to read "AndroGel", I wouldn't think compounded preparation first, I'd think of the brand name.

Haha. Ignorance must be hereditary in your family. So you defend a stranger on a forum with 0 medical experience who says a board certified medical professional with 25 years experience is wrong. I see both of you geniuses dropped out the same high school.

It *can* be made at a compounding pharmacy

Ohhh so it CAN be compounded at a pharmacy. But you tried sooo hard to prove your einstein friend was right.. smfh.

Maybe graduate school this time before commenting.
Ohhh so it CAN be compounded at a pharmacy. But you tried sooo hard to prove your einstein friend was right.. smfh.
Are they running out of server space over at T Nation or something?

You started out by saying "My uro said androgel is compounded and I HAD TO go to a compound pharmacy to get it." That's wrong. You can go to Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, wherever, and buy it under any of the names I listed previously. Because something CAN be compounded doesn't mean is HAS to be.

What's with the attitude?

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