Does testosterone enanthate every 3 weeks make sense?


As you know I've been on TRT for 2.5 years and my current protocol is 28mg cypionate EOD. I'm now in a 3rd world country and I went to an endocrinologist. He told me a lot of interesting things:

HCG is for infertility and shouldn't be prescribed together with T.
Stopping TRT I won't feel bad for several months.
If I want to conceive a child I need to stop TRT for a whole year.

At the end I was prescribed two ampules of enanthate to be injected every 3 weeks. Maybe now is the right time to quit TRT because as I've mentioned before my low libido, fatigue and poor sleep has persisted in these 2.5 years.
Endo seems a bit of a bellendo.

If you have the ampules administer as you see fit unless you want to quit TRT.

Testosterone obviously isn't the be all end all to fixing all problems.
OK I should give quitting a try, when I'm less stressed out. For now, how often should I inject enanthate? The ampuls I've got are single use.
As you know I've been on TRT for 2.5 years and my current protocol is 28mg cypionate EOD. I'm now in a 3rd world country and I went to an endocrinologist. He told me a lot of interesting things:

HCG is for infertility and shouldn't be prescribed together with T.
Stopping TRT I won't feel bad for several months.
If I want to conceive a child I need to stop TRT for a whole year.

At the end I was prescribed two ampules of enanthate to be injected every 3 weeks. Maybe now is the right time to quit TRT because as I've mentioned before my low libido, fatigue and poor sleep has persisted in these 2.5 years.
Unfortunately it seems like you have to hit the jackpot to find an endo or urologist well versed in modern trt practices. Either that, or they do know better and would risk their license by doing otherwise, not really sure. Trt clinics/telemedicine is the way to go and I really pray that doesn’t get taken away in the future
OK I should give quitting a try, when I'm less stressed out. For now, how often should I inject enanthate? The ampuls I've got are single use.

Generally speaking though some men do OK with it, once a week is the bare minimum frequency. Depends on your SHBG. You said you were on EOD, that's what I do and it works for me, but everyone is different.

Re: amps vs vials. You can draw multiple doses into multiple syringes for reasonably short term storage and use. So Am i reading right that are you supposed to take 2ml of 200mg/ml=400mg E3weeks as single dose? Holy cow! That should give you astronomical peaks and deep troughs. That dose is equivalent of 133mg/week, or 66.5mg E3.5D, or 44.3 E3D, or 38mg EOD. That is pretty high dosing but not super unreasonable however you cut it up. Some men need that much, but many do not.

I would look for another Doctor. Sounds like a tele-consult with a real expert would be in your favor.
Each ampule has 250mg of enanthate in it. Which means if I inject every 2.5 weeks I get about 100mg/week. But then the half life of enanthate is just 10 days.

One more thing: is there any difference between needle type used for injecting enanthate vs cyp?
The best you can do is draw all the testo out of the ampule inject it in vial or keep in a syring which I do. That way you can just draw and inject how often you want. I use a syring as a vial and keep in a plastic bag for sandwishes or for freezing purposes. I spray inside the bag with antibac and pour some alcohol so the syringe stays clean. Important is to change the bag everything you take the syring out. The best for you would be to buy some sterlized vials. Every 2-3 week injection is really old school protocol. Good luck!
The best you can do is draw all the testo out of the ampule inject it in vial or keep in a syring which I do. That way you can just draw and inject how often you want. I use a syring as a vial and keep in a plastic bag for sandwishes or for freezing purposes. I spray inside the bag with antibac and pour some alcohol so the syringe stays clean. Important is to change the bag everything you take the syring out. The best for you would be to buy some sterlized vials. Every 2-3 week injection is really old school protocol. Good luck!
The testosterone you say you keep in a syringe I suppose has some preservative.
In my country the testo there is 250mg testoviron and it contains benzyl benzoate which I understand is not a preservative like benzyl alcohol.
The best you can do is draw all the testo out of the ampule inject it in vial or keep in a syring which I do. That way you can just draw and inject how often you want. I use a syring as a vial and keep in a plastic bag for sandwishes or for freezing purposes. I spray inside the bag with antibac and pour some alcohol so the syringe stays clean. Important is to change the bag everything you take the syring out. The best for you would be to buy some sterlized vials. Every 2-3 week injection is really old school protocol. Good luck!

I don't like doing that. Injected the first ampule last week. Was feeling great first few days. I think I'll do every other week. But want to know what others do with enanthate.
On a second thought it seems I'd better take the ampoule in two syringes (i.e. 125mg per syringe), inject one and keep the other for the next week. Hoping I won't get an infection.
I found out I can buy the ampules without a prescription so I've started injecting half an ampule (125mg) once a week. How do I feel?

I actually feel my dick! No kidding. On cyp and prop it was like it wasn't there. (Several years ago I was obese and had the same feeling.) My libido is certainly better on enanthate But I can't make an overall judgement yet.

Today is the day before the injection and I've been feeling a little low.
I found out I can buy the ampules without a prescription so I've started injecting half an ampule (125mg) once a week. How do I feel?

I actually feel my dick! No kidding. On cyp and prop it was like it wasn't there. (Several years ago I was obese and had the same feeling.) My libido is certainly better on enanthate But I can't make an overall judgement yet.

Today is the day before the injection and I've been feeling a little low.

July 14 post #10 you stated I don't like doing that. Injected the first ampule last week. Was feeling great first few days. I think I'll do every other week. But want to know what others do with enanthate.

You just started your protocol 2 weeks ago.

Pointless to gauge how you feel as you should very well know that your hormones are in FLUX leading up until blood levels stabilize at 4-6 weeks.

Even then once blood levels stabilize it can take 2-3 months for the body to adapt and during this time is when you should truly gauge how you feel overall on such protocol.
I found out I can buy the ampules without a prescription so I've started injecting half an ampule (125mg) once a week. How do I feel?

I actually feel my dick! No kidding. On cyp and prop it was like it wasn't there. (Several years ago I was obese and had the same feeling.) My libido is certainly better on enanthate But I can't make an overall judgement yet.

Today is the day before the injection and I've been feeling a little low.
Here is what you do with ampules if you dont want to split. Start with 250 mg every 7 days. Drop it back to every 8 days, stabilize. every 9 days, etc until you feel you are dropping too low then go back to last interval and stick with that as your protocol. Most guys will be ok in the 10-12 day range with a 250mg amp. Not that this is an ideal protocol but if you dont want to get into this too much it can be "okay"
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Actually I found 100mg ampules too, which I injected (all of it) yesterday. Now thinking twice a week may be even better. They are very cheap to buy....

Strangely I don't have symptoms of high E2, even when I shot 250mg at once. I've got new facial hair though.
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