Does Hcg Stop Working After A While?


New Member
Can anyone answer my question, ? How long can i take hcg? does it remain effective indefinatley?
or is it better to cycle this medication.?

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I have used it for 4 years non stop and it still works.

LONG TERM HCG- Does it stop working due to testicle Leydig cell desensitization?

This study of two people did not show issues after 23 months of high doses:

This study showed no long term reduction in efficacy:

This old study in rats probably fueled the misconception, but at these doses in rat cells HCG receptor occupancy returned to normal after 120 hours. How can we extrapolate to humans?
Thanks for the info nelson

You'll simply have to get on a regimen with it, test, and keep a diary (I suggest one) and decide how much and how often you want to take HCG, it seems a very individualistic thing, men think it works great, men think its not worth much. But It's def not a cycle type of thing, neither is Testosterone. And it doesn't lose it's potency or effect over time.
Im currently taking 500ius 3 times per week, been on this for one year, and it feels good.
taking nebido one shot every 8 weeks.
Research and discussion has mostly been centered around hCG's effect on the Leydig cells. There is strong indication of its positive effect outside of the testes, the brain and nervous system in particular.

For what it's worth the pkg insert on both the Novarel and APP I have recommend waiting a month before beginning again at a higher dose if needed. The following on-line document, version 6400-03 Rev. 07/2012, does not mention that however:

Anecdotally I was prescribed the insert recommended 12,000 IU/wk. In retrospect I would have started at half that dose or less. When I finally did drop down there seemed to be a lag before the full benefits reappeared.

What Vince said is important: adhere consistently to a regimen. Log your doses and how you fee. Wait at least two weeks before adjusting dose. hCG mono is usually effective anywhere from 750 IU to 12,000 IU per week. Getting solid base line labs is key along with a monitoring schedule similar to TRT.

As far as "cycling" goes, that's not recommended in HRT. However, it is my uneducated observation that my LH FSH fell slowly to -0- even at these high doses. Everyone is different. Is it possible that very small doses can be taken periodically in concert with other steps to increase natural T? The answer to that depends upon how quickly the HPT axis reaches suppression. No one here is going to recommend that though.

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