Does anyone use a sleep tracker?

Notice in the video linked (which I've heard elsewhere) Oura has been awful at tracking heart-rate tracking which is the base of everything else important: HRV, RHR, etc.

and I guess y'all don't weight train, but a metal ring on your finger at all times during bench, deadlift, etc. weightlifting doesn't work in my experience.

I'll point out (I'm biased cause I love whoop) that whoop's tech is fantastic but also the analysis and recommendations are what I think really sets it apart.
Notice in the video linked (which I've heard elsewhere) Oura has been awful at tracking heart-rate tracking which is the base of everything else important: HRV, RHR, etc.

and I guess y'all don't weight train, but a metal ring on your finger at all times during bench, deadlift, etc. weightlifting doesn't work in my experience.

I'll point out (I'm biased cause I love whoop) that whoop's tech is fantastic but also the analysis and recommendations are what I think really sets it apart.
that is really the downside of wearing a ring! I bought it mainly for sleep tracking. I might get a Whoop to compare. I do have the Apple Watch too but not really for sleep tracking IMO.
I guess I am doing better. Fired both of my cardiologists over this and went to a vascular surgeon. He did an extensive ultra sound of both legs, the right was very swollen. He found a sizable DVT in my swollen leg. He was absolutely shocked that a cardiologist would not quickly recognize what the problem was. I am still taking Metoprolol but am now also on Eloquis 2 times a day. Absolutely no irregular heart rate detected and after my 1st week visit, ultra sound showed the huge clot was opening up and dissolving. The swelling is mostly gone now. I have another appointment in August. Other than that.....I am feeling good and back in the gym training again. Resting heart rate average is about 58 every day.

Had I not been wearing this watch, I might not have notice the tachycardia. Now I monitor it daily. Thanks for you concern Readalot!
My pleasure @BigTex and I am glad you are doing better. Your story is insane with the missed DVT. So glad you found a competent provider to help you. Keep up the great work in the gym.

With my recent arrhythmia I started using the wearable tech as well. Very useful data from the HRV tracker.

Best wishes.
I plan on getting my PCP to write me a prescription so I can order a mobile EKG That will sync with my Omron blood pressure monitor. All of the data can be emailed to my doctor. Insurance will pay for this medical device. My wife says she believes my Fitbit watch saved my life or I might not have noticed the tachycardia and irregular heart rate.

I plan on getting my PCP to write me a prescription so I can order a mobile EKG That will sync with my Omron blood pressure monitor. All of the data can be emailed to my doctor. Insurance will pay for this medical device. My wife says she believes my Fitbit watch saved my life or I might not have noticed the tachycardia and irregular heart rate.

20 bucks more go for the 6 lead. Incredible! I have been looking at these for a few years but haven't taken the plunge.

Yea, I may go with the 6 lead. Heck these are medical devices. Readalot, I have seen them but never thought for a minute that I would ever need one.
I hear you. I was on top of the world 2.5 yrs ago when I had my first bout of afib at 2 AM. Paramedics on the ambulance ride were like whoa dude where do you work out? I thought to myself is this real? Am I really going to die on this ride being admired by two dudes? Right about then I went vtach at 220 bpm which ain't good when you are in afib. One paramedic got a real scared look on his face and called in to hospital to code me and were about to hit me with adenosine which is a no-no with afib I learned later. But at the time I had an instinct to avoid the shot given my paranoid nature.

I told them no and sat up and started Valsalva and breathing and got the ventricles calmed down. Was able to self convert the afib to sinus in the ER an hour later.

2.5 yrs later and it is still with me mentally but trying to work through latest arrythmia issues and being bounced around advice wise on using T. Listened to cardiologist back in Feb and went off T. Well wouldn't you know my T4 to T3 conversion went to hell (I have Hashimotos) which really started messing with my thyroid values. TSH went to 20 with fT4 high and fT3 below range. Here comes the atrial tachycardia. So now I am back on T and trying to crank it back to 90% of pre heart issues.

Good talking with you Brother and wish you the best and health!
2.5 yrs later and it is still with me mentally but trying to work through latest arrythmia issues and being bounced around advice wise on using T. Listened to cardiologist back in Feb and went off T. Well wouldn't you know my T4 to T3 conversion went to hell (I have Hashimotos) which really started messing with my thyroid values. TSH went to 20 with fT4 high and fT3 below range. Here comes the atrial tachycardia. So now I am back on T and trying to crank it back to 90% of pre heart issues.

Good talking with you Brother and wish you the best and health!
Wow a TSH of 20! I don't know much about Hashi's. Shall I assume that supplementing thyroid is contra-indicated? And you are going to try a low dose T regimen?
WOW! That is a scary story. I guess I was the same, I was concerned but it didn't seem real when a vascular surgeon told me how close I could be to death. . Good luck with the Afib! Always good talking with you Readalot.
WOW! That is a scary story. I guess I was the same, I was concerned but it didn't seem real when a vascular surgeon told me how close I could be to death. . Good luck with the Afib! Always good talking with you Readalot.
So IIRC your tachycardia during training was eventually determined to be caused by training with the DVT? HR back to normal expected values at rest and training now?

I have had some very strange stuff going in last few months where even trying to hoist modest weight (I am talking silly weight like 100 lb dumbbells on flat bench) for 5 reps causes HR to shoot up and then I get this panic/dysautonomia type feeling with dizziness. Trying to deconvolute the heart from mind. Cardiologist thinks the plumbing is fine but when I went to ER they did a crappy CT and didn't image the pulmonary arteries properly. Don't think PE was ever properly ruled out. Echo looked ok. Dang this is frustrating. Since COVID first came out none of this makes sense anymore . You get used to your body being able to do certain things.

Thanks BigTex.
So IIRC your tachycardia during training was eventually determined to be caused by training with the DVT? HR back to normal expected values at rest and training now?

I have had some very strange stuff going in last few months where even trying to hoist modest weight (I am talking silly weight like 100 lb dumbbells on flat bench) for 5 reps causes HR to shoot up and then I get this panic/dysautonomia type feeling with dizziness. Trying to deconvolute the heart from mind. Cardiologist thinks the plumbing is fine but when I went to ER they did a crappy CT and didn't image the pulmonary arteries properly. Don't think PE was ever properly ruled out. Echo looked ok. Dang this is frustrating. Since COVID first came out none of this makes sense anymore . You get used to your body being able to do certain things.

Thanks BigTex.
Not to mention the hassle and expense of all these MD appointments and diagnostic work. What a pain
So IIRC your tachycardia during training was eventually determined to be caused by training with the DVT? HR back to normal expected values at rest and training now?

I have had some very strange stuff going in last few months where even trying to hoist modest weight (I am talking silly weight like 100 lb dumbbells on flat bench) for 5 reps causes HR to shoot up and then I get this panic/dysautonomia type feeling with dizziness. Trying to deconvolute the heart from mind. Cardiologist thinks the plumbing is fine but when I went to ER they did a crappy CT and didn't image the pulmonary arteries properly. Don't think PE was ever properly ruled out. Echo looked ok. Dang this is frustrating. Since COVID first came out none of this makes sense anymore . You get used to your body being able to do certain things.

Thanks BigTex.
My new cardiologist agreed with my PCP, that there is a possibility that a very small piece of the clot broke off and cause a minor pulmonary embolism. He wanted to do a lung scan but I said no. Reason being is it didn't matter since the treatment will be the same. I have no shortness of breath and very good lung capacity. The irregular heart rate is gone. I took my blood pressure this morning and my resting heart rate was 50 BPM. He is going to ween me off the metoprolol next visit. I did have symptoms of a PE at the same time I had tachycardia and the leg swelling. I has a dry cough and shortness of breath. I assumed it was the metoprolol I was taking that my wife had but did report this to a cardiologist that I fired later on.

Readalot, shortly after all of this crap was discovered, my whole family came down with Covid. I think it was the BA 5 variation of Omicron. We did not get tested as it would not have done anything to help, we could have still been sick and needed to treat it and get rest. I could care a less about being a statistic. My wife got it worse that I did she had a 101 fever for days. I had aches and pain for a day, felt no energy for 2 weeks, a dry cough, NO fever at all and a slight runny nose. I had an appetite the whole time. So, I stayed at home for 5 days and missed the gym for 2 weeks and have had no further symptoms. I have had colds that were worse. None of us are vaccinated and will not be and we did take Ivermectin and HCQ, plus Doxycycline. The first question my vascular surgeon asked me was "did you get the covid vaccine."

Anyway, I got a $150 bill from this cardiologist that scheduled me a nuclear stress test despite seeing plainly that I had a swollen leg, pain and experienced tachycardia. A 1st year nursing student should have easily recognized this as a possible DVT. I asked some nursing students at work to check, they were 8 weeks students. So my response is I filed a complain with the Texas Medical Board for incompetence. I have phone records of me trying for 3 days to cancel this test as it might have killed me to stress the heart to max. I was specifically told by the vascular surgeon not to do this. Yet this cardiologist insisted. I am most likely going to contact an attorney Monday morning. I didn't want do this but have been force into a corner now over $150. This idiot also charged my insurance company $2200 for his ridiculous misdiagnose and an EKG, I had one a week before and gave him the results. He only got $660 which was way too much.
None of us are vaccinated and will not be and we did take Ivermectin and HCQ, plus Doxycycline. The first question my vascular surgeon asked me was "did you get the covid vaccine."
2 questions for you:
Why was your doctor interested in whether you were vaxxed?
Where did you get the Ivermectin and HCQ from?
2 questions for you:
Why was your doctor interested in whether you were vaxxed?
Where did you get the Ivermectin and HCQ from?
The vax has been show to cause clots. In fact, I had a vascular surgeon, 2 cardiologists and my PCP ask about the vaccine. When I said NO, all o them said good. My vascular surgeon has more to day but cut himself off. I guess he preferred to keep his comments private. I certainly understand that.

I get lot so of medications from India. We stocked up on both in January 2020, long before it because controversial.
I wonder how good I actually sleep. I'm thinking of buying a tracker to measure my sleep. Any recommendations?
Apple watch will connect to a sleep app on your phone. I used it for free for a week to determine what I already suspected; around 5 hours of actual sleep in an 8 hour bedtime with waking events and snoring continuously.

Fascinating to get an actual chart with averages and details. After the free period it was something lke 19.99 per month.

BUT, it did clarify some things for me about next steps.
The vax has been show to cause clots. In fact, I had a vascular surgeon, 2 cardiologists and my PCP ask about the vaccine. When I said NO, all o them said good. My vascular surgeon has more to day but cut himself off. I guess he preferred to keep his comments private. I certainly understand that.
I am not a fan of the COVID vaccines for a lot of reasons, the clot factor being a big one. Some people are calling them the "clot shot". So I had wondered what your doc's impression of them would be. Doctors are having their license to practice threatened by talking down the shots. It takes some bravery to speak out about them. Your team seems to be looking out for your best interest.
Yea, it does take come bravery. We have already had a doctor here (Dr. Stella Immanuel) in Houston be brought before the medical board and another one lost his job I think with Baylor College of Medicine, though he (Dr. Peter McCullough) is one of the most published physicians in the USA. My vascular surgeon did say the shot was "evil". Tried to get his reasoning and he chose to not say anything else. We both did tell him we will not be getting one ever. Well my team is 2 cardiologist shorter as I fired both of them and filed a complain with the state medical board for negligence on one of them. Just got a new cardiologist last week. Doctors here for the large part only care about how much money they can make.
Yea, it does take come bravery. We have already had a doctor here (Dr. Stella Immanuel) in Houston be brought before the medical board and another one lost his job I think with Baylor College of Medicine, though he (Dr. Peter McCullough) is one of the most published physicians in the USA. My vascular surgeon did say the shot was "evil". Tried to get his reasoning and he chose to not say anything else. We both did tell him we will not be getting one ever. Well my team is 2 cardiologist shorter as I fired both of them and filed a complain with the state medical board for negligence on one of them. Just got a new cardiologist last week. Doctors here for the large part only care about how much money they can make.
BTW, is the Indian pharma you used still online and available? I just submitted an order to using a one time credit card. After the order went thru I got a message from PAYOFIX.COM that they needed to talk to me about some complication w/ the order. Sounded sketchy to me so I deactivated the one time card before they could charge me.

But now I'm looking for a pharma to get the Ivermectin from.
BTW, is the Indian pharma you used still online and available? I just submitted an order to using a one time credit card. After the order went thru I got a message from PAYOFIX.COM that they needed to talk to me about some complication w/ the order. Sounded sketchy to me so I deactivated the one time card before they could charge me.

But now I'm looking for a pharma to get the Ivermectin from.
I get Ivermectin from Reliable RX.
The Oura ring, by most accounts, is the best sleep tracker. Matthew Walker, who is arguably the world's leading sleep expert, is an adviser to the company. I've used one since the company was launched.

Interestingly, I also wear the Amazon Halo, which also tracks sleep, and the two trackers rarely agree. But like a body fat scale, you can at least see trends even if the measurements are inexact.

I find that sleeping in a cold room, and using a mattress cooling device (like the ChiliSleep device, which I use and set at 65 degrees), is a big help with sleep, especially deep sleep (which is my weak point).
What makes Oura better than others for sleep tracking? I have tried to use fitness watches and never took to them for some reason.

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