Does Anyone Lose Sensitivity While Taking An ED Drug?


Active Member
Been on TRT 4.5 years. I have tried numerous protocols to get EVERYTHING working properly... Sexual function and also an ambitious mind. It seems like when I have a lively mind... I don't desire sex.... when I lose ambition and focus... I want sex more... but the electricity and plumbing never work together.

How should I word this?

I'm currently experiencing a major loss in sensitivity while taking 100mg of Viagra. It's the worst severely noticeable difference ever in my life. It's so bad... that I can't even stay hard while on Viagra. Also playing with my mind a bit and it's annoying. Before anyone jumps in and says show us labs... oh it's how much Test cyp you're taking a week. Oh wait... its definitely your E2. Oh wait... your RBC is definitely too high. Because not to sound rude we're aren't doctors nor do even doctors know everything either. Point being... when is it actual depression... and what drug will help with ED? Now don't get me wrong... I've read a few threads indicating that some depression medication actually can cause ED. But is there anything out there... that would actually help? Or will it help for 2-3 weeks and then start to fail? And then you have to live life dependent on depression meds? Which I don't want. Here's what I do know... and I apologize if this thread gets long...

1. Protocol 1. Taking 140mg of Test Cyp. I've taken 70 mg every 3.5 days for about 4 months. I've also taken 40mg every other day for about 4 months. I would say mentally my mind is super strong. I can process things quickly and I have a zest for life. My Free Test would be considered mid normal slightly approaching into the above normal range on most labs. My sexual function would be considered poor. Not really any desire for sex. Really couldn't maintain an erection. Viagra sometimes works. But again... my real concern is zero sensitivity. I have to donate blood almost every 58 days on this plan. Yes, it sucks. And its very hard to manage iron levels. I seem to be ok 10 days after donation... back to normal. I have tried this without an AI for 4 months and also with an AI. Had the E2 dialed in 3 different labs ranging from 20-32. During this time... as I remember the sensitivity wasn't spectacular. Still annoying and not where I'd like it to be. The only good news is... my mind was razor sharp and very alert.

2. I've taken 120 mg of test cyp a week for about 4 months. I've taken 100 mg of test cyp for 4 months. Also 82 mg of test cyp for 4 months. You'd think I would still be more mentally alert while lowering the dosage? I lose ambition... I get brain fog. And no real interest in sex. Yes, RBC is much more manageable. But I walked around like a zombie during this period. Furthermore, while talking around 82mg of Test Cyp a week my low point Test Score was 456. Typically when I'm taking around 140mg a week my Test Score (low point) is about 1002. I would imagine my high point would be around 1400-1500.

Why is there much more mental clarity with higher dosages of Test Cyp? I just feel much more LIVELY! If there was a way to keep my mental rate and zest for life the way it is now... on a lower dose of Test Cyp... I would do it in a heartbeat. What other drugs could you take? Why are my doctors not looking into this? I have stressed this to my PCP and my Endo several times... and they look at me crazy. All they do is laugh at me and say... just understand you're getting "older" it happens. Learn to enjoy being older. That's what they say to me.

Keep in mind at around 38 years old I noticed an ED problem. I had no idea I had low testosterone. My score checked in at 195. I was retested and it came in at 203. While this was happening... I couldn't concentrate on one thing for more than 5 minutes. I was irritable. I'd lose focus within minutes. Even though testosterone levels have been restored... the ED never went away. Feels like it's worse. My PCP hinted that I was depressed. I don't feel I have anything to be depressed about. My doctor prescribed me Escitalopram 5mg once a day. She said just take it for 2 weeks and see if you feel better. I never took it... and it's still sitting in front of me 3 years later. If I took this drug would it have fixed my ED issue? Or would have my life became worse?

A quick run down of my medical history... I have tried oral steroids on and off for about 4 years of my life. Nothing too extreme... 10-20 mg everyday of different substances... on for 8 weeks... and then off. Then I'd start again 6 months later... and do another 8 weeks. Sometimes it would just be for 3-4 weeks. Then I'd come off. Typically sex was amazing while taking the oral steroids. Sensitivity was perfect. Solid erections. Incredible horniness. Could have sex quickly... and reload with no issues... this was back when I was 32-34. Again... did an oral steroid cycle around 37... got off.... and it took 4 months for me to feel "regular" again. That's when the sh## hit the fan. I never fully recovered. I had no idea I was extremely low on Testosterone. Never used any pain killers... non smoker my whole life... no other recreational drugs... average like 2-3 drinks of alcohol a year. Never diagnosed with any anxiety disorder... nothing. Typically a very calm demeanor.

So fellas... what could be the issue? Any ideas? What should I look into? I have tried HCG... I've tried 250IU the day after a test injection... I have also tried 500IU the day after an injection... basically 500-1000IU's a week... For the first 2-3 injections.. there's a noticeable difference in sensitivity... but then... after about 2-3 weeks the sensitivity is lost. Doesn't work anymore. Like I get immune to the HCG just like that? Odd. I truly believe once you lose your sexual confidence... it also becomes a "mental game" and you start losing confidence in your ability. It's like a double edged sword. You now have to fix the sexual function physically... and the sexual function "mentally".... I would of never believed it... but it's the truth. It plays with your mind.

I want to give Nelson Vergel a shout out.... absolute fantastic work in developing this website and all the posts that he makes that direct you to an easy solution to multiple problems. Unfortunately... I believe I fall into a category in which I have a more severe issue. I wish it was an easy fix... but in my case it isn't. I'm very thankful that my mind still works well. It wasn't working well when my testosterone was low. Even though I've lost the desire for sex.... I'm happy that life isn't totally lost... and my mind still works rather well. Again, I can't reemphasize enough... that in my case... lower mg of testosterone injections a week does something mentally to me. I simply can't function. Makes me a lot slower. If there was a way to have an amazing sex life... and a high capacity mind again (both together...) it would be priceless. That feeling of being 18-22 again.... I definitely took it for granted.
I'm currently experiencing a major loss in sensitivity while taking 100mg of Viagra.
Viagra and Cialis relies on nitric oxide, without it these ED drugs cannot work.
And its very hard to manage iron levels.
I’m personally dealing with low ferritin, after the shop I get my iron screwed up their order for more, after switching iron brands, my ferritin levels plummeted and Cialis stop working.

After two months back on the iron now that it’s back in stock, things are starting to work downstairs again.

Healthy iron is also needed for these ED drugs to work.
Been on TRT 4.5 years. I have tried numerous protocols to get EVERYTHING working properly... Sexual function and also an ambitious mind. It seems like when I have a lively mind... I don't desire sex.... when I lose ambition and focus... I want sex more... but the electricity and plumbing never work together.

How should I word this?

I'm currently experiencing a major loss in sensitivity while taking 100mg of Viagra. It's the worst severely noticeable difference ever in my life. It's so bad... that I can't even stay hard while on Viagra. Also playing with my mind a bit and it's annoying. Before anyone jumps in and says show us labs... oh it's how much Test cyp you're taking a week. Oh wait... its definitely your E2. Oh wait... your RBC is definitely too high. Because not to sound rude we're aren't doctors nor do even doctors know everything either. Point being... when is it actual depression... and what drug will help with ED? Now don't get me wrong... I've read a few threads indicating that some depression medication actually can cause ED. But is there anything out there... that would actually help? Or will it help for 2-3 weeks and then start to fail? And then you have to live life dependent on depression meds? Which I don't want. Here's what I do know... and I apologize if this thread gets long...

1. Protocol 1. Taking 140mg of Test Cyp. I've taken 70 mg every 3.5 days for about 4 months. I've also taken 40mg every other day for about 4 months. I would say mentally my mind is super strong. I can process things quickly and I have a zest for life. My Free Test would be considered mid normal slightly approaching into the above normal range on most labs. My sexual function would be considered poor. Not really any desire for sex. Really couldn't maintain an erection. Viagra sometimes works. But again... my real concern is zero sensitivity. I have to donate blood almost every 58 days on this plan. Yes, it sucks. And its very hard to manage iron levels. I seem to be ok 10 days after donation... back to normal. I have tried this without an AI for 4 months and also with an AI. Had the E2 dialed in 3 different labs ranging from 20-32. During this time... as I remember the sensitivity wasn't spectacular. Still annoying and not where I'd like it to be. The only good news is... my mind was razor sharp and very alert.

2. I've taken 120 mg of test cyp a week for about 4 months. I've taken 100 mg of test cyp for 4 months. Also 82 mg of test cyp for 4 months. You'd think I would still be more mentally alert while lowering the dosage? I lose ambition... I get brain fog. And no real interest in sex. Yes, RBC is much more manageable. But I walked around like a zombie during this period. Furthermore, while talking around 82mg of Test Cyp a week my low point Test Score was 456. Typically when I'm taking around 140mg a week my Test Score (low point) is about 1002. I would imagine my high point would be around 1400-1500.

Why is there much more mental clarity with higher dosages of Test Cyp? I just feel much more LIVELY! If there was a way to keep my mental rate and zest for life the way it is now... on a lower dose of Test Cyp... I would do it in a heartbeat. What other drugs could you take? Why are my doctors not looking into this? I have stressed this to my PCP and my Endo several times... and they look at me crazy. All they do is laugh at me and say... just understand you're getting "older" it happens. Learn to enjoy being older. That's what they say to me.

Keep in mind at around 38 years old I noticed an ED problem. I had no idea I had low testosterone. My score checked in at 195. I was retested and it came in at 203. While this was happening... I couldn't concentrate on one thing for more than 5 minutes. I was irritable. I'd lose focus within minutes. Even though testosterone levels have been restored... the ED never went away. Feels like it's worse. My PCP hinted that I was depressed. I don't feel I have anything to be depressed about. My doctor prescribed me Escitalopram 5mg once a day. She said just take it for 2 weeks and see if you feel better. I never took it... and it's still sitting in front of me 3 years later. If I took this drug would it have fixed my ED issue? Or would have my life became worse?

A quick run down of my medical history... I have tried oral steroids on and off for about 4 years of my life. Nothing too extreme... 10-20 mg everyday of different substances... on for 8 weeks... and then off. Then I'd start again 6 months later... and do another 8 weeks. Sometimes it would just be for 3-4 weeks. Then I'd come off. Typically sex was amazing while taking the oral steroids. Sensitivity was perfect. Solid erections. Incredible horniness. Could have sex quickly... and reload with no issues... this was back when I was 32-34. Again... did an oral steroid cycle around 37... got off.... and it took 4 months for me to feel "regular" again. That's when the sh## hit the fan. I never fully recovered. I had no idea I was extremely low on Testosterone. Never used any pain killers... non smoker my whole life... no other recreational drugs... average like 2-3 drinks of alcohol a year. Never diagnosed with any anxiety disorder... nothing. Typically a very calm demeanor.

So fellas... what could be the issue? Any ideas? What should I look into? I have tried HCG... I've tried 250IU the day after a test injection... I have also tried 500IU the day after an injection... basically 500-1000IU's a week... For the first 2-3 injections.. there's a noticeable difference in sensitivity... but then... after about 2-3 weeks the sensitivity is lost. Doesn't work anymore. Like I get immune to the HCG just like that? Odd. I truly believe once you lose your sexual confidence... it also becomes a "mental game" and you start losing confidence in your ability. It's like a double edged sword. You now have to fix the sexual function physically... and the sexual function "mentally".... I would of never believed it... but it's the truth. It plays with your mind.

I want to give Nelson Vergel a shout out.... absolute fantastic work in developing this website and all the posts that he makes that direct you to an easy solution to multiple problems. Unfortunately... I believe I fall into a category in which I have a more severe issue. I wish it was an easy fix... but in my case it isn't. I'm very thankful that my mind still works well. It wasn't working well when my testosterone was low. Even though I've lost the desire for sex.... I'm happy that life isn't totally lost... and my mind still works rather well. Again, I can't reemphasize enough... that in my case... lower mg of testosterone injections a week does something mentally to me. I simply can't function. Makes me a lot slower. If there was a way to have an amazing sex life... and a high capacity mind again (both together...) it would be priceless. That feeling of being 18-22 again.... I definitely took it for granted.
what ramped my libido up high, among many others:
- low carb/carnivore diet.
- daily Tprop instead of Cyp (at 30mg/day)
- 3x1000IU HCG

beyond that, it is a purely mental for me. the following items play a role:
- self perceived level of worth/attractiveness
- work/life stress
- being overall motivated

ED drugs, like cialis, make it worse for me as they reduce sensitivity. natural NO booster like citruline are much better.
if you have no obvious reasons for this problem, mental issues are mostly the key
To answer your first question, yes, loss of sensitivity is a side effect for me (and I believe others) when using ED drugs. Sticking to the subject of sildenafil, keep in mind that it works best on an empty stomach and taking it with food can greatly reduce or eliminate its positive effects. Also, I have found that the quality of generics varies GREATLY. I've taken 100 mg generics that don't work nearly as well as a lesser dose of the brand name version. Personally, arginine and citrulline never helped me and activates my herpes simplex virus in large doses, but it won't hurt you to give them a try.
How should I word this?

I'm currently experiencing a major loss in sensitivity while taking 100mg of Viagra.
To answer your questions definitely and authoritatively, yes, I think that maybe I lost sensitivity using PDE5-i.

Obviously, hard to say, but I started cialis 5 mg daily for BPH many years ago. after a while, I started lasting longer, then too long. I can't say for sure, because the longer I took it, the older I got, so we have what may be considered confounding variables. I was not on TRT or any other thing, just Cialis. It happened after a few years of using it. Sensitivity improved shortly during my first HCG run, it's never been the same.

My hypothesis, it all has to do with estradiol. I don't want to start world war, but I think that in most people estradiol has to be between a narrow margin (inverted U curve) and values that are too low or too high cause symptoms. Perhaps the curve is flatter for some people and more pronounced in others, and that's while some people "let it ride" but a still there are diminished returns at some point. PDE5-i and cialis in particular is known to change the T/E2 ratio mainly by reducing Estradiol. The second part of my hypothesis is that while using HCG the first time, somehow while in flux, the values of E2, T, FT, DHT, etc hit the perfect spot at the same time (about 3 weeks) similarly to when the stars align and everything is fine. Or maybe it was that the starts aligned and that's why everything was fine.

Low estradiol is associated with delayed ejaculation (less sensitivity?)

Exogenous HCG is known to increase estradiol in males. After using it for a while, it may have compensated for the decrease caused by cialis, but after continuous use the increase in estradiol may lead to erectyle disfunction

It seems you can't win.

I have not found the cure... just yet.

Good luck.
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So, doing the math, you are now 42 ish? Age is a factor in penile sensitivity and overall sexual function, that is a fact that often just gets overlooked. I sympathize with your frustration, the same way I have sympathized with the hundreds of other guys over the years with the same story. You are not alone.

I won't go into HCG, E2 or any of the other similar subjects as they have been discussed ad nauseum and are easily searched.

I'll give you a bit of a new direction to pursue. The things that have worked for me, and worked well are nothing new per se, but for whatever reason, they seem to be overlooked. These have been discussed here of late, so you may peruse the other threads that have these topics.

1. Selegeline. Low dose Selegeline is a potent MAO-B reuptake inhibitor. It keeps dopamine levels higher by binding to the enzyme that degrades it. Dopamine is key to your libido and overall sexual function.

2. Ipamorelin. HGH levels decline with age and Ipamorelin is an excellent and effective way to increase HGH levels. It is even more effective when combined with MOD GRF 1-29. It is very safe, zero side effects and quite possibly one of the best peptides ever made.

3. DHT. You didn't mention whether or not you are testing your DHT levels. DHT is the libido hormone. Testosterone's only real role in libido is to convert to DHT to be utilized for that and other manly functions. DHT is the alpha male hormone.

At 66, I am now enjoying some of the best energy, clarity, motivation and sexual function I have had since I was in my 20's. My skin, hair, lean muscle mass and overall mojo have improved tremendously.

So, if you want to discuss these topics further, I will be happy to accommodate you with all of the information I have. If your frustration has reached a boiling point and you just want to bite everyone who tries to help, I'll wish you good luck and move on. There are some very smart people on this forum who can help you navigate your way to some answers.
Thank you fellas for all the posts. Great information. Today was the first day I read all of your messages. Again, I thank you for your time and input. I've been very frustrated... and haven't logged on.

The one thing I've noticed which is quite interesting why is it.... every time about 1-2 hours right after a blood donation my libido sky rockets? I've donated blood 17 times so far. I can only remember one time my libido didn't increase after a donation. 16 out of 17 times... my libido rapidly increased. Now mind you... naturally I do feel sluggish around the 8th hour after a donation... but why does the libido increase rapidly? Why does losing blood increase libido? Absolutely makes zero sense to me.

Anyone know the science on this?

I have tried the L-Citrulline 1,500mg. It did increase blood flow. I experienced a monster headache afterwards. I do believe it was beneficial. It seems every time I try something that works positively... there's always a side effect in which is unbearable. I'm going to try a lower dose in the future and hopefully it doesn't cause a headache.
Thank you fellas for all the posts. Great information. Today was the first day I read all of your messages. Again, I thank you for your time and input. I've been very frustrated... and haven't logged on.

The one thing I've noticed which is quite interesting why is it.... every time about 1-2 hours right after a blood donation my libido sky rockets? I've donated blood 17 times so far. I can only remember one time my libido didn't increase after a donation. 16 out of 17 times... my libido rapidly increased. Now mind you... naturally I do feel sluggish around the 8th hour after a donation... but why does the libido increase rapidly? Why does losing blood increase libido? Absolutely makes zero sense to me.

Anyone know the science on this?

I have tried the L-Citrulline 1,500mg. It did increase blood flow. I experienced a monster headache afterwards. I do believe it was beneficial. It seems every time I try something that works positively... there's always a side effect in which is unbearable. I'm going to try a lower dose in the future and hopefully it doesn't cause a headache.
did the lady who pinned you maybe give you a boner
Why does losing blood increase libido?
Fluid loss, TRT increases fluid retention via increased sodium reabsorption/kidneys. Right after my blood donations, I would get increased libido and erectile strength for a couple hours, which was temporary.

The cause is fluid loss and Cialis cured it by restoring my strong urine stream.

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